Thursday, January 26, 2012


Don't ask. I can't explain it.

>>> I declared it earlier today in broadcast email of the most previous blog post, but Wilmington is WON!!!

Next, we'll take Raleigh, then Atlanta -- and then ON TO WASHINGTON, DC!!!

KENAN FAMILY was the greatest force behind the South seceding, and now we're chasing the DAMN YANKEES out of the South (and the North as well!!!)

By that I mean those who put EXPEDIENCE over INTEGRITY. And don't give me any of that slavery crap. This is not about racism or hate. This is about renewing the United States of America and restoring the Constitution to its rightful place -- instead of just a marketing tool for the Republicans (mostly) to hide their TOTALITARIAN, racist, God-hating agenda behind.

Long live the REAL Republicans -- you know who you are!!!

Thanks to all who helped in the Wilmington campaign. There will be a short intermission for refreshments before we head toward Tara.


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