Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fox News Email Hackers ATTACK My Supporter in NYC!!!

 (Surprisingly, perhaps, this is GOOD NEWS for scholars of Tennessee Williams . . .)


1. My parents and sister Jane spent most of yesterday with me -- and we might just have had the BEST time we've ever spent with each other!!! A TRUE healing. I give much credit to my two favorite spiritual advisors here in Wilmington: Father Bob of St. Mary's Parish and Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian (my own church). Special shout-out to Rev. Pete Brown, aka: The River (private joke). .

2. The first words I heard when I approached Mercy House Shelter last night came from the mouth  of the ever mysterious James Sharpe: "You're gonna need to change the name of your blog to 'The Weather OUT There'. Rev. James just got here with 12 pages of your blog printed out and he's kicking your ass OUT!!!"

Interesting, but I doubted it.

James Sharpe: "You said his son Xavier was embezzling money." No, I hadn't. WHY would James claim this??? "You're gonna pay, now . . ." Actually, that last sentence is not an EXACT quote. James having either NOT read my blog, lied, or proved he's (prescription) drug-addled -- I no longer was paying rapt attention, AND, I no longer believe James Sharpe takes illegal drugs at all, but he's got several diagnoses and takes several prescribed drugs that leave him either hyperactive or out-like-a-light.

Good Night, James Sharpe. You have rendered yourself irrelevant.

If Rev. James was actually on the premises, he was hiding -- and then he snuck out or vaporized -- NOT!!!

3. Two Mercy House residents said they knew EXACTLY whom I referred to at Good Shepherd Shelter when I reported the embezzlements James Sharpe had said caused his own church to stop their financial support -- but I DON'T remember the names. See: .

4. Several Mercy House residents have reported theft of cash while sleeping at night -- at least one each of the last four nights. One of $80.00, but last night only $8.00 (the trend, at least is in the right direction -- perhaps only 80 cents tonight). One of the victims -- I forget which one -- said he was certain he knew who did it (but that might not be correct).

None of this was seen by a Night Captain, who would have been obliged to report it to the Police and throw the offender out PERMANENTLY. NO victim has reported any of this to Police -- although some of it has been reported to Night Captains, but I don't believe all has been.

What is odd to me is that this has continued for several nights and the people the last two nights did NOT have their wallets in the MOST secure places (one was in his backpack, one in his bunk near his head). I suspect that it is the LEGAL, PRESCRIBED drugs that most take that confuses them, causes thieves to steal with confidence, and victims to sleep through disturbances that would wake a not-drugged person.

>>> What's to do about that??? (Should we blame the victim??? -- it is a LITTLE tempting, but a FALSE conclusion. A thief is a thief is a thief. Temptation and Opportunity are NO excuses to steal from the people you live with -- or the ones you DON'T live with, for that matter.)


My anonymous financial supporter in NYC reports that his email has become so corrupted he cannot even connect to his server and Time-Warner cable CANNOT fix it. He is going to have to take his computer to a repairman. He said he is afraid to even READ my blog now.

I have ALWAYS empathized with the REIGN OF TERROR the Williams scholars have had to deal with since Tennessee Williams died -- and maybe since before that. This incident reminds me of the REAL difficulties they face -- difficulties coming from Michael Remer, John Eastman, and Thomas Keith, primarily.

I'll be getting to this soon. In the meantime, I don't blame the scholars for not contacting me -- but reassure them that US Mail is actually under the radar, whether they choose to send any cash or not.

Some would be appreciated. I WILL get with each and everyone of you that I can locate soon. My emphasis on Wilmington politics is pretty much ended now.


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