Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Sunday FUNNIES!!!

Tennessee Williams kissing Karen Kondazian (not to be confused with Kim Kardashian), at a performance of his play THE ROSE TATTOO. (More on that later.)


Well, perhaps it is THIS just-found photo (or similar others that may exist but I have never seen), that allowed a certain subset of NUTBALLS to think that Tennessee Williams was anything but gay. Fools.

And THIS consideration has led me to get a few things off my mind:

1. A CNN talking head made a MOST EGREGIOUS COMMENT a couple of weeks ago, and I am only now able to write about it without SPLITTING MY SPLEEN, or similar: "Ethyl Merman was the Kim Kardashian of her day."

I'm sorry, but to ANYONE familiar with 20th Century American Culture, THIS GORGEOUS, WELL-SPOKEN BLACK WOMAN was given her post to promote MULTI-CULTURALISM but is NOT qualified for her post (an entertainment reporteress)!!! She should be SUSPENDED until she GETS EDUCATED -- not unlike  that HOT-HEAD Rollin Martin had to take time off to self-examine his hatred of gays.

And AGAIN, I want to SALUTE Piers Morgan for learning from his UNRELENTING attempted moralistic chastisements of lawyer GLORIA ALLRED when he interviewed her a couple of months ago. Piers has LEARNED from his mistake!!!

And I am even REMINDED of what Atlanta, GA Public Radio station WABE had to do with dear Valerie Jackson and her program "Between the Lines" a few years ago. Valerie, of course, is the widow of the much-loved former Mayor of Atlanta, Maynard Jackson (whose voice was always to me like a warm blanket offered on a cold, rainy night). WABE had to PULL THE PROGRAM for about half a year to re-train Ms. Jackson so she had at least ONE MORE response to her interview subjects other than "Good enough!!!" (Is THAT all we hope for -- simply "enough"???)

2. In the matter of the UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH's (Sewanee's) SURGE in authorizing cultural experimentation with Tennessee Williams' plays, I can DEFINITELY tell you that Mr. Williams is/was ALWAYS in support of EXPERIMENTATION!!!

That said, experiments are meant to be tested on small stages and either abandoned or refined before graduating to MAIN STAGES. The idea of a MIXED-RACED or REVERSED RACE performance of Williams' work is indeed INTRIGUING, but until it is refined to the point that NO ONE NOTICES THE RACIAL MAKE-UP OF THE PERFORMERS, it is only a DISTRACTION from the actual material.

Ditto the BLAZING use of technology -- or "computer refinements" to script -- as actually BRAGGED ABOUT by those who recently mounted IN MASKS OUTRAGEOUS AND AUSTERE (see: ).

THAT play, at least, WAS performed of (off off???) Broadway, so at least was in an appropriate experimental venue -- I just hope a REAL performance can somehow be mounted eventually, but know that the problem of it's never having been finished (or Sewanee not wanting anyone to know the REAL nature of the finished work), is PROBLEMATIC.

My readers might recall that John Uecker (who, controlled by Maria St. Just-nee-Britneva as well as indirectly by my own mother), had been AUTHORIZED by Sewanee to REWRITE the play (OK, edit it), so that the character based on ME, Mac (no relation to the famous computer family), an APPROPRIATELY black (Negroid), presence that looms quietly in the background throughout most of the play WOULD BE WRITTEN OUT!!!

John told me that "they" had decided that MY CHARACTER somehow ADDED TOO MUCH CHAOS TO THE "END OF THE WORLD" (the play's time setting), and so they decided that "I" had to be ELIMINATED -- just as Maria St. Just had DESTROYED all her correspondence between herself and Tennessee Williams that did NOT conform to HER VIEW (also the Sewanee/Episcopal/Republican/Nazi view), BEFORE publishing those letters -- and THIS according to John Lahr, theater reviewer for THE NEW YORKER, who kindly wrote some nice things about my memoir of working fro Mr. Williams which can be bought HERE: .

And yes, life imitates ART, if you have FOLLOWED MY STORY of political and other troubles since leaving Tennessee Williams employ . . .

* * *


Dear Ms. Harjo,

Please forgive me for the delay in replying, but let me FIRST assure you that the FIRST thing I did on receipt of this message was to take you OUT of the GRANDE list I broadcast email to which consists of nearly 1,500 people. I rarely HAD used it (only for what I've deemed ESPECIALLY important), but in the last couple of weeks, I have sometimes used it nearly daily -- hence your annoyance. I had some time ago, taken you out of my usually-used broadcast list of just under 500, but forgotten to remove your addresses from the larger list.

I appreciate that you prefer to get news about my activities through hearsay, rather than reading my words directly -- I'm sure it's guaranteed to keep you smiling to see how different people filter, color, and sometimes misrepresent my words. I only wish I had a DIRECT AUDITORY CONNECTION to your ears, so that I TOO could be greatly entertained as well. Really!!!

And I DO hope you remembered to give a BIG PERSONAL THANK YOU from me to both father Bob Kus and Sister Isaac when you attended Mass today. I really don't think I met finer Christians (or non-Christians) than they in Wilmington. Like me (and you) they honor the teachings of Jesus. But of course I don't worship him, so could not re-join the Catholic Church.

I DID find it most interesting when attending services not only at St. Mary's and of course First Prez -- but also the MCC church up near Market and the mid-twenties, that at least THESE three denominations ARE NEARLY IDENTICAL in parts of and order of services -- the main difference being that only MCC and the Catholic church make a big (identical, actually) deal of "consecration of the Host", while the Presbyterians, calling it "The Lord's Supper", do NOT consider it a sacrament, but a shared bit of Christian Community -- so sacred in its ramifications that to avoid its being taken for granted, they pass the bread bits and "wine" (grape juice to accommodate the non-drinkers), only once every four - six weeks. (And I DIDN'T have to believe in the "godship" of Jesus to partake in good conscious in this celebration of this "memory of me".)

I dare say that the Catholics should observe the MCC Church's distribution of communion, where the person distributing it prays specifically in a huddle with small groups or individuals who approach -- that REALLY was an emotional POWERHOUSE when I participated (since as a good former Catholic, I KNEW no Protestant could POSSIBLY pull off "the transubstantiation trick", except -- NOW ONLY, according to Catholic decree -- Church of England/Episcopal (even though they marry, LOL!!!), so if "Il Papa" is actually CORRECT, I was NOT "taking communion whilest in a state of sin" and blackening my eternal soul further (it's black enough already -- and I am NOT here referring to my claims of being a "certified reverse Oreo")!!!

Well, today I hope to hear back from Wilmington Star News reporter and author of several important books, Kevin Maurer, to see when he expects to arrive in Puerto Vallarta to begin interviewing me. AS I've stated in my unread-by-you blog, NO newspaper could POSSIBLY have a more Tennessee-Williams-esque name than THE STAR NEWS, so it is only NATURAL that a frisky and ambitious man's man from there should be the FIRST of the mainstream press to approach me. Family history and heritage is another. HA!!!

I trust that being so opposed to long emails, you have NOT read this far. That said, I wish you all the best on YOUR efforts, as I go forward, suing the CRAP out of those who GROSSLY VIOLATED MY CIVIL RIGHTS, and yet continue to insist they are Americans.

Through your and my efforts, they will have to THINK AGAIN (and GROW UP and ACT RIGHT!!!)!!!


On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 12:02 PM, JENNIFER HARJO wrote:

Dear Mr. Kenan,

I am happy to correspond regarding your pending cases, but am not interested in receiving your mass emails.  I am not reading those emails so you should not consider any information contained therein as being received by my office.

Please leave a message on the telephone or write a letter if there is anything which I need to know regarding your cases.

Meanwhile, while I continue to notify you of pending court dates, your appearance is NOT presently required.  I am hopeful that with some time I may be able to resolve the cases without your appearance in court.

Best wishes.  Assuming you are in fact in a beautiful environment, you should enjoy it and not worry about comments to people in Wilmington who are not appreciative of your thoughts.


Jennifer Harjo
New Hanover County Public Defender
414 Chestnut St., First Floor
P.O. Box 2560
Wilmington, NC 28402



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