Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Day the INTERNETS DIED (temporarily -- in ALL of Puerto Vallarta, at least)!!!

>>> EMAIL SENT TO A FRIEND THIS MORNING that puts some perspective on the below posting which was meant for yesterday:


While I have read some Hemingway and respect it, I never really got into him as his style of writing seems workable in his time but not now when the world has been set on lightning fire. I thought that was probably him, but was not aware of the boxer. Since three of the four photos include him, could you fill me in on the story of his significance, please?

Interesting that I just spontaneously used only one question mark above -- a symptom of the changes from the MAMMOTH Think-Fest of yesterday, continuing, which is ENTIRELY re-ordering my perspective and thrust. I'm going to post what I had tried to post yesterday FIRST, then write about this change which when that piece is posted I'll email you and all.

My current take is that you and I (like most Conservatives compared to most Liberals -- but that's not to position either of us in that dichotomy) are like the Mac and PC computing systems -- they don't understand each other very well. So "judgment" is impossible, really. I apologize for some of the conclusions I've assumed that I've come to by applying MY own method of thinking to your words and actions. Your knowing about the new Conservative Radio Hosts planned ADMITTED BY THEM to be ILLEGAL LOADED-GUN armed march on the 4th of July 2013, which after ONE or two days ALREADY gotten over 10,000 CONFIRMED participants on Washington, DC (with "spontaneous" armed uprisings NATIONWIDE flooding out of WHITE CHRISLAMIC Churches that have become ARMORIES already due to Laws passed ALLOWING concealed weapons in churches like that SPONSORED by NC State Senator (Rep.) Thom Goolsby of Wilmington, NC), shows that you DO pay attention to current events, although for reasons I'll blog today, you have the EXACT belief about its real threat that i would have had my entire life until a few months ago -- and I wish more than anything that it is right, but still fear the nationwide sympathy armed uprising it is PLANNED to precipitate -- according to my experience-gained perspective.

After thinking about it, and without overlong blah, blah, blah, if you would like to make a last-time contribution to my financial stability toward car insurance, primarily, that would be greatly appreciated. I researched and Jalisco DOES require Liability Insurance, but unlike the US, there is NO electronic system to force people to buy to be able to register cars -- and there is NO Constitutional protection like in the US where debtors cannot be jailed until they pay their debts, which is CLAIMED to be what happens here: Go to jail until you pay the aggrieved party's bills after an accident you cause. As reference, the best liability rate I found is $281.00 per year and with added comprehensive, about $485.00 (both about double what they would be if I had insurance for the USA still).

Anyway, thanks again for everything and for being a GREAT sounding board tough enough to put up with me. I DO think that it best I find and develop my own sources of income going forward and that will help force me to focus on the FUTURE rather than sorting out the past -- well-sorted now -- as well as attempting to change the future of the USA.

And I DID get reconnected with some herbal bonfire potential which I was not under the influence of when we spoke last night. Later, it helped me relax more and continue to get a "higher perspective" on all this.


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After taking 1.5 hours to try every trick in the book to get online this morning, I finally did – to discover the Internet(s) is/are jammed – but Facebook came in enough to show the TOP story in my feed, which was from OCCUPY WALL STREET. They claim that in the New York Legislature that some important hearing is going on and Republicans PACKED the visitors’ seats with Republican staffers so NO ONE else is allowed in, and huge crowds of protestors are making so much noise in the streets that they HOPE it prevents them from being able to CONDUCT the hearing inside.

I PRESUME this is going on elsewhere as well in the United States, which would explain WHY the Internet is so jammed I can’t get much to come up – although taking 15 minutes, I WAS able to check both my gmail accounts when I switched to the NOT HTML view. There, I discovered that on one thread of a friend where I had commented, partially with adding my link to last night’s posting about my New York Friend, Marc LaFont, etc., that someone responded that UNLIKE ME, he does not SLEEP WALK – LOL!!! I left a comment asking why he thought I was sleep-walking. I mean if I was SLEEP-ANYTHINGING, it would have been sleep-WRITINGING, no???

Nothing else, including CNN and Huffington Post, came in more than headers after twenty minutes so I gave up on them.

And beginning last night with the rescue of the three kidnapped girls, CNN went into OVERDRIVE hiding the actual news. It’s a GREAT STORY – and an exoneration of sorts for Mr. Walsh, who since he first arrived on the scene years ago when his daughter was kidnapped, has been portrayed much in the Press as a well-intentioned vigilante NUT-BALL, I guess because of his emphasis on Law Enforcement – and Liberals who smoked pot growing up have NEVER been too comfortable with cops or the LAW. 

But it was NO reason to PRE-EMPT all the news – continuing this morning!!! When I got up late, about 10:00 AM CDT, CNN flashed its big BREAKING NEWS thing, so I thought Israel had more seriously bombed Syria or similar. But NO!!! It was to announce the rescue of the girls with little new news since it all broke late yesterday afternoon. The OTHER story CNN is fixated on now is Chris Christy’s weight-loss surgery. 

SHOCKING, given everything important going on in the world at BREAK-NECK pace!!! That said, I’m GLAD New Jersey’s Governor had a restriction band added instead of part of his intestines removed. I know THREE people who had partial intestine-removal surgery and two of those died within a couple of years. The other one is Edith Love, one of my closest college friends from Denison, who went on to a stellar career in Theater Management and Production, but she had to retire WAY early and now is confined to a wheelchair – although when I spoke with her at length last summer, she was in GREAT SPIRITS, remembering WELL how I’d told her and Michael Fauss (DU 1972 like Edith), and his lover Adrian in 1990, that my Mom is America’s TOP NAZI. 

At that time, I was enormously pressured, and then Edith showed me pictures of her taking the Atlanta Alliance Theatre’s production of the play DRIVING MISS DAISY to the NEW-then Russian Republic (or maybe just before that happened), but she casually named a river in one picture as the NEVA River – which ENTIRELY freaked me out due to my roommate Rick Neva having FLED MY HOUSE after being my roommate for two years – just like Allen Rosen did in 2010!!! 

At the TIME I deduced that Rick’s name was FAKE, meant to indicate he was actually a Soviet Communist actor. I am even MORE confirmed now that that is TRUE in spirituality – if not in organizational fact. 

Funniest is that my PARENTS arrived from Wilmington, NC (a 6.5 hour drive, minimum), UNANNOUNCED to protect Rick from me as he left!!! What had precipitated THAT was that I had TWICE tried to change my long-distance telephone service from MCI to something else and TWICE was told that was IMPOSSIBLE because a Rick Neva had SECURED my MCI service with his American Express card and they gave me the DATE of that – about a month before I moved from the other side of town (getting a new phone number), and a FULL HALF YEAR before I met Rick Neva!!! My confrontation of him on that caused him to flee. 

But that was not ALL that was odd about Rick Neva. He claimed to come from Livonia, MI and we both used my one phone line so I often answered when his mother called from there. She was NOTHING like any mother I’ve met before or since. She was NOTHING but very cold and business. Rick eventually got a girlfriend, although he was ENTIRELY interested on news of gay issues and loved to exercise in the living room doing stretches shirtlessly – and had RED HAIR to boot, a big turn on to me. I never tried to seduce him. 

But he and his girlfriend had begun attending services at the Atlanta Church of Religious Science (Rev. J. Kennedy Schultz at his PEAK then, filling the hall in BOTH services with some in the aisles at the later one), but even though Rick (with or without girlfriend), and I attended the SAME SERVICE and it was a 40 minute drive to Atlanta EACH WAY, Rick always having some excurse -- we did not ONCE ride together in all that time of at least a year of that!!! 

Rick worked at a large local chain of electronics stores as a salesman and was really into the local music sub-culture, even befriending Amy Ray and Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls – they just hitting the national scene. Rick made tapes of music for the two women to listen to as they travelled. I believe he was CIA charged with controlling me and the Indigo Girls, as well as keeping an eye on Dr. Schultz, then President of Religious Science International, as well as our Founding Pastor. Rick NEVER spoke with anyone at church before or after services, and REFUSED to at least grab a bite afterward with me several times, so I gave up on that. 

Also, Rick befriended Jim Wickline, frequent customer of Mama Mia’s Pasta & Pizza when I managed it, and Sales Manager of Stone Mountain Lincoln Mercury, then on Scott Blvd. in Decatur – Jim Wickline admitting to me (the day I was SHOCKED to see THUGS displaying guns in their showroom, then following me in my car after I left – me losing them but Decatur Police REFUSING to help me when I called 911 about it, still shaking with fear), that the Drug Mafia had BOUGHT the dealership when times had been tough a few years before. I never discussed with Mr. Wickline WHY every Republican politician in the Atanta area whose cars I observed where badged as bought there – including every car in the lot at Newt Gingrich’s Congressional Office in Georgia.

And I’m sure if anyone is AWAKE in the LEAST, they have ALREADY remembered that American Express DROPPED my credit limit by $24,000.00 within minutes of my FIRST confronting Sean Hannity’s good friend Christal Presley, who ALSO was in communication DIRECTLY with both my mother and sister – but TRICKING Jane into paying DOUBLE for a stone globe that Jane’s next-door friend (a Raleigh lawyer), thought was really STUPID of Jane – and that robo-call from American Express came on a Sunday evening after 10:00 PM when in Georgia it was ILLEGAL for such calls to be made. 

Recently, the DeKalb County, GA Court database BACK-CHANGED American Express’s law suit AGAINST ME for about $25,000.00 (I had stopped paying their bill when they dropped my limit for no reason – having a PERFECT credit record then since 1990), which they had WON in August of 2010 with me in Mexico, so in ABSENTIA. That record NOW SHOWS that case to have been DISMISSED in August 2010, instead, although until about three months ago, it showed they had WON, and I’d called the Sheriff’s Office in DeKalb County about 1.5 years ago to ask what would happen if I entered Georgia. They told me that only if I was stopped for a traffic violation or similar would anyone discover it in their computer – and then only detain me long enough to print and serve it to me. There was NO CHANCE they could COMPELL me to pay or detain me otherwise. 

The Official Court Record being RETROACTIVELY changed now to show I WON that case by dismissal rather than American Express winning – as it showed until a couple of months ago – I owe them NOTHING now. HA!!! Thanks for the dough, AMEX!!! I DID really owe you the money. 

Also in 2010, EVERY sign near Puerto Vallarta announcing a town or similar was large enough to include equal space for American Express’s LOGO, so they must have paid for all those signs to market themselves. TODAY, and since I return a year ago, ALL those signs have disappeared – except in Mismaloya – the SUPREME IRONY being that AMEX was the ONLY credit card Tennessee Williams used and he loved it so much and their services that it was the ONLY company he ever did a TV ad for – ads I remember quite well. 

Getting back to the LACK OF NEWS on TV, CNN is making a big deal of that whiney bitch that should be GRATEFUL she escaped Italy and her charges. I have no idea if she’s guilty or not, but as ALL men of ALL stripes know, GIRLS DON’T CRY!!!  

Don’t get me wrong – EVERYONE cries over real loss, but as so WELL DEPICTED in the movie GONE WITH THE WIND, women only cry like that to manipulate men. 

So who knows what is REALLY happening in the Untied States – yes, UNTIED. And CNN has gone TOTAL NAZI to keep us all from knowing. 


I don’t really care enough anymore, but it DID interest me enough to call first my Mom today (Tuesday 7 May 2013), catching her before her Tuesday weekly “Duplicate Bridge” meeting, which I contend is NAZI strategizing. Hell, it was THREE YEARS AGO that Mom told me she had slipped so much she’s a little embarrassed to play because of her mistakes, so it AIN’T Bridge she goes for, no??? I DOUBT that Mom, now 90 years old, is IMPROVING in concentration abilities. 

I congratulated her on her NAZI PARTY activities in New York State, but told her she cannot win in the end because GOD IS GREATER THAN NAZI/REPUBLICAN HATE!!! Then I told her that the only people more evil than her were the last three Popes she had served. Amazingly, she did NOT hang up on me. I called my brother and two sisters and left them messages blessing them out as well. 

Then I got a wild hair up my ass to call a particularly special friend in NYC. He was unfazed by my blog past last night that I had also emailed him – as has happened in the past when I’ve done the SAME, but later erased it in exchange for more money. I doubt that will happen this time. He is addicted to these Jodie Arias waiting for the jury broadcasts, of course, and said he had NO INTEREST in whether or not the New York State legislature had been hijacked by Republicans AT ALL!!! I told him to FUCK OFF and hung up. 

Anyway, taking the AMERICAN route, Chris Christy has decided to treat his GLUTONY SYMPTOM – without considering the SPIRITUAL SICKNESS that causes it. This is the DEFINITION of US Medicine, whether physical or mental, and WHY Americans are so SCREWED-UP AND GONE NAZI!!! 

CNN continues to run nothing but FLUFF – and FAR WORSE than I remember FOX NEWS ever doing – while TONS of important things are going on. CNN keeps running a story about someone seeing a NAKED PERSON in a neighbor’s YARD!!! So what – although it IS part of the story and worth reporting now and again. And they ALSO report that President Obama HAS returned to the USA and spoken today at the White House. 

 I HOPE their reporters, talking heads, etc., soon RISE UP IN REVOLT like they did at the NEW YORK TIMES and FORCED Mexico’s LARGEST CIA narco-trafficer, Carlos “slim” Salim Helu to accept the BUY OUT!!! 

But to DO that, they will have to BEAT UP come of the folks there, probably, sluts like Nancy Grace and the PERFECT PRESBYTERIAN-DEVIL TYPE SLUT, Ashleigh Banfield, no??? 

Let’s see if the Internet has calmed down enough to post . . .  

At 1:44 PM the Internet is a LITTLE faster and I can get and view things on Facebook on my iPad Mini – but CNN and Huff Post STILL won’t come in on it or computer. My blog comes up on the iPad – but shows the LAST TWO POSTS DON’T EXIST. LOL!!! 

And on top of everything else, the CIA/Mexican Drug Mafia has SWAPPED OUT my tank of propane for cooking – the one I bought was blue, but this morning I see I have a YELLOW one. This must have happened in the last three days since I last happened to notice the tank and its color. I bought my OWN padlock for it, giving the landlord a key as well, but Martin “Marco” Jacobo, “Sonny”, and the TOP Oregon narco-trafficker who BEAT ME in my Chacala apartment in early January because I blogged about the $10,000,000.00 drug deal I witnessed in my landlady’s yard there, ALL (as well as the Oregon narco-trafficker who beat me in my Chacala apartment after I blogged about witnessing my landlady buying and taking possession of 24 at-least-two-kilo bags of cocaine or Meth with US street value of about $10,000,000,00 minimum in the yard below my apartment), TOLD ME they know LOCKSMITHS with pass keys to ALL padlocks and have USED THEM to unlock things they wanted to steal, etc. 

The point here is that they want me to think I’m going nuts – or to cause a separation between me and the landlord – who would be the logical person to accuse. TOO BAD I’m SMARTER THAN THAT, no??? 

I’ll try to get online later. 



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