Tuesday, July 10, 2012

TRAITOR Obama ALSO Exposed. HA!!!


Does this surprise ANYONE??? Obama was FIRST identified by HuffPost to be getting TWICE AS MUCH SECRET MONEY from Wall Street and BIG BANKS than Mitt Romney, the top Republican recipient, nearly a year ago now.

President Obama has done so
mamy GREAT things recently, and recently I have been supporting him again, BUT, now that THE CAT HAS ESCAPED THE BAG and he's been shown to be THE MOST POWERFUL CLOSET FAGGOT IN THE WORLD TODAY (and closet faggot DEFINES "Republican Politician"), we need to DITCH HIM at the top of the Democratic Ticket, and replace him with someone REAL. My choice would be Hillary Rodham Clinton.

WASHINGTON -- A few hours after the Supreme Court upheld his signature health care legislation last week, President Barack Obama approached a White House podium, addressed the camera and declared that the nation's top justices had reaffirmed an important guiding principle of his presidency. "Here in...

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"The Devil" (wearing Prada). Women are GOOD when they are devils, unlike MEN who simply devolve into CLOSET CASE FAGS -- aka REPUBLICANS.



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