Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fate of Wilmingtonians (before local amendment-voting results are in)

 MOMENT IN THE SUN by John Sayles. 2011. 968 pages. Spanning five years and half a dozen countries, Sayles’ novel paints a picture of the late 1890s — from the racist coup in Wilmington, North Carolina, to the bloody dawn of U.S. interventionism in Cuba and the Philippines.


Look, you stupid BITCH: if you had READ my emails/blog posts, you'd know I've several times declared I will NOT delete ANYONE from the lists until Ben David, Jon David, Chief Evangelous, Thom Goolsby, Judge Criner, Judge Noecker, and Pastor Ernie Thompson at First Prez are JAILED for their crimes, voted out of office, or resign in disgrace or for pleasant made-up story to cover the true reasons.


The people of Wilmington voted these cocaine and heroin traffic directors or protectors into office. They are ALL God-Haters, and if you had gotten the education my Kenan Family is famous for supporting, you would NOT have voted them in to begin with. Now you ALL make too much money directly or indirectly from the Hard Drugs and are in denial about your own (not all of you) legal and/or illegal drug addictions.

And then many of you are GreedBots as well -- and most are not only RACISTS, but HOMOPHOBES.

The Liberals are the WORST of you in God's eyes because Liberals KNOW what happened but REFUSE to do a thing about it (except vote now and then). Liberals who swill white wine and praise the Arts will get the STRONGEST punishment for CONSCIOUSLY HATING GOD so much you REFUSED to help your fellow men and women.

Republicans generally ADMIT to worshiping money. That at least is not hypocritical (about the ONLY thing the party that attracts most of the gay guys who hide behind wives and girlfriends and then go out for illicit sex with guys at the drop of a hat does that is NOT hypocritical).

The others are deluded by Republicans (mostly) who playing to your fears and prejudices manipulated you to increase their profits and get you to act out of your hate on THEIR behalf (none of you have profited by this -- except those of you Like Mr. Pantano who has almost NEVER made an HONEST dollar in his life -- NOR has he inherited much. HE MADE IT ALL IN NARCO-TRAFFICKING WITH THE OTHER REPUBLICANS (and rogue Democrats like District Attorney Ben David -- who actually gets nearly nothing himself -- he so addicted to his WILD SEX FLINGS (with his identical twin brother participating as well from time to time -- the REPUBLICAN D.A. from the next district), and cocaine that that is all he cares about -- except pretending to "Love Jesus" HA!!!

So GO TO HELL Wilmingtonians -- I have left your midst. You jailed me six times on eight false charges, committed me twice on lies to mental hospitals (which I got out of immediately because Dr. Martin head of The Oaks KNEW they were lies), and attempted to kill me many times.

You insulted me by allowing people downtown to call out "FAGGOT" as I walked by without challenging the bigots -- one time three white Marines ran up behind my 6' 11" tall ass and smashed cake and icing into the back of my head -- IN FRONT OF THE REST OF THE CROWD AT THE AZALEA FESTIVAL -- but nothing happened except some cops told me NOT TO TALK TO THEM AND HAVE A NICE DAY when I approached them to complain.

I'M A KENAN, FOR GOD SAKE -- THE FAMILY WHO LED THE FIRST ARMED RESISTANCE TO THE CROWN OVER THE STAMP ACT at Wilmington INITIATING THE FIRST AMERICAN REVOLUTION!!! -- before the Boston Tea Party. The Yankees won the War and we were written out of the history books -- but this is common knowledge in Wilmington. Mary Lily Kenan of Nunn St. and Kenansville inherited 2/3 of Standard Oil and was declared the wealthiest woman on earth by the New York Times. The money all went to her blood relatives because she and Henry Flagler had no issue.

The chief enemy of the Kenans -- whose Charitable Trusts still control the world's FIRST oil cartel -- Standard Oil and its derivatives -- is the Saudi Royals who control the SECOND Oil Cartel with the help of their allies the bin Ladens, Bush and Cheney American families, the Pope, and various drug cartels linked through the US Republican Party and Fox News. These people invest in privatized jails and prisons (the Cheney Family owns the largest block of them -- why Republicans are forever jailing innocent people to profit on their jail stays at taxpayer expense) and also War Machine Manufacturers (and oil well supply and drilling companies). That's why Republicans always clamor to go to war -- THEY PROFIT FROM IT. Kenans profit from knowing they support God, Country, and Family -- mostly through Education.

Later Kenans inherited the estate of the man who put the Phoenix in Atlanta -- and built national and international corporations all on their own as well. ALL THE PROFITS HAVE BEEN USED TO SUPPORT HIGHER EDUCATION, THE ARTS, DEMOCRACY, JUSTICE, ETHICS, ETC. The Kenan Family of North Carolina today remains the LARGEST private supporter in the WORLD of education -- and arguably of Democracy (google Kenan Institute Asia of ONE example -- it operates in SEVEN countries including China).

The Kenans (led through the latter 20th Century by Frank Hawkins Kenan of Durham) where the TOP support of the Republican Party for its INITIAL ideals of self-sufficiency and and Freedom and Justice for ALL. Frank was the recipient of the FIRST North Carolina Humanitarian Award -- which they INVENTED just to honor him.

Warning -- my language is going to get "bad" now:

But you stupid God-Hating Racist, Homophobic WHITE PEOPLE (mostly) let the Bush/Cheney/Gingrich/Fox News.Goolsby narco-traffickers sucker you in with their money promises and drugs. They FED your hate with their lies and YOU LOVED THEM FOR IT.

Well FUCK YOU ALL!!! You're so ass-backward now you think my using all aspects of God-invented language to express the truth and some RIGHTEOUS ANGER after what ALL of you did to me by refusing to pay attention to the corruption in Wilmington, etc. All YOU want is another drug, comforting lie, Yoga exercise, beer, or other distraction so you DON'T HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT.

Well, I hate to have to inform you of this -- and it's NO NEWS to most of the world where Fox News/Republican Party/Nazis/Catholic top hierarchy doesn't control the press: IT'S KARMA PAYBACK TIME.


I hear-tell that ALL WHITE PEOPLE in Greater Wilmington, NC will be required to apologize to at least five local black folks daily -- or risk losing their jobs and getting fucked in the ass by a homeless crack-addicted black guy. If your property is on land confiscated without compensation in the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot -- you are going to have to GIVE IT BACK TO THE HEIRS OF THE BLACK OWNERS. HA!!!

That's what they say -- but I'm not in charge of revenge, nor do I officially support it. I do laugh and smirk when I think about it or hear that others have accomplished it.

So you think my language and ideas are shocking and should not be allowed. You don't give a shit about what Wilmingtonians did to me -- despite my family and professional associations and my innocence which can easily be proven (except that I was NOT ALLOWED to get to court due to the fact that I would have won and SUED THE SHIT out of Wilmington Police, City, and NC State Courts).

Fine -- just don't ANYBODY expect to be let off my lists until ALL those people leave office one way or another (and replaced with someone God-Loving).

Hope I was clear enough for ya this time!!!

Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Marie Sherwood wrote:

When we ask you to remove us , why do you not do it?   I am sick of deleting you from the spam acct.  Thank you in advance.  Once again, PLEASE remove me from you mailing list.

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