Monday, February 6, 2012

And Thank You Allean Hale!!!

Elizabeth Taylor (another "Queen" to me -- and she HATED being called "Liz") in SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER. I had wanted to post a photo of Allean Hale, but the only one I found could not be "snatched" from its website at University of Illinois: . See more great photos of Ms. Taylor here: .


You're right -- and I give YOU most of the credit because the truth is, MONEY IS GOD IN ACTION -- and YOU are the one who gave me enough to ACT with confidence, because with your money I ALWAYS had what I needed when I needed it to not only escape danger, but to buy occasional treats so that I felt properly human, eat a couple of slices of fast, convenient pizza or other -- at times effectively buying TIME, the most precious commodity -- and my trust and faith in your providing has been one of the greatest conduits of LOVE from This Thing We Call God.

You're not the ONLY one who gave me money, and I honor the others as well. I can count them on my fingers (extraordinarily few did -- not counting small moneys when I was panhandling), and I DON'T hold it against the Williams scholars since I KNOW the reign of terror they've had to endure. I know at least some of them would have kicked in if they weren't REALISTICALLY afraid their careers would have been destroyed for doing so. Allean Hale did and -- God bless him -- Kenneth Holditch at least expressed a desire to do so. Even THAT could have ruined him.

And speaking of which, I need to contact Sewanee to find out who's taking over Michael Remer's role, now that he's kicked the bucket (and seems to have no real mourners).

I'm going to copy Kenneth (no telling if he gets my emails) and I hope someone sends word on to Allean. She must be about 100 now, and googling, I find no obit. I do know she'd been in decline -- but she's the QUEEN and her words to me the VERY FIRST TIME I spoke with her confirmed that I was on the right track (2004) -- a track she'd not had the resources to pursue properly herself, but had genuinely tried.

And she -- about the physically tiniest of women -- gave me the ABSOLUTE validation of my interpretation of what I knew (although I've made many misinterpretations of the data along the way -- all corrected as quickly as I could)

I have a lot to say this morning (so what's new!!!) and will get this off before blogging. I'll copy Allean as well. Perhaps if she's not up to receiving email, someone will read or nut-shell it to her.

I can't find but a couple of Williams email addresses this morning, or I'd copy ALL of them.

Who knew that tracking down why my Williams memoir was torpedoed would lead to discovering how my immediate and distant relatives are on the opposite sides of the fence that contains the slaves of "evil", or that I would be working with top Law Enforcement to be putting some of the most powerful people in the world in prison -- or to the Traitor's noose.

God's Will Be Done!

With deepest gratitude,

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 1:25 AM, Joseph wrote:

You look great! Not a care in the world.


(Refers to photo in THIS blog post: .)


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