Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Getting CLEARER with the "TITTIE" of Wilmington, NC!!!

The building that appears to be at the END of this boardwalk was built and occupied by the wholesale grocer who FORCED MY FATHER (my grandfather, actually -- Dad was a kid), TO BE HOMELESS during the Great Depression. This man's name appears in the cornerstone.
Just remembered: J.W. Brooks or Brookes.
This at the SAME TIME the Kenans came into their UBER WEALTH and pissing off EVERYBODY IN TOWN (with their VULGAR DISPLAY) while all Wilmington SUFFERED SEVERELY!!!

>>> THIS JUST IN @ 1:27 PM, CDT: In the hours of 8:00 - 10:00 AM today, TURKEY hit me like CRAZY -- not only FIVE TIMES AS MANY HITS as from the USA (during those hours), but Russia was RIGHT BEHIND Turkey!!!

Mexico consistently is number two or three, but did NOT rise in hits above the USA (this morning)!!!

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Mr. Stein,

First of all, I'd like to say that having worked out (by blogging), a lot of my "built up tension" from being EASILY PROVABLY HARMED in practical and psychological ways -- to say nothing of the WILLFUL trampling on my nearly EVERY RIGHT by representatives of Wilmington and other Governments while I lived there -- and continuing ON NOW at the hand of Mayor Bill Saffo (I know YOU don't make these decisions!!!), in his wanting to delay -- believing HIS SOURCES that I should be dead soon, I recommend that you either GIVE THIS AN HONEST SHOT -- or let me deal with the REAL LEGAL DECISION-MAKER directly, THE MAYOR.

I survived yet ANOTHER attempt on my life by a KNOWN CIA AGENT last night. Curiously, I have been thinking about my reply to you, and night before last I read your email (below attached), on my ON LINE Gmail portal. This morning, when I went to FIND IT -- it had ENTIRELY DISAPPEARED FROM GMAIL!!!

But then I remembered: EVERY SINGLE TIME I have had a MAJOR ATTEMPT ON MY LIFE, the emails from people WORKING WITH THE CIA DRUG MAFIAS disappear from GMAIL!!! BUT, they remain somewhere else: down-loaded into my Outlook program -- and saved on SEPARATE hard drives.
THAT was where I finally found this email of yours -- AND THAT SAYS A LOT!!!

To be fair, it REAPPEARED shortly thereafter in online GMAIL (I am hacked/observed in REAL TIME by the CIA/NSA)  -- a FIRST, but people are READING MY BLOG now in the "highest circles" -- I'm sure you've seen the "list of 500 contacts" I email things to. I have accomplished A LOT in exposing corruption in the USA -- and in helping the Mexican Government kick the US CIA and STATE DEPARTMENT narco-traffickers OUT of Mexico.

IN FACT, just yesterday, CNN TV reported that Presidente Enrique Pena Nieto has "CALLED THE US AMBASSADOR ON THE CARPET" for DELIBERATE disregard of Mexican Sovereignty in snatching and READING President Pena Nieto's emails. A "little birdy" has told me Senor Pena Nieto has had PRINTED a copy of this blog post of mine and will (or has -- I've had no time to follow this story), gonna SHOVE IT IN HIS FACE.

Read it here if you care to: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/09/barry-bam-bam-caught-reading-presidente.html (CORRECTED: http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=880412454273352089#editor/target=post;postID=6943073317779528876;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=7;src=postname ), and some other ones as well. I am MOST PROUD to help the Mexicans rid themselves of US GOVERNMENT NARCO-TRAFFICKERS. In the USA, I am PROUDEST of EXPOSING the filthy government infection to the LIGHT OF DAY.

That's right -- your former TARGET OF DEATH-SQUADS could WELL be the person who puts the WIND under Presidente Pena Nieto's WINGS if he DEMANDS Obama REMOVE THE AMBASSADOR and/or CIA Agent Kelly Trainor de O here in Puerto Vallarta.

I certainly HOPE so!!!

Well, I can write forever, so let me wrap: Please scan and email the Insurance forms that must be filled out so I can begin -- if  me not filling them, answering the questions YOU must fill in. Since I was "in a state of terror" most of the time I was in Wilmington -- and living under bridges, etc., I do NOT have NAMES of Police Officers and such, but DO remember faces. Please send me a group photo or individual ones of the Wilmington Officers assigned primarily downtown during the time I lived there 12/30/2010 - 5/1/2012.

But FRANKLY, if your insurance company has to DEAL WITH THIS they will see how Wilmington City is part of the lawlessness -- and they will AT LEAST quintuple your insurance premiums -- because when ONE PERSON is as bold as me TONS FLOOD OUT OF THE WOODWORK SOON!!!

I still think you should tap a DIFFERENT BUDGET -- or if you want to take up a "cash collection", you could deposit into my Bank of America account quite conveniently in Wilmington!!!

Anyway, YOU, Jack Stein, have until THIS FRIDAY CLOSE OF BUSINESS, 6 September, 2013, to give me a FIRM COMMITMENT that Wilmington City will somehow find at least $4,000,000.00 compensation paid to me in a lump sum -- very soon.

I will continue blogging about our communications until I feel whom I am speaking with in Wilmington City Government is

I look forward to your reply.

Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Jack Stein <jack.stein@wilmingtonnc.gov> wrote:

Mr. Kenan,
I have had an opportunity to review the email you sent to Mayor Saffo.  In order for me to file a claim with our insurance carrier I will need more information.  I need to know specific dates, times, City of Wilmington employees involved, and a description of each incident.  If you have any questions let me know.

Jack Stein
Safety and Risk Manager

Human Resources
305 Chestnut Street, 1 st Floor Annex
Post Office Box 1810
Wilmington, North Carolina 28402
Ph: (910) 341-5864 - Fx: (910) 341-5841
Cell: (910) 512-5307
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