Monday, August 27, 2012

SHOCKING REVELATION: BOTH Jesus and Pope Alexander VI were BLOOD JEWS!!! (but only this FIRST Borgia Pope was SPANISH)

By Mr. Hirschfield (a Jew, I suspect).


Hi Carl,


Funny that it actually hadn't occurred to me that your surname is Spanish.


I, at the last moment, thought that since you were a CONCERNED person (rather than yet another of my attackers -- INCLUDING MEMBERS OF MY CLOSE FAMILY and, SOMETIMES, SEEMING FRIENDS -- and even now that I've indisputably proven so many of my claims, they STILL don't want to be PUBLICLY associated with me or my writing), to spare YOU harassment by District Attorney Ben David and Police Chief Ralph Evangelous and their "drug-trash minions" who regularly patrol the streets of Wilmington often communicating via cell phones to beat up, bar GOOD but needy people from drug-trafficking-corrupted Services to the Homeless (Good Shepherd is NOTORIOUS for this and Mercy House, too) and generally MAKE LIFE HELL for honest people -- regardless their financial or social positions.


And the Churches in Wilmington -- like First Presbyterian -- ENTIRELY support this corrupt system (but not ALL of them, which is how I got re-connected with my Catholic roots, even though I see Jesus as a Prophet, rather than "Savior". You just can't BEAT St. Mary's, Sister Isaac, and Father Bob for following the TEACHINGS of Jesus. In fact this seems part of the REAL Catholic Tradition of Action for Social Justice.


While I want to point out FIRST that there are MANY just-as-fine Protestants -- and GOD KNOWS Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and others as well -- one CANNOT HELP NOTICING that NO MATTER how corrupt the Pope and high officials of the Catholic Church have been over the Ages, the Jesuit and other "Order" Catholic Clergy who accompanied Catholic Spain's Conquistadors in HER conquests of "new" lands were a CIVILIZING FORCE on the conquering armies and resulting civil authorities the Spanish set up in the "New World" and sought to convert the native peoples -- usually showing them and their native cultures a fine respect as well, and often losing their lives to protect the native peoples.


Watch the movie THE MISSION to see more on the behavior of Catholic clergy in South America caught between the differing paths of the Spanish and Portuguese Governments: .


The Portuguese, although Catholic, were NOT as civilized, but better than the Protestants who DOMINATED the conquest of lands in what is now the United States. THESE heads-up-their-butts RACISTS deliberately EXTERMINATED the native people after LYING to them in WORTHLESS TREATIES -- BECAUSE PROTESTANTS (as a RULE -- not ALL Protestant Denominations or Individuals), SAW THE NATIVE PEOPLES AS INHUMAN (or at least sub-human).


And amazingly, the Pope at the time, Alexander VI, the first of the corrupt Borgias, was actually by BLOOD, a Spanish JEW!!! He granted MUCH greater freedoms in Rome to Jews, and actually seemed concerned about saving EVERYONE'S soul while simultaneously plotting murders and other crimes to gain and hold power (you have to play REAL in the Real World!!!). The first season (all I've seen -- thanks to my KINDLY BACKER), is available on DVD and I highly recommend it: . Jeremy Irons stars in BOTH of the videos I've recommended, and is FULLY UP to his awesome acting talents!!!


And frankly, since this did NOT seem to be as bad a problem IN OTHER AREAS OF THE WORLD THAT ENGLAND CONQUERED, I am not quick to place TOO much blame on the Church of England -- although it was CATHOLIC clergy (primarily) who sought to bring the love taught by the Jewish prophet "Jesus" to England's conquered lands more than the Anglicans, who seemed content to swill gin, play polo, and derive profits from the natives. Witness how Evita (in her movie) FIRST ran the English out of Argentina,


No wonder while I worked for him, Tennessee Williams' fave three songs was TOPPED by "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" (and I saw the musical on Broadway for the SECOND time with him), followed by "Danny Boy" and I'm blanking on the other now, but it's in my memoir.


If transportation and communications had been up to today's standards then, I'm CERTAIN Tennessee Williams would have made his home in Mexico -- he was forever fleeing there until he had to be close to all the "Theater Action", and many of his plays have reference to or setting in Mexico -- including his FIRST success, THE GLASS MENAGERIE, in which the only truly SANE (but unseen), character, the father, had disappeared to a town on the west coast of Mexico like Puerto Vallarta, but more likely Acapulco, where TW was known to spend a lot of time.


So many in the US have been SCARED TO DEATH that they would suffer RETALIATION from police, landlord, employer, neighbors, church congregations, etc., if they are seen to associate or support me. And these are the GOOD people of Wilmington, while the Drug-Corrupted  and WORSE: DRUG-MONEY-CORRUPTED, ride the Streets of Power in Wilmington and Raleigh like the FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!


And let's face it: I AM vulgar -- but I'm ALWAYS HONEST to the best of my ability!!!


It will be GREAT FUN taking Wilmington City and NC Courts to justice soon through my lawsuits. I will give away most of the money -- mostly in Mexico. As far as I'm concerned, the RACIST, GREED-BOT, DRUG-ADDICTED (illegal and prescription) society that has evolved in the USA to BE ABLE TO LIVE WITH and to COVER UP all its LIES and SINS of CONQUEST and SLAVERY/DISENFRANCHISEMENT is NOW PRIMED for its TOTAL COMEUPPANCE -- and I am PROUD (as God's servant), to play such a KEY ROLE in bringing GOD'S PROMISED JUSTICE to the earth, FINALLY!!!


There is probably NO MORE HYPOCRITICAL PLACE ON EARTH THAN WILMINGTON, NC, which I now think of as GROUND ZERO in "THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN", which I, being a meta-physician, actually, see simply as THE AGE OF THE ARTIST.


Thank you, Carl, for giving me this opportunity to CLARIFY a few things!!!



On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:09 AM, CARL (actually), wrote:

Hey Scott,
My name really is Carl. My pop in NY is Carlos. My pops family was from Spain and my grandmother was American. So I don't look Mexican or Spanish. Can't even speak it!
I don't know the people you told me about. The last time I saw Jonathan he was at an ATM with a really big girl. April or May?  I don't think it was the same person I used to see him with at Good Shepard. Don't plan on asking the cops.
I quit the weed. Still trying to get off the brewsky. Trying to hang on to my old lady or else I'll end up back in NYC. Its too expensive to live there and no jobs. I read about a homeless lady that was found dead in Greenfield.
Some guys I paint with was talking about Jonathan too. If you hear anything let me know.
Good Luck in Mexico.

An ACTUAL Mexican "Good Luck" charm!!!
 THANKS!!! (for reading this),



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