Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Emotions Having Subsided, The Truth Is Revealed

First Baptist Church, Wilmington, NC overlooks Kenan Fountain in Kenan Plaza (not pictured).


1. We haven't reached Sunday yet -- and I don't yet know if I have a reason to protest -- or if they actually have services, for THAT matter. EVERY CHURCH in Wilmington is FOREVER -- and with the BEST intentions -- inviting us to their services. At this point I should let my Readers know that NONE is more kindly, thoughtful, and NOT judgemental than the BAPTISTS (who knew???), and in particular FIRST BAPTIST at Market and Fifth Streets.

You should ALSO know that NO ONE has EVER invited us to services at Bethesda Christain Life Church -- which adjoins our property at the back. What's up with that???

One day, many months ago before Tim inexplicably threw me out of THE GOOD SHEPHERD -- even calling the cops, who were as mystified by it as I -- a very old lady among the First Baptists there was re-filling water glasses at tables and invited me to worship at her church. Being prejudiced against the Southern Baptist Church for their oft-published homo-phobic statements that they peg to the Bible, I replied: " I'm gay as a goose!". Without skipping a beat she returned, "We don't care about THAT, honey, we just want ya to WORSHIP with us!!!"

Sure put me and MY prejudice in our places!!!

And that congregation feeds us at Mercy House one night a week, often leaving bag lunches for the next day, and even has things like Super Bowl parties for the homeless on certain occasions. You can't resist their LOVE, and WHY would you want to???

Yes, his fear of my imagination is about the best description of the problem.

I'd like to finally cut the crap here. What he did to start things was to walk in to the room while I was showering and then as I left my stall, enter his and all but RIP his curtain shut. THIS FEELS LIKE BEING CALLED A NIGGER MUST TO A BLACK PERSON, AND HAS THE VISUAL/AUDITORY EFFECT OF GIVING SOMEONE THE FINGER. It is a VERY REAL INSULT -- as if he had something to fear from me.

And my response was not angry at all.I'd had too many successes recently beating back the Ben David/Thom Goolsby/Ralph Evangelous Drug Mafia to be angry about ANYTHING!!! I DID lightheartedly say "Don't worry, I'm not gonna rape ya." -- or similar, REALLY expecting him to laugh, but he let out with such an angry string of invectives claiming he was going to KILL me if I touched him -- the OPPOSITE of what I said, which should -- if anything -- have reassured him.

And eventually, while I was leaving -- I ratcheted it so far back (and SINCERELY), that I told him I hadn't taken it personally. I DO understand how some straight men (not the ones who actually KNOW who they are) build up a lot of paranoia about "gay predators" which everyone in the shelter knows I'm not (how many really are???).

Also, with the court order in California advancing gay marriage there, the Governor of Washington state having JUST signed into law Gay Marriage -- and the New Jersey Senate having passed a law recognizing gay marriage by a large margin, even those who had opposed the end of "DON'T ASK, DON'T TELL" in the military have been saying they were WRONG and it has gone VERY WELL with hardly a problem at all.

It was NOT a good week for homophobes, and I understand they're having a difficult time trying to resist the MARCH OF REALITY, which is NO LONGER stopped by their irrational and hateful fears.

Same goes for the Narco-Traffickers, by the way . . .


On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:50 PM, An Observer wrote:

Not a creature is stirring / Not even a mouse--and that skinny lamppost is so...straight.

A real man in the showers can feel your slimy eyes sliding over him, like your slimy hands, you Yellow Lougie of Cum-Mucus.

It's not yet revealed whether you picketed a church on Sunday.

Hope you sleep well. Some other Wilmingtonians may not.


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