Monday, July 7, 2008

Dum Spiro Spero

Alabama and Mississippi take a lot of heat for their self-perpetuating low commitment to education. It’s one thing to be poor and proud—which they also are—quite another to be poorly educated and proud to keep that tradition alive in public schools.

But, it was neither of those states that came to my attention this morning; it was South Carolina. Working at my desk, I was busy nailing into my electronic manuscript all the evidence I’d found years ago in Charleston, SC of how the South, especially South Carolinians, had started the Civil War to preserve their homosexual lifestyle. OK, maybe I was deluded, but as I’ve mentioned before, I’m working on the memoir of my stint as a serious, certified nut case.

So there I was writing, and the story of South Carolina’s latest shenanigans popped up on CNN online. I have to say, the state’s motto, Dum Spiro Spero, sounds more appropriate in the Latin than in its translation: While I Breathe, I Hope.

Well, I hope too, but only they can .

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