Monday, September 27, 2010

The Face of the CIA in Puerto Vallarta, exposed!

Dear Sinead O'Day.

I am far beyond shocked that I would EVER have to write such a letter (email) to a US Consular agent SWORN to protect the interests of the United States of America. But you, by your words, actions, and apparent inactions, have caused me to do exactly that. I HOPE I am in error (which I sometimes am), and that you will not take this missive as a personal attack. We haven’t met in person, but you seem like a nice person, and I have nothing against you -- other than that you put the interests of George HW Bush’s CIA ahead of those of the United States Government and “We, the People.”

This was your choice. I am only explaining what I have come to understand, and, again, I hope I am wrong and have to apologize to you for my error.

I will not build my case against you here. It is detailed in my blog if you read deep enough. Most of this evidence against you I have copied you on via email. I do not keep secrets and never am harmed by keeping my adversaries fully and truthfully informed of my ideas, intentions, and actions. Generally, this strategy has caused them to second guess me and trip all over each other and make errors, quickly proving my points.

Basically, you have done everything in your power to scare me about the consequences of living in Mexico with no money, and have offered the US Government’s (or the CIA’s) financial support to return home to the US and get psychiatric help. You have not met me and have no credentials to diagnose me in any case. You have quietly pressured me to do this. Repeatedly. Or at least, this is how I’ve read your communications.

You have refused to answer my email of a week or so ago asking where my new passport is. I handed over my temp passport with acceptable photos to have a permanent replacement made back on 20 August 2010. I have the receipt to prove this (although you CIA people are crafty: you give receipts that fade from warmth, so parts of the printing have disappeared from view -- but enough remains to see. HA! Gotcha Daddy Bush!!!)

I was told by the staff in the Consulate and also read online on the State Department’s site two months ago, that normally, this process takes UP TO three weeks. You wrote later to me that it could take up to a month. It has now been five weeks, and you have refused to answer my question. Normally, you reply to me quite promptly -- even when you are not on duty.

In the email in which you pushed the hardest to get me to come back to the US to get under some serious mental health “help,” you said you could get me a temporary passport within a few days. At that time, my permanent passport (by your office’s claims of time expectations) should have been ready within a week.

And you said it like you expected I might have some urgency about going to the US. You read me wrong. It is the CIA’s urgency to assassinate me or put me on heavy drugs. Remember: I published the email from Lee Gosney on my blog in which he wrote that Congressman John Linder’s boss had ordered my assassination. Was that Dick Cheney? Do you know?

It might have been my mother. She’ll do ANYTHING to fuck Jews or gays. She murdered her own brother with Lithium so he’d die a very painful death from slow decay caused by chemically-induced diabetes. Mom had told me Bob had to be kept at above 1.5 (0.15?) lithium level. That is a good bit above what is accepted as therapeutic and 1.5 is the level where Lithium becomes toxic (if it doesn’t actually become toxic at 1.0).

So I am betting that you never turned my temp passport in for processing because:

You did not believe I would live for three weeks. You had inside info on the plans for my assassination.
Best to have no record in the State Department that I had tried to get a replacement passport -- less evidence to have to erase.
Possibly (and I admit this is probably a stretch), the CIA makes fake temp passports and if you could get me onto one of those, no one would be able to really trace what the hell ever happened to me. Not as easily, anyway.

But later, you DID turn it in for processing. You saw that you might have underestimated me, and had better cover your ass. I’m betting that you turned it in about two weeks after I gave the Consulate my temp. If it really does take three weeks to process (as advertised), then it should be ready today. A two week delay is not too suspicious -- unless some jerk gets fed up with his government being corrupted by the CIA, and insists on an investigation.

That would be me.

I need to see records proving exactly when my temp passport was sent to be processed into a full passport.



I wish you the best in your exciting CIA career! I doubt the State Department will have much further use for you, but all this and that said, I hope I am wrong and if proven to be wrong, I will high-tail it to your office ASAP to apologize in person and write all those I copy and blind-copy this email -- including your boss, Secretary Clinton, and her boss, the President (and some of his advisors).

I will post this email on my blog -- if the CIA does not prevent my computer from functioning properly when I connect to the internet this morning.

Best regards, and if possible, do reply today with a realistic estimate of how much longer I need to wait for my full passport.

All best,
Scott D. Kenan

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