Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Everything in Wilmington, NC is going GREAT!!!

Idea to balance the federal budget:

The corporation that bought up most of the privatized jails and prisons in the US is owned by the Cheney family. It takes three days to process paperwork to deport Mexicans and others, and a little longer to arrange transportation. However, I sopke with dozens of deported Mexicans while I was in Puerto Vallarta, and on average, they were transferred from jail to jail in the US for NINE MONTHS before being returned to Mexico.

Dick Cheney is bleeding the US taxpayers to enrich himself.

Idea to recoup the US budget deficit:

There was a law passed or court order in the last few years that allowed the IRS to get inside the secret records of off-shore banks that protected wealthy from paying the US taxes they owed. Our government did get taxes out of the least wealthy of these people, but stopped short of investigating the top ones.

It has been estimated (I came actross this three times) that if the top people were also investigated and made to pay their back taxes, $13 trillion would be raised.

This roughly equals the US debt.

I am NOT as confident of this as I am of the Cheney/prison scam info, but I'm sure it's worth looking into.

Cheers to the Lovers of Liberty!!!

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