Sunday, October 30, 2011

Email to Sean (his website wasn't working today)

Hi Sean,

I hope you and Ligia are doing well (it sure looks that way!!!) -- at least better than your email-input contact form, which is a bit quirky . . .

Anyway, I want to apologize again for the difficulties in the past, and let you know how pleased I was to see you are back up on the internet with improved materials!!!

Especially glad that you are using the domain I bought for you and gave you. I trust you are making good use of THE RED BOOK as well. I only point these out as they are such a SMALL token of appreciation for all that you, your work, and Ligia's love have been in my life as it has progressed since I was in Brazil.

The story of all that is long and as full of REAL difficulties (improbable as they might have appeared to most, earlier), and my own misunderstandings of things as I sought to sort the incredible tangle of real and unreal events in my life.

I hope the review I posted of your book is helpful and DRIVES SALES. I also hope your money-making ventures work well. I'm in a homeless shelter in Wilmington, NC now, but it is MUCH better than the week I lived under a bridge here or the three weeks on a concrete pad in the open. HA! A HORRID experience for a human -- but FABULOUS for a writer. And it's all just a story now . . .

And I'll make it into book(s).

I'm getting royalties for my Williams memoir on Amazon (electronic) now, and will soon do the paper as well. I recommend you consider Kindle edition for your book as well. With royalties at (since I'm posting this public, you need to do your own research, sorry) per sale. I doubt paper does as well.

Also, I'm getting better at getting donations from my blog. One guy (I have NO idea who he is, except he lives in Manhattan) sent me $260.00 last week. That said, I'm barely scraping by, but will soon sue my former employer for $34,000.00 which he still owes me for company stock buyback. He's a big Republican and thought he could get away with giving me only 10% of the $38,000.00 he owed me. Additionally, he sent me a lot of emails claiming I was a a sick homo and Jesus hated me and my sin. Unfortunately, he was working with Christal Presley who told my family a lot of lies about me and complicated things there ENORMOUSLY -- until my family caught Christal in her lies. I might sue Patrick (former employer) for additional damages. I hope to discuss all this with my attorney early this week.

Please see my blog to see what I posted about you and your book. Click the header to go to most current. Index to subjects is on right a couple of scrolls down. I'm getting as many as 1,000 hits to my blog per day now, although typical is 300-350 (weekdays). Getting about 25% hits from foreign countries.

Please drop me a note to let me know how you all are doing -- and give my love to Ligia.

All best,


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