Friday, November 19, 2010

Going after John Eastman

I sent my evidence about Mr. Eastman's complicity in the deaths of John Lennon and Tennessee Wiliams to my usual email list -- including 60 Minutes and Barach Obama's advisors earlier. For reasons unknown to me, it is at the moment IMPOSSIBLE to copy this text from Word or my email program on Hotmail into this form. Ususally, I can do it, but apparently, someone does not want me to do it.

Also given was the evidence that Jan Meyer was screwed by her sister Karen because Karen works with my mother and got her and her husband's debts paid off by a neighbor who was set up to LOOK LIKE they won a lottery. Actually, it was Momn's people paying them off for helping cover up the murder of her father, Robert J. Meyer DDS.

Her brother George gets the prize 777 pilot for United Airlines who is an accomplished and ground breaking author as well. He is pretending he is not gay like his Dad. That bitch was despicable to me in private emails after we met at the Meyer family reunion, summer 2009.

Michael Remer is trying to set up John Eastman to take the full blame for stealing Tennessee Williams' royalties -- and hey folks -- why has no one explained yet what happened to the royalties in USSR that could not be taken out back then? Tennessee claimed they were greater than what he had earned in the States!!!

I'll post the letter later if I can.


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