Friday, June 24, 2011

Great Scot!!!

Quickkkly -- because I only have an hour on the Library computer:

1. Yesterday, District Attourney Benjamin David spoke to my Bud, Robbie, and told him I'm a liar and need to be on meds and/or in jail -- things that Ben David knows are untrue and which I can prove to be untrue in a Court of Law. The D.A. also apparently strong-armed Robbie, causing him to violate his alcohol detox and sit with "The Vultures" see video of this song which Robbie wrote and John Mayer recorded: . As a result, I had to spend an hour talking Robbie back to his senses and to resume his detox -- and -- several hours later when he got to his first AA meeting and was assigned a sponsor, he vomited blood and was taken to hospital where he still is. Robbie's body cannot tolerate ANY alcohol now, and he's been diagnosed with "Tennessee Williams Disease", (accute pancreatitis), which, thank God, is easy to control on safe, inexpensive drugs. I handled TW's "eating pills (Donatal and another drug TW described as "the sessicated pancreaus of a hawg." See more about this in my just-published book: .

2. I spoke with a few of Ben David's self-described close personal friends, who had previously been resistant to the truth. They now all agree that Ben and his brother OWN (or at least protect) narco-rafficking in Greater Wilmington, Port Wilmington being the port that accepts more illegal drugs by boat than any other seaport in the USA.

3.I have run into sevral people in the last few days who are willing to testify that they snorted coke with Ben David in recent years while he was D.A. (Is he still D.A.???)

4. Lee Gosney REALLY cooked his and Patrick Stansbury's goose, inadvertently (see yesterday's posting). The Goose is TOTALLY out of the oven-bag now!!! (I mean the leadership of the Republican Party and Fox News are FRIED -- would someone please send them the memo in language they can get their drug-addled minds to understand??? Thank you.)

5. I have now connected with all my first cousins in Wilmington and let them know the truth -- including how my mother blackmailed my father into marrying her so she could hide her swastikas behind the Kenan name by having Dad's male lover shot in the head and forcing Dad to choose between a nasty homo-lover murder and marrying her and it being declared a "Russian-Roulette Suicide." I have not checked old legal record, but Dad told this story (the cover one) many times when I was young -- and Mom agreed. Myb cousins are now in a period of adjustment, but cool.

6. I spoke to Mom today and veryb civilly told her I had done this, which she said I had no right to do (she did not try to deny what she cannot deny -- she still admits to the small pastel swastikas on the dinner plates in the 1950s and 60s and her daily beating of her children (but especially me). All my family acknowedge this, but say that I should be medicated to shut up and otherwise think there was nothing inappropriate about it.

7. My landlord, Ken Jernigan, kindly extended the time I have to get out of my apartment by a few days (given that Robbie is still recovering in hospital), so he has come through for me when push came to shove and I will defend his character against all comers and detractors he might ever find he has. The past is the past and just a great story now -- PRAISE JESUS!!!

All best to all,
Los Azteca Grande

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