Friday, December 28, 2012

A Prayer for Chacala, Mexico (and Cape May, NJ, as well)!!!

Robert J. Kus, RN, PhD (psychology), and Catholic priest -- Pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Wilmington, NC.


Dear Father Bob,

I have been weeping quietly for an hour now (for joy) -- brought on by my noticing that lately a number of people have found my political blog by googling "Reverend Robert Kus homosexuality", and out of curiosity googled that myself to find this result: .

Since I will post this letter on my blog and many are quick to assume incorrect things, I must state that none of the results have a thing to do with your own sexuality -- something you voluntarily put on hold by your Catholic Vows as a priest. Instead, I first found your article on Father Toribio Romo -- the "Holy Coyote": . Let me state that although I don't believe I ever discussed this with you, I DID discuss it a couple of times with Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian: that because Tennessee Williams actually APPEARED to me in my Atlanta bedroom the night of his death, before I had any idea he had died, as a sort of 90% physical hologram and then took me "beyond time & space" for a total healing of all misunderstanding between us, I came to accept that Jesus could well have appeared seeming or being flesh after his death. When I wrote my memoir of working for Tom Williams, I felt I had to write that down to a dream. I'd had too much trouble from people aggressively seeking to nut-house commit me and I was not going to hand them ammo. HA!!! As I now revise the book for a better publication, I will reconcile this somehow.

As I've explained to many, if Mr. Williams could do THIS, how much more could Yeshua-bar-Joseph (known to Christians as Jesus of Nazareth), have done??? Additionally, Jackie Kennedy Onassis appeared to me at least six times in early 2010, in a fashion like the iconic images of Our Lady of Guadeloupe, the oval of her presence being separated from physical reality by a whole series of licks of flame. She spoke to me and told me exactly what to do when I did not have a clue. She was always correct. President Kennedy also appeared -- just smiling -- and John F. Kennedy, Jr., both as John-John saluting his father's caisson and as his adult self, telling me that Republicans had sabotaged his plane and he had foolishly not checked its mechanics himself before flying with his wife that ill-fated day. He regretted that.

So, as Jesus said many a time, we ALL can do as much as He, and he was no one special -- although he was a MOST IMPORTANT messenger of God, our Father. And even Peter walked on water (in one of the two accounts in the Bible). He didn't do it very long, and he didn't do it very well -- but he DID IT (until he doubted God's support)!!!

Left to my own devices, I go on and on. I will ATTEMPT to stay brief (or brief-ish), and a bit more ON POINT.

The next thing I found googling you is your work regarding homosexuality and alcohol/drug addiction. I thank you for that. I found a plethora of articles, as well as these two books on Amazon: , and also: .

You are such a STINKER (maybe as bad as or even WORSE than Sr. Mary Isaac). HA!!!

And I must confess something. That day I met you between the rectory and church when I was off to cash a check I'd been sent by someone and it was about 15 blocks to the check cashing business, and seeing you, in the hope of getting the dollar I needed for bus fare, I made a claim of having sex with a priest -- as if I had been under-aged and it was a criminal act. Without hesitating, you ducked into the rectory, found a dollar bill and gave it to me before taking me for a tour of St. Mary's to show off the Byzantine-correct architecture and building techniques. And THAT was interrupted by someone alerting you to the arrival of a Mexican family with immediate needs.

It is at THAT point that you paid me the highest compliment of my life by not even gesturing to me but immediately taking off to help them. YOU KNEW intuitively that I would understand and your energy was needed elsewhere -- you are a VERY TRICKY PRIEST, INDEED!!!

For the record, I was 28 at the time and the portly priest, a then recent import from Italy, was entirely respectful of me, faux-guilt-possessed after the act (which for about 30 years was the highest memory of loving sex I had to go forward from -- for both heat and sensuality/sensitivity). And this might or might not make you cringe, but he called it the "Cum-Union of Saints". (bashful) LOL!!!

This priest is still in service in the same parish in Cape May County, NJ, which is why I have never named him in my blog.

Moving on, I'd like to thank you for your prayers for healing of my family. They worked. And while it's true that I would be a certified Practitioner in Religious Science (aka Science of Mind), had I not taken some courses more than two years before the third year program so did not technically qualify for certification, I know how to pray "scientifically" for myself and others -- very powerfully. But we are all human and too close to some situations to be effective, so you came in. I would like to ask you now to pray for the healing of my relationship with my landlady here in Mexico and some of her family. They fell into a trap of conniving Gringos who got them to not only transport MILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of powder drugs -- very dangerous work and they were paid NOTHING considering their risk. At least the landlady is said by townspeople to have retail-sold drugs in the community.

But in my actually INADVERTENT ending of this business relationship with the narco-traffickers (I would have been satisfied if they simply moved it out of Chacala -- or used some DISCRETION instead of letting people like me witness the whole thing -- although this is not a real solution), they have been left with nothing like the income they are used to having. Worse, the husband's old livelihood of fishing is no good now due to factory-fishing of these previous teeming waters, and the landlady's traditional candy store being in a terrible location and un-stocked -- and a NEW candy store has opened in a PRIME spot in town in recent weeks as well.

But there is this guest house and it has THE BEST POTENTIAL to be a real moneymaker!!! I have done my darnedest to support this business, with NO appreciation from them or taking actual advantage of it, so far. Because of the STRENGTH of my blogging/emailing, even if they DID get rid of me (which I know they don't really want to do), it would NO LONGER BE POSSIBLE for them to get back into the drug-transportation business -- although they MIGHT be able to get back into retail drug sales. ALL we need is a flipping of attitude on their parts and perhaps more sensitivity on my part. This is what I ask you to pray for.

And pig that I am, a tiny little other thing too: the healing of my relationship with my old friends in Cape May, NJ. You see, there was always something hidden in how I got there. Hilary Russell, whom I graduated with Denison '73 -- both of us earning BFA degrees in the making of Art -- did not even KNOW each other to speak of until the last week of school. Suddenly, she was my best friend and her invitation to visit Cape May led to my moving there and eventually partnering with her and her now-husband Chuck Pritchard (DU '72). 

I have wondered the whole time since then WHY Hilary took such a sudden interest in me, and later saw the evidence of her parents having a "special relationship" with my parents -- so strong that one time Hilary's mother actually was convinced (after conferring with my parents who were also visiting Cape May at the time), that Hilary and I would get married and Barbara Russell was just THRILLED, despite EVERY ONE of us (including Barbara Russell), then knowing I was and am an out gay man!!!

In 2009, when I last visited Chuck and Hilary in Cape May, Hilary had SEVERAL small breakdowns of short crying jags, which I did NOT understand at the time. I think she was (at least after-the-fact, but probably BEFORE, in that she aggressively got me to move to Cape May), consciously part of the manipulation of my life by my mother -- NOW STOPPED. You see, Chuck and Hilary (and other Cape May friends as well), were my ACTUAL parents in many ways -- being demonstrative physically of love in all its forms (which my own family NEVER was), as well as people of Integrity -- something I credit to Chuck -- and the influence of his parents, primarily.

I am not angry with ANYONE AT ALL!!! "All's Well That Ends Well", etc.!!! But your prayer might help as well, nes pas??? I owe them all so much. 

I got a GREAT ADVENTURE out of ALL of it and except for a now-regrown giant plantar wart (due to not treating it while so absorbed in politics, lately), am totally healthy and vigorous, and even though not every bit was fun in the moment, IT'S JUST A STORY NOW (to quote Yoko Ono). I'll make TONS of money off it and off my lawsuit against North Carolina Courts and the City of Wilmington Police Department. I have come to realize that trying to sue the NC and New Hanover Republican Party for their email and other harassments of me is pointless. Republicans move money faster than God when they feel threatened. And while I don't at all like the idea of (or the time and attention it will take), suing, since those entities have NOT taken advantage of my MANY offers to settle for a relatively small sum of money to get back on my feet, I DO feel God has called me to "wrestle the Devil to the ground until he hollers 'UNCLE'". The Devil just does NOT give up!!! Wilmingtonians (not all), and Republicans MUST BE TAUGHT FORCEFULLY that they CANNOT continue to serve Mammon -- at least not while MY ass is still alive and kicking. HA!!!

Anyway, please give my best regards to Sister Mary Isaac -- and all the other Catholic Clergy in Wilmington (and other Patriots as well). We've all taken a serious licking -- but baby we is still a-TICKING!!! WE are the survivors who will prosper and go on under God's Government. The haters and fear-mongers will, if not "perish", be banished from decent society and strong income until they HEAL THEMSELVES. this is God's Way, and not in my, your, or any other human's control.

I thank you for your time -- and for your being such a good friend not only to me now, but to my parents who ALWAYS speak of both you and Sister Isaac with HIGHEST RESPECT and LOVE when the subject comes up.




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