Wednesday, September 5, 2012

HOT Denison Gal (and Christian too)!!!

Mira Sams -- self-described "Christian" graduate of Denison University (my alma mater), who has only TWO friends, lives in Cincinnati (my and my friend the writer/gay activist Edmund White's birth place), and markets her body on Facebook!!!

Hi Mira -- and thanks for friending me.
What class were you at Denison??? Your having only two other friends (including a "campus minister"), yet ALL your pictures are blatantly sex-allure in nature, one of them nearly reveals your lovely BREASTS!!!

 All this and you recently got what seems to be the ONLY job you've had -- working at U-HAUL.

 I'm certainly not a "job-snob" -- I once worked two years as a Wendy's manager 12 YEARS after graduating from Denison (long story). That was one of the BEST learning experiences of my life -- although I must admit to some embarrassment about it at the time.

 Well GOOD NEWS for the SEXUALLY ALLURING!!!: When I was homeless in Wilmington, NC, and, like so MANY homeless, stored my goods in a U-HAUL locker, those homeless guys tend to be HORNY AS HELL and will have sex with you in their (larger) lockers (which I'm sure you could arrange the logistics of with your co-workers).

 The BAD news: Homeless don't pay well.

 The DISCLAIMER: Sex did NOT happen at the 3rd Street U-Haul in Wilmington -- except man-on-man and RARELY.



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