Thursday, December 9, 2010

All my ID stolen

Well, here in Paradise, not all is exactly perfect. LOL!!!

My car was just broken into on Calle Conucopia, aka Easy Street, right at the beach in Conchas Chinas -- the best address on the south side of Puerto Vallarta. Nothing of value was taken – not the $400.00 usd aftermarket radio, although the stuff in the empty space compartment was moved around. They only took my soft briefcase and my jeans, which contained my wallet.

They got every single piece of ID that I own: passport, visa, driver’s licence (copy, only. Original stolen months ago with my $575.00 usd Invicta watch by a thief working in conjunction with the manager-on-duty that early morning in the gambling casino in “Liverpool” mall. Reported on blog back then.), photo local library card.

But I DO have an “original” birth certificate where I’m staying, so that’s good. And while I was writing this, the librarian came up with a note saying someone found my wallet and he called them – so at least the library card is still in it. I’ll find a friend who can translate and ask him to call for me and then I can retrieve.

Then off to see the Consulate in the morning – after bumming sufficient gas to go round trip.

Earlier today, my mother absolutely refused to send a couple of hundred dollars to help me out. And she asked if I had a sore on my foot – AS IF I HADN’T COMPLAINED ABOUT IT A THOUSAND TIMES BEFORE. When I mentioned that, she asked which foot it is. She is not my mother. My mother is lost and some ALIEN FROM HELL has possessed Mom’s body. I simply don´t get her at all any more.

Again, she started in on the bit about taking “my medicine.” No doctor who’s seen me in the last two years has said I NEED medicine. The Georgia doctor stopped the Lithium and gave me voluntary 25 mg (super-minimal to help me sleep) something. Well, the bottle of that went with the briefcase. Dr. Mabrey here said I needed none.

She said if I come home and am put into a “program to help me with my medicine” and got on US Disability, they could help me a little – but NOT send me even 100.00 usd.

I told her to go to hell and stay there. I was so fed up I repeated (calmly) three times: “I condemn you. I condemn you. I condemn you.” And, surprisingly to me, finished with an entirely spontaneous flourish that shocked me almost as it escaped my lips: “Thus sayeth the Lord!”

Don´t know what to make of that. Doubt it’s truly a committable transgression as long as I continue to support myself, which I’m getting a lot better at.

And now to track down my wallet. Maybe some other ID still exists in it. The thief took his time. Left an empty pack of Fortune cigarettes in the fingers hole in arm rest of the drivers door.


1 comment:

Rigo A Grado said...

Hello Scott.
I found the passport few days ago,
i been trying to contact to you.
please give a call to 322 126 3528