Sunday, March 11, 2012

Getting Back In Touch With Humor -- OUR MOST IMPORTANT PRODUCT!!!

From one of my FAVORITE Republicans. To his list I would add personal Electronic Security because most "The Enemy" is spending all the money it steals or makes off narco-trafficking hacking your personal info anyway and the "Good Guys" (including you, presumably), CAN'T AFFORD what they can. So just play honest and don't lie. Then, like me, security breaches, while a DEFINITE violation of privacy, WILL NOT HARM HARM YOU SUBSTANTIALLY. (Does NOT mean you don't need to be careful about some things like Social Security number, etc.)


I cry all the time when poignant things happen -- and THAT's a VERY GOOD THING!!! It's cathartic and renews me with energy for the things ahead.

From what you've written about your life (difficulties with the ringing of a telephone, etc) I've come to assume that in some things you are just more sensitive than me or most other people -- and there's nothing wrong with that either. Just have to remember that you are not typical in that particular area, so NOT assume others perceive things the same way. That's all.

Having my book yanked from Amazon would NOT be an "irreversible victory" for my adversaries!!! Amazon is the most popular, but not the only place to publish -- and they would make a MORE than grave error in ditching me for questioning their practices than a judge judge would make in ACCEPTING Dr. Menke's FALSE LOGIC suggestion that i should be committed -- not for any threats or actual, committed-on-my-part violence, but because SOME people who've faced the same charge HAVE been violent!!!

See how easy it is to fall into BAD LOGIC when under stress??? Now, I'm not worried about you at all. I know you are FINE -- but that said, you might want to give some consideration to what I'm writing here. That's all.

And if Amazon isn't suppressing my book, how would YOU explain the facts of

2. Your oft-told-to-me statements of the high quality of my writing.
3. Alyson's original decision that it would come out first in HARD COVER, and then that it was to be the featured non-fiction title of 30 books to have been published Spring 2010.
4. As you pointed out in your earlier email, for WHATEVER reasons, it simply is IMPOSSIBLE to buy in the UK -- which is probably true for the other countries where Amazon is contracted with me to sell it too -- neither of us had had the time to research this.
5. Complaints by a few personal friends of mine that they found the amazon mechanism to post a personal review of my book DID NOT WORK when they tried to use it.

All that said, I agree there is no reason to possibly antagonize them if they MIGHT be that stupid to set themselves up for a lawsuit or suits. Still, the WHOLE thing screams for an airing -- and that is where THIS email comes in, if ya see what I'm sayin'.

I am not building a tower. I am spreading info about the writer Tennessee Williams -- and about the strange journey of getting my book published.

So may I suggest you relax a little more, lean back and smell the HUMOR -- or go out for a breath of fresh air, if it's anywhere near as beautiful in Manhattan as it is in Wilmington today.

There is a BIG LEGAL DIFFERENCE between accusing Amazon of things on their OWN discussion boards and in doing so elsewhere. Maybe you could do us a big favor (if you have the time) and look up their policies and see what they say about it. Send me links to anything you feel i need to take more seriously.



On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 3:07 PM, A Friend wrote:

After that recent evening when my criticism of your blog drove you to tears, I realized that I mustn't talk to you so bluntly: Your blog is your primary interest--you are building your great tower your way. It's nobody's business but your own.

But I am apprehensive that you may provide the very means for it to be smashed by others. The same applies to your book. Don't give your enemies an easy irreversible victory by getting your book yanked. Your book is NOT being suppressed by Amazon. Turn your attention to completing the process for paper edition. I hope you haven't emailed the blog post to hundreds; if you have done so, send out an updated version.

* * *

>>> SORRY TO DISAPPOINT THE HUMOR-LOVERS. I am working separately on a humor piece which is becoming too long and too full of humor to add at the bottom here, so I'll post it soon, separately.


Here's a bone for ya:


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