Monday, May 6, 2013

Financing My Last 1.5 Years (as much as SSI Disability), Has Been John Uecker -- Who MURDERED Tennessee Williams!!!

>>> ADDED at 3:27 AM, CDT:

Поселку, образованному в Верхнеуслонском районе Татарстана, присвоено наименование «Иннополис». Поселок образован для создания нового обособленного инновационного центра, который призван стать местом концентрации специалистов и компаний в сфере информационных технологий. В дальнейшем в поселке, где начато строительство технопарка, сможет жить и работать свыше 50 тыс. человек. Планируется строительство новых автомобильных и железных дорог, взлетно-посадочной полосы для обслуживания малой авиации.

See Translation
Поселку, образованному в Верхнеуслонском районе Татарстана, присвоено наименование «Иннополис». Поселок образован для создания  нового обособленного инновационного центра, который призван стать местом концентрации специалистов и компаний в сфере информационных технологий. В дальнейшем в поселке, где начато строительство технопарка, сможет жить и работать свыше 50 тыс. человек. Планируется строительство новых автомобильных и железных дорог, взлетно-посадочной полосы для обслуживания малой авиации.
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Although hard for me to believe, after my computer FLEW to come up Monday morning and my Outlook program had HEALED itself overnight Sunday night, I KNEW the hackers would be back WITH A VENGENCE after what I blogged today, and in fact, after making my mother’s Cincinnati Chili for dinner tonight (to celebrate her ABDICATION as America’s Top NAZI – although I seriously DOUBT anyone actually called her as I asked in blog – and then I watched the first part of the movie IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE and was HAUNTED by memories of Marc LaFont so stopped it at the RUN ON THE BANK and went to bed, and have MORE to write about Marc now, I’ll begin with what I promised about my friend in New York City), found it took EIGHT FULL MINUTES to get this computer to come up – after FORCE CLOSING it when it was stuck coming up the first time on THREE minutes of a BLACK SCREEN.

I knew it would be OK if I could CUT OFF THE INTERNET, but the only way to do that was to UNPLUG the WiFi routers – which I finally realized and did and now all seems OK. I know if I bring them ON and post ENOUGH to my blog and people start hitting it, the hackers are STUCK having to let my proceed.

LOL!!! I’ve learned a LOT, no???

My favorite POSITIVE phantasy today: Barack Obama STAYS out of the country and seeks asylum in Bangladesh. LOL!!!

I’m sure I’m not alone with the reports the last several days of BOTH Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden SUDDENLY champing at the bit to BE PRESIDENT. THEY know something is up – don’t ya think???

My favorite NEGATIVE fantasy is to see my mother and all three of my siblings being tortured roasting over a fire alive as their skin is peeled off with sharp knives (not by me –I just sit there eating pomegranates and drinking RED wine. My dad is OFF THE HOOK, although I know he would not like to watch – unless, of course he WOULD!!!

Although I’m no expert, the fact that I have this much anger still means I need to keep writing and exposing until my mother and her NAZIs are all banished, commit suicide, or are in jail. I really DO believe they should ALL have fair trials, but to keep the Courts from being LOG-JAMMED, it would be BEST if most DO commit suicide – and I believe my Mom, Mike, Jane, and Julie WILL do that soon enough. They have NO FRIENDS at all – except in Alcoholics Anonymous and EACH OTHER.

I don’t believe Julie’s husband Joel goes on most of these camping trips – and CERTAINLY Gail doesn’t. My siblings are finding they have to do things just the three of them together because NO ONE ELSE actually LIKES them.

I’ve known for YEARS what caused my brother Mike to STOP being “Mama’s Happy Boy” – and in a SENSE it was my fault. As I’ve acknowledged several times, I was “playing doctors” in the neighborhood longer than most, and in second grade, Jane (who usually was playing too), invited mike who was three to join us, unbeknownst to me. Mike IMMEDIATELY stripped off all his clothes and while I watched in a sort of state of shock (knowing something was NOT right about it all), stood there as my little nekkid brother began grabbing at my crotch.

I turned and fled –NEVER to play doctors again – and Mike was NEVER the same again either. Mike and I never got to know each other after that until after we both had graduated college. In high school, Mike was handsome, fit, and a successful football and basketball player – unlike me who had been so physically awkward at that age – and Mom told me a few times how Mike had confided in her that several of his best friends and sports teammates had all confessed HUGE sexual love for Mike (and years later, Mike told me this as well) – something he could not handle. Once, Mike and his girlfriend slashed their wrists together.

Mom told me about it – making FUN of Mike + girl because they had sliced their wrists so shallowly that I don’t believe they even needed stitches, Mom pooh-poohing it as “ridiculous drama”. It was 1980 when Mike called me from Detroit, saying “Ya know how they say cocaine makes ya QUEER, well . . . “

And then in the late 1980s, BOTH Mike and Gail were so into cocaine it was threatening their family and financial stability – as well as Mike going on his drunks – so I really DID call mike’s secretary at Sun Oil and tell HER – and they did an intervention on Mike.

I’d like to PUBLICLY THANK Sun Oil Company!!!

But Mike and Gail’s marriage has ALWAYS been pretty rocky, and in 1990, I discovered Mike (about 45 then) was taking LARGE doses of Viagra just to get it up with his then long-term mistress, claiming he and Gail hadn’t had sex in several YEARS – but had made a pact that as soon as Taylor was out of the house they would get a divorce, already having laid out the financial splitting, and Mike said he ASSUMED Gail was getting sex and love elsewhere – and in fact hoped so.

Of course this saddened me because even then, I preferred Gail to my brother. I didn‘t want to lose her.

I have NO IDEA what their plans are now.


1.       He never once had an out gay friend that I ever met – all his friends were married straights. The BEST were John and Bev who had bought Kim and Jan Opperman’s house, then there were Barbara and Terry Sihilling (sp?) – both GREAT people, although their marriage did not last. And there was Marc’s best friend who could NOT keep a job – although as a MAC specialist he got a job for a year in Saudi Arabia that paid a HUGE amount of money.


This guy was TOTALLY gay, loving to show off shirtless around me – he thin and hairy and looking like a literal fox – but married to a really nice woman I kept up with quite a while long AFTER the two of them got divorced and Marc’s bud married a woman diagnosed BIPOLAR who could NOT get stabilized on meds. They moved around several places in Marc’s immediate neighborhood – having trouble keeping up with rent and spending lavishly on HIGH END lighting and furniture – but like MOST of Marc’s friends, not a BIT or art.

In fact, Marc’s house, while mostly honoring his FRENCH ROOTS, had all these English Hound-Hunt prints elaborately framed – LOL!!! It was SO pretentious.

But the FIRST time I actually got to California to his house (Marc had flown to Georgia – once completely without warning and emerging from my giant bushes bearing flowers – a few times before I went West – and that for his FAMOUS GIANT Christmas Party where everyone had to bring an ornament. I had found a cool glass sliver-moon in some kind of special glass that was iridescent. THAT blew Marc AWAY, he claiming that his all-time fave movie was IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, and everyone being blown away at the party by me intuitiveness – even comparing me for the whole time Marc and I dated to Jimmie Stewart, PARTICULARLY in that movie, something that looking back I see was quite appropriate – although I hadn’t given any of that a thought in years.

But eventually Marc partnered with a woman he and his friends called BIG RED (for her hair color), who DIVORCED her cool Jewish husband who owned only a chain of Laundromats or dry-cleaning stores to marry a SUPER-RICH WASP. It got ugly, and I never saw her ex again.

But she and Marc used to plan together – and MAYBE she connected him to Kelly Ray who bumped me out. Kelly LOVED Big Red and caused Marc to COMPLETELY dissociate from all the cooler people he had had more fun with when I was on scene.

And this woman had MET her SUPER-RICH hubby by doing HIGH END design work on his house -- which was her field. Once, Marc, Kelly, and I went to dinner with her and they all made FUN of me because I did NOT know the $60.00 appetizer she ordered -- less than the entrée, of course -- and THIS in about 1997 prices. But BETTER was than Marc and Kelly were less extravagant -- and then SHE picked up the entire check, making Marc and Kelly GROAN all the way home about what they COULD have ordered. HA!!!

More here: andhere .

Now, pardon me while I try to get the Internets up and transfer this to my blog, then to continue . . .

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>>> NOW WRITING ON BLOG with no real difficulties (for now) :

1. The very few who read this blog in fall of 2011, beginning shortly after the Wilmington Cops and Sheriff's Deputies ENCOURAGED the crowd to shout "JUMP, Chicken, JUMP!!!", and my friend Evan Fish DID eventually jump to his death from the top of the parking deck downtown next to the Library -- but not until a six-hour negotiation EMBOLDENED the Sheriff's negotiator after Evan gave up and stepped back, so she (and she told me this HERSELF!!!), radioed that it was "over", and Wilmington Cops one floor below released Eleanor Schwaner -- the ONE person Evan HATED more than anyone else because she had been his girlfriend in Maine where as the TOP cocaine distributor, he had bought several cars cash per year -- including two Maseratis one year -- and she had been trying to FORCE him back into narco-trafficking which he REFUSED to do (but still doing a lot of coke and weed) -- and Ellie whispered something in Evan's ear and he IMMEDIATELY ran to the edge and jumped yelling "There's NO way out!!!"

Sorry, but I'm STILL mad about that and CIA agent Kevin Maurer (co-wrote NO EASY DAY with Matt Bissonnette, as well as interviewed ME, promising his next book would be on MY STORY), saw to it that that was covered up in the Press. Sheriff Ed McMahon -- the BIGGEST DAMN UGLY DISAPPOINTMENT of ALL Wilmington Law Enforcement -- I really BELIEVED him that he was STRAIGHT (law-wise) -- until I discovered he is one of the MOST CORRUPT with a FAKE Christian/Family cover.

I'm STILL not in his Jail database (after FIVE stays in his jail for a total of about six weeks), I bet. HA!!!

But the problem with Evan Fish was that he KNEW all about the mini-subs unloading under Snow's Cut Bridge and he KNEW Lee Gosney of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. (where I'd worked for 18 years). Robbie Trahan knew BOTH as well -- as did Lee, the guy who had been Ben David's lover and told Ben IN FRONT OF ME (by phone), to SHOOT HIMSELF IN THE HEAD after I first visited the Drug Enforcement Agency to report Ben's narco-trafficking. LEE got a FREE late model pick-up truck from Ben David as payment for leaving Wilmington. HA!!!

See: .

Anyway, time to tell the truth about my so-called Manhattan friend!!! And I'm sorry if this is a tad disjointed (although I have not had any marijuana in several days and no alcohol in two days).

Part of this I told yesterday, so I won't repeat that -- but the MOST important thing (besides his connections to Andrew Emerson Cook at Saper Law, my sister Jane, and Patrick Stansbury of , and his CONSTANT inability to remember the SIMPLEST THINGS and CONSTANT recommending I do everything that would play into the hands of my Adversaries, is that the first three emails he ever sent me (claiming to have chanced on my blog and read my book as well), were ALL written in IDENTICAL STYLE to the many emails I'd received from John Uecker in 2009, when we had gotten so chummy.

When I pointed that out, he changed it over a week in fits and starts -- already sending me money, what did AYE care??? In fact, he gave me over $24,000.00 in 2012 ALONE (when EVERYTHING has been stolen, it takes a LOT to get back on your feet -- ESPECIALLY fleeing North Carolina for Mexico and being chased here by the DRUG MAFIA until a few weeks ago, many NEW things being lost or sacrificed to save MY LIFE.

And Friend REFUSED for several months to speak with me on a phone -- and would NOT meet me ANYWHERE when I was in New York last December. IN FACT, I believe that Uecker began it all and then had someone else talk to me on the phone -- PERFECTLY explaining why Friend was barely familiar with my blog or discussions we'd had a day before, etc. -- he REALLY didn't care at all, but knew he could get a lot of info from me if he sent money.

Friend's description of his sink full of filthy dishes and rent-control walk-up apartment -- as well as NOT wanting to let the landlord in for anything without AT LEAST a day's notice to clean up PERFECTLY describe Uecker's apartment. Friend ALWAYS said he disagreed with most of my politics. The only major difference is that Friend smokes at least 2.5 packs of cigs per day, was ADDICTED to the Jody Arias Trial and even BEFORE it, NEVER expressed interest in any SIGNIFICANT news stories.

His BIG THRILL is going to theater productions and sneaking in and out so he's hardly seen -- and a few movies as well. He goes to a doctor for testosterone injections so he can beat-off to porn better -- his only real thrill -- and he claims he's fallen asleep smoking so many times his mattress is CRATERED with holes where they've burned INTO the mattress!!!

The UPS Box (only address I have) is from near Broadway and 25th -- and despite sending me LOTS OF MONEY, he often talks of eating tuna from a can for dinner.

Well, so much for MY meal ticket -- LOL!!! I guess I'd better get busy WRITING and SELLING, no???

Both Friend and I have known for some time that this day would come. I'm broke as can be but will manage on my own -- and nearly everything "extra", I have already.

Who do YOU think played whom, BEST???

>>> ADDED 8 MAY 2013: This friendship is NOT CLARIFIED, STILL, and may never be. Suffice it to say the Friend and Uecker are SPIRITUAL BROTHERS -- even if they have no other connection.


All Boys must become MEN, eventually, no???


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