Monday, September 23, 2013

Betty (Frank's widow), and Thomas S. Kenan III CONTINUE to DEFILE the Legacy of Frank Hawkins Kenan!!!

By ALL accounts, Frank Hawkins Kenan was one of the most MORAL and PROGRESSIVE THINKERS ever, in North Carolina -- but his son Thomas S. III (in his mid 70s), continues to "party" with Jonathan, his 20-something boyfriend.
All blog readers will recall how Jonathan's close friends I met in Wilmington were just RICH DRUG TRASH of the most COMMON KIND!!!
Frank and Betty Kenan absolutely DELIGHTED each other and enjoyed every aspect of their lives together.
And speaking of things "common":


1. Glad to see that " Fr Bob Wilmington" has been a big search word leading to this blog lately. Father Bob Kus and Sister Mary Isaac Koenig of St. Mary's Catholic were the recipient of 10% of my royalties from WALKING ON GLASS: A MEMOIR OF THE LATER DAYS OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS, but although I understand that neither of them could say or write much to me -- they would risk alienating Republicans and just "common white racists" in their congregation, if I publicized that fact.

And Father Bob was my NAZI mother's CONFESSOR for many years -- DELIBERATELY or inadvertently ENCOURAGING Mom as Dick Cheney, Coach Lou Holtz, and Sean Hannity's Chief Liaison with the three NAZI Popes.

THIS is the HATE HORROR and ABSOLUTE evidence of clergy hating God so VERY prevalent in the Catholic Church!!! That said, those two have done GREAT THINGS for Wilmington people in need, and I do NOT "condemn them" -- merely their ABSOLUTE HYPOCRISY -- almost as bad as that of Ernie Thompson of First Presbyterian (who deliberately made District Attorney Benjamin R. David a DEACON to help him hide crimes of narco-trafficking, MOSTLY destroying "minority families and individuals").

I won't get started on the sins of the Episcopal Church -- OY VEY!!!

2. Friday, late day, I learned that Betty Kenan and her step-son Thomas S. Kenan III (who is most in control of various Kenan Companies and Charities -- none of which I care to criticize much, especially the Charitable Trusts), PERSONALLY are the ONLY advertiser (The Breakers hotel, Palm Beach -- which they wholly own) on for SOME TIME NOW (BLOWING my "people to look up to in family" ENTIRELY, and having had to divorce myself of my ENTIRE near blood family, that SHOCKED ME TO THE BONE.

>>>ADDED Oct. 10: This "Ad War" thang is RESOLVED, to the benefit of Betty and Tom Kenan. See: .

Then I realized that SOMETHING IS WRONG with what recently happened with my account at Mailboxes, Etc. -- and it APPEARS deliberate. The story about them hiring a Christian minister (last summer), who worked gay Old Town when I was here in 2010, to CONVERT HOMOS to JESUS and HETEROSEXUALITY, who then ON THE CLOCK came to my apartment for various reasons -- BUT ALWAYS INCLUDING A BLOW JOB, makes CLEAR AS A BELL that Jessica's claims of being a "practicing Jew" (at least in principle -- if not attending services), a COMPLETE JOKE!!!

But I know how the CIA/NSA Drug Mafia works, so if Jessica and I can work out accounts properly (and my leaving all this about what happened intact), teaches her HOME COMPANY a lesson (quite similar to what I had to do 18 months ago with PayPal), then I'm satisfied.

>>> PLEASE SEE the following for the STRANGETTE ENDING to this Mailboxes, Etc. story!!!: .

3. These two disappointments really affected me -- leaving me feeling ENTIRELY ALONE -- which was worse than stupid as well as UNTRUE!!! -- and later, I realized that having lost my faith in nearly EVERYONE I thought had principles is a GOOD THING.

I now know not to EVER count on them again.
Fundamentally, I'm a REALIST!!!
But before I came to my senses, I had a TOTAL MELTDOWN of my "sanity", and when my computer hung so bad that ALL programs and browsers FROZE and I was even unable to bring up Task Manager to shut them down, I forced the computer to close, threw my fave coffee mug through my window (making sure it smashed on a security bar on the way -- ceramic being much safer than glass for this sort of thing).

I threw trash out my windows (Mexicans litter too much, and I was SICK of not littering when they do it ALL THE TIME). And then I began SLAMMING DOORS so bad that a whole line of containers above my kitchen cabinets FELL, including an empty glass jar. I DID have the sense to clean it up carefully before RESUMING MY RAGE!!!

Then I went outside and the gate at the end of my porch caught my pocket and my being 6' 11" and NEVER REALLY FITTING ANYWHERE since late junior high, and I slammed that gate so hard and so many times it eventually BROKE LOOSE FROM ITS MOORINGS!!!

This was at about 2:30 AM, and a few neighbors had come out -- me screaming and cursing THEM, then, as well. I had thrown my computer mouse through the window and thought it smart to retrieve it as it was raining lightly -- but as I went to the near-cliff decline of the yard, I slipped on the wet vines and such, and slid about twenty feet down the hill, scraping my knees and wrists, permanently losing a flip-flop, and picking up some small thorns as well.

End result is that my landlord -- who knows my political situation -- was FAR more concerned that I'm OK and was not upset at my damage to his property, which I will pay for, of course.

I still am glad it happened -- although it is the ONLY time in my life I have ever destroyed property WILLFULLY.

I landed much like this.



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