Friday, June 1, 2012

William Scott Kenan REAFFIRMS His Support of ME Over his WIFE (Ruth Anne Meyer Kenan)!!!

I called them this morning and had our most civilized conversation in recent weeks. First with Dad (who was home alone) -- his voice gave away that he APPROVES HEARTILY that I am SUING Wilmington Police and North Carolina Courts -- and the WHY of it as well. HE WISHED ME LUCK!!!

Then Mom arrived back from an outing and I spoke to her after Dad warned me to "watch what I talked about." I detailed the plantar's wart foot diagnosis and how I knew for certain that had NOT been the problem two years ago (or it couldn't have eventually healed perfectly as it did) -- and that I got the virus after mindlessly picking at a callous and opening a hole in the skin smaller than a BB. I was at Mercy House Shelter then, the virus had to have come from the shower floor which is so porous-degraded-concrete that it cannot be cleaned properly. (Might be fun to sue them over unsafe homeless shelter showers!!! -- I'll put it on my list, which also includes Patrick Stansbury, personally, as well as Pentagon Publishing, Inc.)

I REALLY have no chance of publishing blog material or Tennessee Williams memoir SUCCESSFULLY without at least getting those lawsuits in progress. more on my practical actions about that soon.

I won't bore you with how the conversation went when I told Mom I'm suing Wilmington Police and NC Courts over their involvement with Republican Narco-trafficking, but I DID speak gently enough that despite Mom's continuing threats to hang up (in her civil voice), she did NOT, and I fairly well detailed the most important points of my PROOF, including conversations with more than one top FoxNews/CNN Talking Heads and their confirmation that ALL US PRESS know that the Bush Family with Bin Laden Family PLANNED 9/11 together, but NO ONE in US CARES (not ENTIRELY true -- LOL!!!). Also Cheney/Bush/CIA narco-trafficking.

I even was on long enough and COMPLETELY ENOUGH FOR MY PURPOSES to end with a sincere "I love you, Mom," which she returned in kind.

That said, I am HEARTENED by the US Press's continuing MORALITY WITCH TRIAL of John Edwards -- led by Rupert Murdock's NY POST (which has spread lies about ME as well), see as well as one of my blog-takes on it: .

Please notice the GOD-HATING and MAN-HATING looks on Sewanee's top lawyer Donna Pierce and Alabama's dried-husk Poet Laureate, Helen Norris (who advises women to give up sex and eat chocolate instead -- actually that is PRACTICAL advise in that chocolate FOR WOMEN ONLY produces the same female-body-chemicals as SATISFYING SEX (this has been scientifically proven)!!!

John Edwards is RIGHT: God DOES have more plans for him for GOOD (I only wish I knew the details as well).

This morning, I added this to the post about Steve Bakunas and Linda Lavin

>>> ADDED BY SCOTT JUNE 1, 2012: More notes on Steve Bakunas's email to me: .

1. I sent and continue to send copies of all my blog posts to Steve by REGULAR email, not Facebook message, so his UNFRIENDING and BLOCKING me had NO EFFECT re: receiving my messages whatsoever, as Steve HAD to know. 

So there is NO LOGIC in his action against me or Facebook's -- and then several hours after I BLOGGED about the missing access buttons (a phenomenon I have experienced on MANY internet sites ACROSS the Internet -- not just on Facebook), the buttons RE-APPEARED and I was able to access my Facebook account, although still barred from friending for a month. 
I considered reporting Steve's LIES and ABUSE to Facebook for them to take action against HIM, but decided I'm "above such things" (6' 11" aka dos metros diez).

2. All things considered, it sounds to me like Steve Bakunas got psychiatric help to overcome homosexuality ("ex-gay" therapy). He might not do men these days, but it appears he has lost ALL VESTIGES of MORALITY in the process. 
Pity. (But it's not MY problem.)

Some of this will appear on my blog.



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