Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Like a SNAPPING TURTLE, I Will NOT Let Go of THIS FIGHT until I've Won!!!

Wilmington, NC has this EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!! I was actually googling for an image of "Niggerhead Point", the spit of land separating the Cape Fear from the Northeast Cape Fear rivers where WHITES impaled the severed heads of blacks they had slaughtered in the streets during the 1898 Wilmington "Race Riot",  "Insurrection", or whatever YOU want to call it -- and THIS image came up instead.

>>> SORRY FOR MY LONG BREAK in continuing to write this post. I was contacted DIRECTLY by Christopher Everette, the producer of WILMINGTON ON FIRE, and we have begun discussing what I believe will be a BRILLIANT MARKETING as well as TRUTH-SHARING partnership.

I will soon resume writing this posting after a brief break for MEDITATION (as opposed to mediCAtion).


>>> TEXT OF MY FIRST CONTACT WITH MR. EVERETTE: edited to eliminate typos and all additions or correction will be clearly in RED.

Christopher Everett
whats up Scott
how r u?
  • Scott Kenan
    I'm pretty busy writing right now. What's up?
    • Christopher Everett
      Im the director and producer of WILMINGTON ON FIRE
      you said you had some info about the kenans
      • Scott Kenan
        Will you marry me???? LOL!!!
        • Scott Kenan
          i have ALL the dirt on the Kenans. We need to TALK!!!
          And anything I can do to spread the word on your film i will risk life and limb to do
          Do you have a distribution contract yet???
          • Christopher Everett
            no contract yet (still working on some deals). what is your number?
            • Scott Kenan
              I live in Chacala, Mexico a small village of 300 year round on the beach 1.5 hours drive north of Puerto Vallarta. i was chased out of PV by narco-traffickers and CIA. from US dial direct: 011-52-1(redacted). it's a cell.
              • Scott Kenan
                Also, I have EIGHT false charges (with six imprisonments) in Wilmington from 2011 -- and TWO false nut-house commitments then. My public Defender made a deal that all charges will be dropped if I stay out of Wilmington for a year (which ends about 5/1/2013).
              • Two charges are dropped so far.

                • Scott Kenan
                  Usually, it is easier for me to call someone in the States. Like AT&T, the land and cell companies here are owned by TOP narco-traffickers and I have learned tricks to get around their not allowing calls to/from me to go through.
                  You seem occupied now. My regular email is posted on my blog, upper right . Send me your phone number using BOTH email and Facebook and I will call you within a day or two.

                  • Christopher Everett
                    my email is (redacted)
                    so what type of info do you have about the kenans?
                    • Scott Kenan
                      I would like to say "EVERYTHING", and I'm sorry I'm so typed out I'm not in a mood to put it all together here and now -- although it can be found on my blog MANY places. Basically, the Kenan Family traces its roots person by person from Pepin, the first King of Italy in the 600s through Charlemagne, a bunch of Dukes of Normandy, a Chief Justice of Great Britain, TWO Magna Carta Sureties, and then the ENTIRE Stuart Line in Scotland, although the Stuart Monarchs of England were their "branch-off" cousins as well. Three Kenans (possibly by other surnames) helped write the Articles of Confederacy -- the PRE-Constitution of the US that the Constitution is based on after Politicians re-write it to get the credit for the ideas. Later, the Kenans became the LARGEST provider of naval stores (turpentine, tar, pitch, etc.) to the WORLD from their vast holding of pine forests in S.E. North Carolina, and founded UNC in 1789 with allied families, after INVENTING the first Public University in the world -- and the Tar Heel sports teams are named for the FIRST Kenan fortune. (continuing)
                      • Scott Kenan
                        The Kenans had as many as 300 slaves on some of these properties, but I actually believe the Kenan History books that claimed they worked side by side with slaves and danced with them in private at-home parties. The Kenan Family spread across the South and eventually dominated the legislatures of most Deep South states and PUSHED and achieved the the separation that led to the Civil War. To the Kenans it was about integrity of contracts and anti-Federalism, rather than slavery -- which they seemed to not like but feel they had to be part of to prosper in the South. The North had made ALL the money on the slave trade and was also CHRISTIAN OUTRAGED at all the bisexual activity which was the norm in the South which had been patterned on ancient Greece and Roman principles which included bisexuality -- but the married men of course always kept up appearances as the family unit was of TOP importance.
                        • Scott Kenan
                          My own great-grandfather, Murphy Kenan did not believe in slavery and saved up and bought and immediately freed two slaves -- yet still was quick to enlist for the South in the War. When I learned this, I realized the Yankee Lies I had been brought up on COULD NOT be true. My third cousin Alan Gurganus wrote a fictionalized account of Murphy Kenan and his very late bride Julia (Pridgen) Kenan called OLDEST CONFEDERATE WIDOW TELLS ALL, using false names (Marden was the surname) and significant fictional incidents. It became a Broadway Show (a one-night failure), but went on to win several Emmys as a TV Movie in 1989. Donald Sutherland played my great-grandfather and Diane Lane/Anne Bancroft-as-old played my great-grannie. Dad remembers Julia killing a rattlesnake with a broomstick in the back yard the day of her 100th birthday. The movie is available on DVD.
                          • Christopher Everett
                            explain the wilmington massacre involving the kenans
                            if you dont mind
                            • Scott Kenan
                              William R. Kenan, SENOIR was a member of the TOP Confederate sharpshooters, the Duplin Rifles -- which was HALF Kenans -- and the ONLY Confederate to take a shot at Lincoln deep in DC.
                              I'm getting there.
                              • Scott Kenan
                                He missed and killed President Lincoln'w adjutant. William R. Kenan, SENIOR was PSYCHOTIC if you believe the pictures of this man in the book THE KENAN FAMILY which can be bought on Amazon -- the 1967 edition has the "royal history, etc." but the 1999 edition by Mercer University Press, Atlanta does not. Anyway, as harbormaster of Wilmington after the war he made MUCH in bribes and actually planned the 1898 thing with First Prez behind secret doors.
                              • Gen. James Kenan led the FIRST armed resistance to the Crown at Wilmington EIGHT YEARS before the Boston Tea Party. You will find memorials to that around Wilmington, but will NOT know that it was a Kenan in charge unless you ask Old White Folks. Kenans are TOTALLY SECRETIVE, and even today, after inheriting TWICE as much of Standard Oil Trust and nearly everything developed in Florida from Henry Flagler who left his last wife Mary Lily Kenan Flagler EVERYTHING -- causing the NEW YORK TIMES to declare her the "Wealthiest Woman in the World" (but Flagler and Kenans hide money so well the NYTimes didn't know the HALF of it). Rockefeller only owned 1/3 of S.O. and came to HATE Flagler who had founded it -- even BOYCOTTED Flagler's marriage to Mary Lily because he considered her a SLUT -- but some of his children attended. HA!!! This was at Liberty Hall the ancestral home of the Kenans in Kenansville, NC.
                                • Scott Kenan
                                  Willam R. Kenan's children did VERY WELL: Mary Lily got all Flagler's wealth, and William R. Kenan, JR, was to Flagler's Florida ventures what Rockefeller was to his Standard Oil, so became as rich on Florida as Rockefeller had been on S.O.
                                • None of them had children -- and in fact Will (WRK, Junior), after living a childless life with his horsey but nice wife, moved in with his devoted male secretary Scotty after her death. Kenans have a serious tendency toward gay of bi.

                                • Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill is now in charge of the Kenan Companies and Charitable Trusts. He and I dated the same guy in 1985 at different times -- which is how I first contacted him in 1990 when Republicans first began JAILING me on false charges because I tracked how Newt Gingrich brought drugs from Mexico into Stone Mountain Park behind my house of many years -- in conjunction with MY PARENTS!!!

                                • You see, the Kenan Family -- always secretive and clever -- put the great bulk of their money into Charitable Trusts that are SELF-OWNING, but they control. These people and charities continue to control the biggest blocks of Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Coca-Cola (inherited from Frank Hawkins who is credited with putting the Phoenix in Atlanta), Bank of America, Florida Power and Light (and most Florida utilities, transportation, and food-growing companies), as well as Kenan Advantage Group that has been the largest distributor of gasoline in the US to independents for some years now -- for about eight years the EXCLUSIVE supplier to Costco stores in the US -- and ALSO the winner of every environmental award for safe handling as well as customer service award.
                                  • Scott Kenan
                                    I am OUTING the Kenans for the good and the bad and they are not happy with me because they FLED Presbyterianism over the RACISM of William R. Kenan, Sr. -- into Episcopalianism and are one of its TOP financial supporters. I can prove in a court of law that the Episcopal Church's top people conspired and murdered Tennessee Williams and became TOTALLY complicit in all the CIA/Republican Party narco-trafficking. The wealthy Kenans of NC FLED the Republican Party IMMEDIATELY after 9/11 because they knew Bush planned it with CIA, the bin Ladens and Saudi Royals -- partly to destroy their ownership of the FIRST oil cartel in favor of imported oil from OPEC. In fact this is why domestic oil production in the US FELL through the Bush years.
                                  • Obama has allowed it back, and NOW the US is only a tiny bit behind Saudi production and poised to become the World's Largest Oil producing country again -- as can be verified by any Oil Industry statements -- and despite the CIA/Republican/NAZI lies.
                                    • Scott Kenan
                                      Kenan Charitable Trusts remain the World's LARGEST support of University Education for 100 years now. Tommy (TSKIII) is using his own foundation to preserve all the native languages and cultures in Latin America. The Kenan Institute Asia has for about twenty years been the world's LARGEST private/government partnership in the World, working in seven S.E. Asia countries to MAKE AMENDS for US War Crimes during the Vietnam War by providing clean water, education, and supporting sustainable SOCIALLY CONSCIOUS capitalism. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenan_Institute_Asia . So the Kenan story has TONS of good too.
                                      • Scott Kenan
                                        The best thing to do because I am TIRING of typing is to google my first and last name in quotes followed by any name or subject to see what I wrote on blog, which has over 1,300 posts now and is showing signs of going viral soon. I will convert it into a series of books about the TRUE story of Racism, Genocide, Wealth, etc. in the United States.

                                      • I expect you will have GRAVE difficulties finding a distributor -- but there are OTHER avenues to get your movie out that I know about from friends who could not get film distributors too (including Rick McKay whom I met in Atlanta when he was showing/talking to audiences about http://www.broadwaythemovie.com/ . Today, despite HUGE CRITICAL ACLAIM, Rick has not yet found distributor for his first of two sequels -- because of the NZI/Republican/Episcopal Church BAN on much truth (this is ALSO why the ONLY way they would allow the movie THE AVIATOR to be released was if they HAD NO REFERENCE to Howard Hughes's homosexual side. As ALL HISTORIES ABOUT HIM will tell you, he had AS MANY HOMOSEXUAL AFFAIRS as straight ones, but there is NOT a SHRED of this in the film!!! BTW: both Randall Kenan and I are WELL CONNECTED to Howard Hughes, mysteriously, also -- but best would be to mount a campaign that FORCES someone good to pick up your film. I can advise and you can consider if my advice is worthwhile.
                                      • Scott Kenan
                                        BTW: I know the producer of a film on Tupac Shakur (who came from my Stone Mountain neighborhood), and he and others have confirmed that Tupac was ASSASSINATED because Quincy Jones invited him to a party at his California home and MANY rappers (who all did gay-hate rap), were upstairs fucking each other with abandon --and Tupac REFUSED TO SHUT UP about it. Black sexual hypocrisy is one of the BIGGEST hypocrisies in America. In fact, the FIRST thing I learned in jail was that jailers have to have at least one not-black inmate with any group of blacks who have privacy -- to keep them from immediately having sex with each other. If this is more truth than you can handle right now it's OK. Think about it a bit and do your own research and we can continue later.
                                        • Christopher Everett
                                          Thanks for the info Scott. I will look more into your blog posts. Do you have any books on the Kenans that may be of help?
                                          • Scott Kenan
                                            Google "THE KENAN FAMILY book" and you will find that Kenan Kern is the BEST independent supplier on Amazon selling new copies of the 1999 edition. Many companies sell print-on-demand copies of the 1967 edition by Alvaretta Kenan Register which she refused to copyright. This one has all the "ancient history" and additional info on "allied families" and the Kenan secret belief that WE are the saviors of the world eventually, supported by Chronicles 1 in the Bible -- the lineage from Adam to Noah. Kenan (some translations "Cainan" -- which was the original spelling in medieval Ireland of the line that provided the name).
                                          • Metaphysical Bible dictionaries will tell you that KENAN means either the GROSS OVERINDULGENCE in physical wealth -- or in some "sadness". But Kenan's son is Mahalalel, which means "The Blessed God" or "Prince of Peace". I have with NO authority whatsoever except my COMMITMENT TO LIBERTY AND JUSTICE TO ALL -- VIA MAJOR TRUTH-TELLING (including fairness for my adversaries), declared myself the one of the ones leading the fight for this NEW AGE of LIBERTY, EDUCATION, and JUSTICE.

                                          • I recommend you ALSO check out the work of my NOT blood related Kenan ally, Mr. Randall Kenan who appears to be descended from the cook pictured in the the kitchen at Liberty Hall, Kenansville. Randall is the BEST living writer that I know of, now teaches at UNC Chapel Hill, and recently (half a year ago), was reported in the press as having had lunch with Gov. Bev Perdue and the guy who wrote CAPE FEAR RISING. I believe you can imagine what I imagine right THERE!!!
                                            Also, Randall has taught at the Sewanee Literary Conference which is funded by the Walter Dakin Fund -- the name of the inheritance Sewanee got of ALL of Tennessee Williams' estate after STEALING it from Harvard as Jackie Onassis had worked out with Tennessee (partly in my presence). I can PROVE IN A COURT OF LAW that Sewanee with John Eastman (still alive and Paul McCartney's first brother-in-law who ALSO probably authorized John Lennon's murder so his client's financial kingdom, -- WHICH HE CONTINUED TO MANAGE UNTIL ABOUT A YEAR AGO -- would increase in value if the more poetic Lennon were done away with. As everyone knows, Paul McCartney alone is MEDIOCRE!!!

                                          • But Randall gave me enough info about the MISMANAGEMENT of Tennessee's estate by Sewanee, that I got the courage from him to PRESS MY FIGHT to reveal the truth of Tennessee Williams' MURDER and how top Republicans in the Tennessee State Legislature PAID for Gary Tucker and Schuyler (called Skye) Wyatt to live in LUXURY without real jobs after they testified that Tennessee was INCOMPETENT when he signed the codicil suggested by Jackie Kennedy Onassis -- and the ACTUAL MURDER (smother with pillow).
                                          • John Uecker is alive as well. In 2009, John Uecker CONFIRMED TO ME that Skye Wyatt ALSO told him about his and Gary's Republican support until their deaths.

                                          • See how BAD I AM!!! And now I'm also UNSTOPPABLE. HA!!!

                                          • Scott

                                          • Christopher Everett
                                            Scott. Why do you have our convo up on your blog?
                                          • Scott Kenan
                                            Because people who keep secrets are MURDERED. This is the only way I remain alive -- by publishing the TRUTH as soon as I know it. If you are ashamed of the TRUTH, you and your film will be KILLED, lieterally.

                                          • Scott
                                            Christopher Everett
                                            not ashamed of the truth at all
                                            • Scott Kenan
                                              I didn't think so and you will find that I will see that your film gets the recognition that it deserves -- although I say this without knowing its content -- I trust YOU, intuitively.

                                            • Blessing to you and yours going FORWARD!!!

                                            • Scott
                                              * * *

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