Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The FIRE Having Left My Belly . . .

Silly girl thinks that Adam Kokesh has ANY interest in sexy women AT ALL!!!
Adam Kokesh planned his ARMED ARMY MARCH of Washington, DC stipulating LOADED LONG GUNS only.
How HOMO-EROTIC can one get???

"PIT SPRAY" is LOADED with Male Pheromones and used by Chrislamists to EXCITE other homosexuals -- whether OUT or "just FAGGOTS" like most of them.

>>> I’m going through a major psychological/spiritual transformation – and here is why:

While a few days ago, I had to face the apparent fact that I am not likely to EVER had a healthy relationship with either my mother or my brother Mike – they are now hard-wired machines set to defend their behaviors in the past and to nurse their grudges against me. To grant any respect to me or my best theories would, in their opinions, destroy what they think they are, I had a twenty-minute discussion with my sister Jane last night that really was as if NOTHING had happened the last several years.

I don’t mean that we just covered it all up and pretended nothing had happened, but that we agreed that neither of us could stand in the other’s shoes to KNOW the other’s experience, and within that frame of mind I asked Jane what she thought I should do in my basically-completed trying to make sense of the past. Jane replied, “Keep doing what you are doing.”

I called Jane because I had gotten a two-line incomplete email from her – and as I think of it this morning, I also realize that the last few words were suddenly a mess of upper and lower case – this having been a problem back in 2010 for her as well. She’s not spastic, but had had those problems with her computer then, as well as a lot of “prematurely sent emails”, which this one was as well. Back in 2010, Jane could NOT figure out WHY her computer erratically registered upper case – and she’s had other troubles as well over the years – the laptop she gave me two summers ago having gone to GRINDING slowness quite quickly and Jane had bought a desktop hoping to improve that.

The first think I noticed when I looked at Jane’s machine, was that she had apparently ACCEPTED every “helpful monitoring” program that so many software packages, printers, cameras, etc., come with, are offered by online companies, and so forth – almost NONE of these programs actually help Windows at all, and MOST of them are actually voluntary spyware and I suspect can be remotely caused to act like MALWARE. This has been MY experience.

But Jane has never had an interest in learning about computers and software other than how to use them, and being a very trusting person, she must have thought each offering was a cool, free service. I could not BELIEVE how many (most of them repeating functions of others of them), of these programs I took off. She had at least two dozen of them installed, and after taking them off, the computer ran FAR better.

But these ongoing capitalization problems and early-leaving emails leave ME concerned that Jane’s computer is seriously corrupted – now compounded by the fact that she’s switched back to AT&T DSL service. And TODAY, only my iPad Mini is getting Internet connection, while this laptop can’t get any Internet AT ALL, simultaneously.

In the last two weeks, I’ve ALSO put up with the iPad getting all my email from ONE of my two Gmail-based accounts – and saying my password is invalid for the other. Four days (parts of those days), this has happened. The first time, I re-sent the password repeatedly and it came back as BAD. After that, I just put up with it since in between those times, it worked PERFECTLY with no effort on my part at all.

But Jane’s original impetus to write me was to say that although her memory has been TERRIBLE since her fall in 1974 that left her in a coma for five days -- strangely happening the night I too nearly lost my life at sea when a phantom freighter WOULD have sliced the 42-foot ketch I was piloting off Manasquan, NJ during a very SERIOUS storm that had torn out not only our main sail and our stay sail as well, and I had FOLLOWED my strong intuitive feeling to turn off course right before the blackened ship would have sliced us in half.

Earlier, before leaving Cape May, the sailboat’s captain had tried unsuccessfully to get his motor repaired several places – until my partner in Whale’s Tale, Chuck Pritchard (very handy with mechanical things), WAS able to repair it and my other partner, Hilary Russell, had stopped by and visited Chuck while he was in the act.

It just seemed that the ship was MEANT to slice us and a homing device had been planted on our boat (especially given that an ocean-going freighter does NOT normally run in a major storm at night when it is ALSO foggy WITHOUT A SINGLE LIGHT ON )!!!

And our boat was big enough to be seen by their radar as well.

So who KNOWS what REALLY caused this near accident that being about five miles at sea would have surely caused our deaths as the freighter would NEVER have felt a collision with us and the storm too loud to have heard our calls, the water too BOILING in the storm for even a GOOD SWIMMER like me to survive five miles off shore.


I have now LONG CALLED this my personal “Krystalnacht”, because like the night Hitler’s henchmen burned and attacked so many Jewish Synagogues, Temples, and places of business, for the first ORGANIZED TIME, my mother had tried to take us BOTH out very separately and in very different places – Jane and I being the oldest of my siblings, we both KNEW TOO MUCH of the SWASTIKA-LOVING to be allowed to live.


But Jane’s minor brain damage – which has NEVER caused her to be less than independent – impaired Jane’s memory in a way that led Jane to further embrace a TRUSTING, positive attitude toward life, and this BENEFITED my mother as well, so there was NO LONGER a reason for Mom to go after Jane.


In any case, Jane COMPLETED her email to me over the phone, and she was both admitting her inferior memory, but also reminding me that Chuck and Hilary had CALLED my parents to say that I really needed to be transferred from what they learned was quite SHOCKING at Ancora Hospital (I had been detained and committed without my eyeglasses and they had brought them to Ancora, which SHOCKED them), to a private hospital – especially since we had such good insurance we had bought for Whale’s Tale.


But in the end, John Sproesser, a good friend of mine, then, knew about all of that and arranged everything for me to transfer to The Institute, not only the BEST mental hospital then in America, but part of University of Pennsylvania and founded by Ben Franklin. It is GONE  now, the campus used for a variety of purposes around mental health, with all patients OUT patients and NO ONE receiving “talk therapy”.


But I really appreciated Jane’s bringing one of the FEW things she remembers to my attention – and that we had an otherwise NORMAL conversation. The WORST I have ever accused Jane of being is mindlessly accepting what others say and NOT believing how evil some can be, she fed them all the info I gave her – I should have learned more quickly to stop THAT (by closing MY trap!!!).


And although Jane never suffered even HALF what Rose Williams or Rosemary Kennedy did when their mothers INSISTED their sexually precocious thoughts, words, and behaviors be CUT OUT OF THEIR BRAINS so got them pre-frontal lobotomies, Jane has been my best friend – or at least one of them – through most of my life, and I have the same “protective” and “absolute love” thing for her that Tennessee Williams and Jack Kennedy had for THEIR sisters.


Being back to “normal” with Jane is ALL THE FAMILY that is important to me, but THAT SAID, I have never lost my father, really, either – at least not when Mom is OUT OF EAR-SHOT, LOL!!!


And I believe they will ALL come to their senses eventually. I’m just so pleased to now have Jane – in a way that does NOT separate her from the rest of them.




1.       I REALLY had hoped that since I emailed that posting to HIM and three others of his TOP STAFF, I might have gotten some kind of RESPONSE, but did not. That would have been a TON OF FUN to respond back to, no???

2.       And I REALLY had had no idea that his website would be such a HOTBED of HOMO EROTICA!!! That immediately made sense to me, MOST control of God-Hating GREED-BOTS is through manipulations of the DESIRES most men have for other men SEXUALLY, and Adam’s site is BY FAR the best SEXUAL SELF-WORSHIPPING site I have ever SEEN.


It HAS to be a turn-off to ANY straight man – what with all the half-or-more nekkid Kokesh and other hot men in his videos – not because straight guys have any problem with FABULOUS male bodies, but that all Kokesh’s MAN-SEX titillation makes him look like he’s PRANCER-SIZING his unexposed PENIS, exclusively, and THAT is childish and boring to REAL MEN, really of ANY sexual orientation.


This is NOT what adult men of ANY persuasion do around Politics, period.


3.       It is ENTIRELY up to the US Government and US citizens to either JOIN such non-sense to try to overturn Our Government VIOLENTLY – or stop them cold. We’ll see who prevails in Time.



I have never researched the subject online or elsewhere – just extrapolated and drawn conclusions about it after observing what has been done to me over the years by my mother and those who think like her. I find it EXTRAORDINARY how dovetailed MY conclusions (drawn in a vacuum of research), are to what is reported on the subject.

Especially important to me is the report that ABUSED CHILDREN, like me and my siblings who were all VERY seriously abused, naturally think that is NORMAL and become abusers themselves THOUGHTLESSLY and DEFENSIVELY – EXACTLY what is true of my brother Mike and sister Julie (in my opinion). It is a GREAT COMFORT to me to understand this from AUTHORITIES in psychology. I might not have a decent relationship with them again, but UNDERSTANDING the situation BETTER from an OUTSIDE SOURCE takes MOST of the pressure OFF me – thank the only ONE “God”!!!

>>> ANOTHER SHOUT-OUT TO MR. F. SCOTT DEAVER is hereby delivered!!! :

I have NO IDEA how this Scott got so interested in my story – he is NOT on my email list to 500. And I think I was WRONG to think the name familiar from my college days at Denison University. But he DID have a high position at Exxon-Mobil (a Kenan Company), and other similar companies – now an independent consultant (having no Internet now, I can’t research to be sure I’m correct).

For the last year and a half (at least), F. Scott Deaver has awarded me with TONS of “badges” on LINKED-IN, and most of them have to do with investigative reporting and writing skills

I thank him for all of that and of course offer him free “manly benefits”, but I’d bet anything he’s probably straight.


1.       Over the past few days, I’ve accomplished a LOT!!! Not just my writing, but HUGE advances in cleaning and organizing my house (and DESK!!!), as well as painting the umbrella, etc. I expect to ACTUALLY begin revising WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS before the end of business this Friday.


I still have to fire up the second computer, update all its software – and delete the trial of OFFICE 2010, and replace it with Office 2007, which I own multiple licenses for.


2.       I don’t like going back TWO generations in software, but I don’t have money to spend on buying newer now – not money to spend if I can avoid it. I doubt very much that Joseph Faulk is in ANY MOOD to help me financially any more. Last I spoke with him (about three days ago), he was a bit terse and asked me if Tony Narducci had written me more than once.


At that time, Tony had written to me SEVERAL TIMES and I had BLOGGED about that and even reported my replies to Tony on the blog – within the past week!!! Although I KNOW Joseph has had DIRECT contact with Andrew Cook of Saper Law in Chicago – as well as AT LEAST indirect contact with Patrick Stansbury, my former employer who for TWENTY YEARS NOW has been involved distributing the illegal drugs brought into the USA on Air Force planes, largely to Maxwell AFB in Alabama.


I don’t KNOW that Joseph is actually associated with John Uecker who murdered Tennessee Williams (probably at Tom’s request – things had gotten so bad then), but it sure LOOKS that way given the evidence I have reported.


But APPEARANCES can be deceiving, and as I’ve told Joseph MANY TIMES, his practical support of me means that I would NEVER abandon HIM, regardless his motivation – and I REALLY don’t think his Testosterone injections could mess with his head as badly as his thinking is scrambled in many areas.


Now, to go through ALL MY PAPERS and organize THEM. It seems IMPOSSIBLE that my papers which are HUGELY VOLUMINOUS got so disorganized, but I need to be able to access them appropriately, so that is my next project.


It OUGHTA BE "Adam's the BIG BAD PANSY"!!!

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