Wednesday, September 12, 2012

TONIGHT, I Was Forced to Face "The Inevitable"

Me (tallest) with my birth-family (except Julie who took the picture), Wrightsville Beach, NC 2008 on the occassion of my father's 90th birthday.

I called all my immediate family, getting through to Mike (who no longer works for Sunoco Inc. whose refining assets were essentially bought -- the deal closing a week ago -- by The Carlyle Group (Bush, Cheney, Bin Laden, and Saudi Royals have run that group directly and indirectly since it was founded with help of Goldman Sachs and YOUR "bank of record" -- they ALL sleep together, you know -- and Chase Manhattan REFUSED to work with me when we tried THAT form of money transfer. LOL!!!

But Mike has not worked for SUNOCO for quite some time (Mike was HEAD ACCOUNTANT for ALL SUNOCO'S four refineries in PA and OH, last I heard, so it was a GOOD JOB!!! -- but he left many months ago and no one told me -- in fact they had an agreement NOT to tell me) and has a NEW job that neither he nor my mother would tell me what FIELD it is in (I asked if it was chemicals, transportation, entertainment -- or what OTHER broad group). They both said that I would try to track Mike down and get him fired if I knew -- I said that would be impossible. I've never tried or accidentally gotten Mike fired from a job, although in 1990, when his cocaine habit (and alcoholism), got so bad they threatened his job and family, I DID call his secretary at SUNOCO and Mike was forced into "dry out" -- and his job and family saved.

So much has happened -- including my mother and I having a nearly half-hour discussion that went no where, but was civil and I really DID listen to her tell me that I'm completely delusional and "lost to all reasonable people who do NOT like to talk to people who say things that make them uncomfortable". She continues to insist that I need medications -- but concedes that since I've been of the SAME mind for 3.5 years now, that she can NO LONGER CLAIM I am Bipolar -- the world's record for mania being 8 or 9 months.

I called them all to let them know I'm NOT sending them contact info (including new phone number in different area code) for me once I move and have to change phone numbers. They've NEVER written down my phone number or mailing address --and my siblings only have my email address since I copy them in emails so they are STUCK having it. The ones I reached confirmed that we have nothing to say to each other so I told them goodbye from my life.

Strangely, they all think that because PATRICK STANSBURY of (a narco-trafficker) FIRED ME and CHRISTAL PRESLEY and I had a falling out after I learned she worked with Sean Hannity of FOX NEWS (Mom got our 1968-70 neighbor and her and Dad's duplicate bridge buddy Lou Holtz his job coaching football at Notre Dame like she got her brother the position of Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish -- before getting him forced to take DOUBLE DOSE Lithium which brought on his chemical diabetes -- of which he died -- after Uncle Bob allowed his daughter Janet Meyer to marry the Jew, Kim Opperman. Mom ALSO got Lou Holtz his CURRENT job as commentator on FOX NEWS) and Christal ALSO was the instrumental person in my BAD CONTRACT with Alyson Books for the Tennessee Williams memoir -- SO WHY THE HELL IS MY FAMILY TELLING ME THAT MY PROBLEMS WITH PATRICK STANSBURY AND CHRISTAL PRESLEY GIVE THEM THE EXCUSE TO TOTALLY SNUB ME???

You can see why I'm leaving them behind -- but I'll occasionally contact Jane. She was totally brainwashed after her fall and coma while a student at UNC Chapel Hill in 1974. Jane has NEVER taken my phone number of address in a way that she has retained, either.

Although this has been 3.5 years in the works of coming to this conclusion -- and I have done everything I could think of (except agree to taking psychoactive chemicals and AGREEING that my lack of friendship with Patrick and Christal (and a few similar) really DOES prove I need to take chemicals, it is a TERRIBLE REALIZATION TO COME TO: THAT YOUR FAMILY ONLY CARES ABOUT THEIR SELF-PRESERVATION and are criminals. So you really DO have to divorce them, apparently PERMANENTLY.

Despite my expecting for years now that it might eventually come to this, it is still devastating. From their tones of voice and their matter-of-fact talking, I think they intellectually understand that this is a sad situation -- but they showed NO EMOTION whatsoever about it -- and did NOT say that maybe they should have my contact info for emergency (like if my 89 year old mother or 94 year old father die).

I hurt REAL BAD -- but not so much for me. I've got good and real friends now and too many endorsements of mental health care professionals NOT associated with my family or North Carolina Courts. And now I will soon be away from all the DRUG TRASH of Puerto Vallarta and can work on my "regular" writing and preparation to sue NC Courts and the City of Wilmington -- without undue distraction.

The future for me could NOT be brighter -- but I NEVER really took Jesus's words that if you want to follow him (his philosophy -- not Christian religion, necessarily -- I mean ALL his followers were Jews back then. No Christians at all!!!) -- you have to (often) COMPLETELY LEAVE YOUR SPOUSE AND FAMILY BEHIND. I have found what this means and while not easy, it is the only way for me to FEEL TRULY ALIVE -- and able to actually love.

And so it is, Wednesday night, 12 September 2012.


Top result when I googled "finding a new family" .




reltihevoli said...

Hey Scott. I'm a bit lost. Did you come out of the closet or something? I found you blog by searching for something like: Nancy Reagan blowjob queen. Then I decided to read this post. It sounds like you told your family that you are gay and they don't want to see you anymore.

Homosexuality isn't a sin, it is an abomination. Religion is an abomination as well. I don't hate gays, I hate their agenda. Man-on-man/boy sodomy advocates want to go into our schools and recruit our children.

GLAAD/LGBT/NAMBLA thinks that gay men have the right to molest children. That is the easiest way to convert a child. Look at Matt Shepard. He was raped by a gay man in Europe. Then what does he do? He starts molesting his little brother. Luckily some American heroes put a stop to it.

You see now how homosexuality is an abomination? It starts with rape and usually ends in either self inflicted death or a slow HIV death...with a bunch of man-on-man/boy sodomy inbetween.

If we let two men marry how can we say a man and a dog or a brother and a sister is wrong? If GLAAD has its way men will be able to marry boys as young as 12 years old.

Well, I'm rambling. Hopefully you are not gay and if you are then at least you should now see that it is wrong and come back into nature's fold.

Scott Kenan said...

Hi "reltihevoli"

-- and thanks for not only WRITING, but for making up this FALSE IDENTITY do so so -- so that no one recognizes who has ACTUALLY expressed his OWN TWISTED INNER FANTASIES!!!

The more "Republicans" and God-Hating Christians who do this, the sooner we will know who the REAL CHILD-MOLESTER-WANNABES are!!!

"Prishiate it"!!!

(And please send me PRIVATELY your REAL email address -- so I can recommend some TRUE CHRISTIAN COUNSELLING.)

Your's in christ,
Scott David Kenan

P W Reilly said...

Great to hear that you're planning on leaving Vallarta, Scott. It will be a saner place once you're gone. Hurry up and start packing, you lunatic nutbar!

reltihevoli said...

Hi Scott. It is hard to fathom why a gay man would promote a religion that is based on lies and hate. A religion that hates you for what you are.

Your "faith" is amusing. How can someone have faith if they were not given a choice? Religion is not based on personal choice. It is simply a matter of who your parents are and where you were born.

Granted, some .001% of Christians may have actually chosen their Tyrant God but for the vast majority it wasn't even up for debate.

If you were born in Indiana and your parents were Christians that would make you a Christian from birth. you cannot have true faith in anything if you are brainwashed and forced into "believing" it.

Man-made religion has been the plague of humanity, even more so than the Jews and that is saying a lot.

Why would you believe in a god that punishes the vast majority of the human race? Just think, everyone born outside of a christian zone (i.e. India) will burn in the lake of fire forever.
That includes retarded children and unbaptised infants.

Only an evil, petty Tyrant God would do something like that. You should really open up your mind Scott. Denounce your twisted god and he will have no power over you. You can destroy him utterly by opening your mind.

Once the world if purged of all man-made religions, the Jews, the gays and the blacks we will finally start to on the path to ascension.

Scott Kenan said...

Hello again, PW Reilly!!!

(This comment refers to your most previous one that has a long and MOST entertaining comment in-between -- from someone else.)

I appreciate that you advertently or inadvertently gave away that you live here in Puerto Vallarta -- otherwise you would have NO IDEA if my leaving town will improve or impoverish the local scene.

And your continuing to refer to me as a lunatic (that only means "moon-lovin") "nutbar" rather than the far more common "nutball" shows your POSSIBLY-subconscious obsession with penises -- or at least the penis shape (and the "candy-bar"-ishness of the term reveals your desire for something sweet, which my previous "eaters" swear my "jungle juice" is.

Since we both live in PV (I, conveniently in the Alta Vista "Colonia"), I'd like to invite you over for an evening (or day), session of "swordmanship", during which I will show you the joys associated with my patented sword-swallowing "trick".

And if you DON'T feel that you have gotten sufficient release, I can either repeat-until-you-are-fully-drained -- or you can "off" me (as they say), but I advise you that MANY have attempted to kill me -- but no intending-perpetrator leaves unimpressed with my abilities (in one thing or another).

Please email me privately via the address on top right of this blog so we can set something up ASAP!!!

I admit it: You are TOO HOT (and needy), to pass up!!!


Scott Kenan said...

My DEAREST "reltihevoli":

I just ADORE a good piece of SATIRE!!! That said, I will respond as if I think you believe what you wrote LITERALLY.

First of all, I completely believe what you said about this alleged "tyrant god", in fact my TOP spiritual teacher, Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz who founded the Atlanta Church of Religious Science (aka Science of Mind -- NOT to be confused with the very different Scientology which has a similar name), used to LOVE to say from the Sunday (or other) pulpit: "God loves the atheists best -- because they never fell for any of the bullshit." Another thing he was fond of saying that you might like is: "God SO LOVED the world -- he didn't send a COMMITTEE!!!" (Witness Congress in recent years. HA!!!)

Although I'm an "Honorary Jew" (compliments of the Reiner Family of Hollywood, which they made me 2.5 years ago after I first blogged that my parents are the TOP NAZIS in the United States), as well as a "certified Reverse-Oreo" (ALL true Southerners are THAT -- due to the crime of slavery that actually INFECTED the slave-owners and other Southerners with so-called "Soul" -- Tennessee Williams, the playwright I once worked for was ALSO in that boat -- BIG TIME!!! -- and he was MORE PROUD of that than even his two Pulitzer Prizes!!!), I do NOT take offense at your scape-goating Jews BEFORE you explain your reasons why -- I mean in their RELIGION, Jews (like Muslims), honor Jesus-of-Nazareth as a MAJOR PROPHET -- and as the Bible accurately reports, it was the ROMANS under the hated Herrod who crucified Jesus.

But WAIT!!! You don't buy all that God-malarchy, so WHY EXACTLY do you have a problem with Jews (who ran banking when the Catholic Church OUTLAWED it as a christian occupation -- hence making POSSIBLY all the business and material progress of the European continent until the Church changed its mind -- and they have such an emphasis on Education and the Arts, that a TOP American Jew (now deceased), Ben Zion Leuchter (translation: "Son of Zion who spreads Light", erroneously assumed the Kenan Family of North Carolina -- of which I am probably the TALLEST member at 6' 11" -- were Jews!!! (Kenan Charitable Trusts for nearly 100 years now have been the LARGEST private support of University Education in the WORLD -- as well as actively engaged as the largest private enterprise (Kenan Institute Asia) in tandem with SEVEN national governments in the Mekong Delta Region, promoting Education, Health and Nutition Improvement, and socially-responsible, sustainable capitalism -- as AMENDS for US War Crimes committed during the Vietnam War.

(continues in next comment)

Scott Kenan said...

(continuation from above comment):

I'm quite PROUD of them, although I am descended from the "wrong brother" so got not a PENNY of that money -- except INDIRECTLY through their support of University Education -- including a rather ENORMOUS donation (or more), to my alma mater, Denison University. (And while I'm at it, my MOTHER was born in Indiana; I was born in Ohio.)

OK, so I GET your BEEF with religion -- you clearly were brought up in a HATE-BASED religion (which is NOT true of ALL religion, in my experience). But DO explain your problem with several WHOLE CLASSES (although I accept some members are despicable -- like members of EVERY group you or I claim association with, as well).

And DO also explain exactly WHERE a NOT-god-believing person (such as you claim yourself to be), expects to "ascend" TO on the only power available if there is no "God" -- your own volition??? And if you can do this WITHOUT "outside help", WHY EXACTLY aren't you doing that NOW -- instead of railing against Jews, "retarded" people, the unbaptised (a TOTALLY religious exercise, for Christ's sake!!!)

Well, as I first said, you DO seem to have written satire (look it up).

And email me privately if you'd like a BJ or to F my A. Males ALWAYS think better when they are getting TONS OF SEX. It frees their upper heads to actually THINK RIGHT!!! -- and THIS is a SERVICE I offer all the needy, FREE OF CHARGE!!!

All best,

reltihevoli said...

Your offer is repulsive Scott. I disrespectively decline. I didn't say anything bad about retarded children. I was just pointing out that Christians claim that they will burn in hell and the bible even states that they shouldn't be allowed in churches.

About the Jews. Their religion and society is inherently evil. The "Chosen People" have caused so many wars and so much poverty. They consider non-jews to be animals.

Almost every major country has expelled the jews at one time or another. England, Germany, Rome and countless others. There must be a reason for this?

Jews cannot create anything on their own. They simply leech off of other societies. Have you ever heard of a Jewish inventor? Me neither.

The Mossad is the world's largest terrorist org. They murder, poision and rape innocent people all of the time, including women and children. Look at their wikipedia page, it is a modest overview of just 1% of their crimes against humanity.

Perhaps I hate the arrogance most of all. Jews don't even bother to defend their atrocities. Not even blacks have fell so far. It makes me wonder if Jews are demons in disguise. You don't necessarily need religion to have demons.

Israelis have perfected the things taught to them by the Nazis. Hitler should have followed through the Madagascar plan. You cannot kill every single cockroach, you can only hope to contain them.

I wish I would have been around for the pogroms. The Kristallnacht would have been very amusing.

The Jews are doing the same things to the arabs that the germans did to them. Anyone who says like "Israeli is violating international law" is labeled anti-semitic.

The gays are doing to same thing. When I say something they don't like they call me a bigot, homophobe or even a closet homo. Since when does apposing evil make someone a bigot?

Your crimes are not against some god. They are against nature and no one, not even a demon Jew, can deny the power and righteousness of nature. Two women together is fine. I actually fully support that, especially when they make videos for me. Two men however are an abomination.

I can't even wrap my head around a gay jew. The only thing worse would be a gay black jew :-).

Oh btw - Slavery wasn't bad. We did them a favor. They get to sit back on welfare wearing $200 shoes while the ones left behind are living in mud huts and eating flies.

Blacks have not evolved in thousands of years. Did you know that they recently try to cure aids by staging a massive ritual rape? They raped over 5,000 women. These man-beast were better off in chains.

Did you know that raping an infant is an extremly commor HIV cure in Africa? Look it up! Blacks had one inventor, the peanut guy, so they are not exactly like jews. If jews are demons blacks are simply aggressive, smelly animals. They are still natural creatures, but beasts instead of people.

Scott Kenan said...

Don't know how many of my Gentle Readers noticed that the post-er "reltihevoli" is ACTUALLY "I LOVE HITLER" WRITTEN BACKWARD AND LOWER-CASED.

Either he IS or THINKS HE IS the "Devil" -- and I am Jesus-come-back and this is like the TEMPTATIONS OF CHRIST IN THE DESERT.

Well I ain't Jesus (no matter what Mike Massicott of thinks -- Mike is the ONLY person who REALLY thinks or thought I am Jesus returned, as he once seriously accused me in 2010 before rhapsodizing about being CENTER in a gay "sandwich".

In any case, if YOU didn't notice this identity (I didn't realize it until half an hour after posting my most previous comment last night -- but decided to wait until morning to see if anyone ELSE noticed and emailed me to call it to my attantion. No one did).
