Saturday, July 14, 2012

All Praise QUETZALCOATL!!! (or Jesus -- if you must)

Famous image of QUETZALCOATL biting my head off after I mispell his name for the 1,000 th time.

(Just kidding. He's biting off the head of the REPUBLICAN/NAZI/CIA PARTY for SCREWING Mexicans and involving them in NARCO-TRAFFICKING and GUN-RUNNING to service the INSATIABLE DRUG APPETITE of RACIST, WHITE, UNITED-STATIANS.)

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1. I ran into my main Mexican Intelligence contact today in the MOST unlikely place (the first one-on-one, in-person contact we'd had in over three weeks). He had gotten all the info I had sent him through various means and was happy to see I was in GOOD MENTAL HEALTH.

Best part, was that he specifically brought up the problem I've been having with Mexican Customs. See: .

We had a good laugh over that, and I ended up saying "Christians are just the WORST hypocrites," to which he replied, "Yeah -- but it was just an ignorant asshole in Mexican Customs."

So I got thinking: He agrees about Christians, but unlike me, was not willing to make the jump to assuming the up-tight Customs Agent was a Catholic -- like about 95% of Mexicans (nominally). Beneath it all, I bet ALL GOOD MEXICANS really worship the HEAD TOLTEC-CUM-AZTEC GOD, QUETZALCOATL!!!

And CLEARLY (if you study cultural history), NOT ONLY were Mexicans PROMISED by their GOD that they would one day rule the world -- just like YHWH (aka YHVH) designated the JEWS as HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE (guarenteeing that BOTH groups would SUFFER TREMENDOUSLY in the out-of-power interim), QUETZALCOATL is CLEARLY the HIGHER GOD, as the Sacred Aztec Scriptures PREDICTED THE EXACT YEAR THAT CORTEZ WOULD SHOW UP!!!

Won't find any SPECIFIC YEARS in yer Judeo-Christian Bible Predictions, WILL YOU???

>>> But don't feel TOO BAD, as all these "GODS" and such (including many of my Kenan Family who have served the Untied States not unlike "the gods on Olympus" -- to quote ONE high-ranking member at Wilmington, North Carolina's FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH), are ALL MANIFESTATIONS OF THE ONE!!! (and Jesus was just a messenger -- like Muhammed -- so "Christians" need to GROW UP REAL FAST and act like adults: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR WORDS AND ACTIONS and STOP expecting some "BIG DADDY" to clean up all their DAMN MESSES!!!

2. I did some research and found out that FRED! of the most recent posting has the last name of Cerequas (sounds Mexican, but I don't actually know).

3. I heard from Carry Haddad of Carrie Haddad Gallery in Hudson, NY today by email (encouraging me in my blogging efforts as well as saluting me for having handled so many political difficulties), and I have written her back asking her to put me in touch with the artist Mark Beard, whom she represents when he works as Bruce Sargeant, one of SIX DISTINCT artist-personalities Mark has developed. See: .

Mark, of course, is NOT ONLY the man responsible for Abercrombie & Fitch's HOMOEROTIC VISUAL IMAGE motif (and IN FACT holds the WORLD'S RECORD for the largest oil-on-canvas painting -- 12 +/- STORIES HIGH at A&F's Tokyo Flagship Store), he was ALSO a close friend of one of Tennessee Williams' closest friends and we saw him ALL THE TIME when we were in NYC.

Not only THAT, but Mark is the disinherited great-grandson of one of the THREE people Joseph Smith dictated THE BOOK OF MORMON to, and his family owns the largest "Mormon Bank".

Mark and I have some business to attend to, so hopefully this will all come to FAR more than nought.


In Aztec myths Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca stretched Hungry Woman to make the Earth. In an effort to smooth over her injured feelings because she was treated so roughly, the Gods filled the Earth with forests, flowers, valleys, waterfalls and other nice places over her skin. This did not stop her craving for human blood and hearts. This is why people are returned to the Earth. 

After this, the Gods made the first Sun. Tezcatlipoca stole it for himself. He fastened the Sun to his belt and rose into the sky. Quetzacoatl grabbed a big stick and followed Tezcatlipoca. Quetzacoatl smacked the pilfering God back to the Earth where the evil god became the jaguar that ate the first people.

In many myths Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca are enemies. Quetzacoatl was the Chief God of the Toltecs until they fell under Aztec dominion. Quetzacoatl then became one of the Chief Aztec deities.

Me, gone Aztec (I wish!!!).



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