Tuesday, October 22, 2013


>>> I just tried to send these comments to CNN and got THIS FAILURE NOTICE!!!
NOTICE (in the beginning of the URL), that CNN apparently is RUN BY CGI, the Canadian Contractor who SCREWED the MOST of the Obamacare Websites!!!
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1. Yesterday, we hit an ALL TIME HIGH of number of hits to this blog. While I do NOT trust CIA/Blogger/GOOGLE's figures -- I watched in December of 2011, when right when we were about to hit the 100,000 hit mark, CIA/GOOGLE ROLLED THE NUMBERS BACK to 80,000. So I'll tell you that we beat the LAST high mark by 283 hits -- a 28% increase. If you had GRADE SCHOOL MATH, you can figure it out!!!

But remember TOO: Each blog post is emailed to 500, typically 3 - 5 posts per day. Averaging that to 4, you could add 2,000 MORE HITS -- except that MANY trash my emails without reading them, but fewer than PREVIOUSLY!!!
And THOSE people have NO REASON to look at the blog itself -- although I'm sure a few of them do.

2. I got a notice this morning that my story, FREEING BARACK OBAMA, is "Trending" (meaning getting read a lot in their opinion), on ReadWave. Check it out if you have not read it -- ReadWave rates it a "four-minute read": http://www.readwave.com/freeing-barack-obama-_s15589 .


1. Of the about six stories the Erin Burnett "explored" last night, TWO of them were seriously LIE-BASED -- or if not that exactly, they supported Republican Talking Points, particularly the need to TANK OBAMACARE (and the "facts" stood up like a starched shirt in the tropics during rainy season)!!!

2. Then Anderson Cooper-Vanderbilt began his show with a panel of two "responsible-appearing" right-wingers and a black guy whose name I forget -- a very reasonable guy (and Liberal proponent), who happens to now have "seriously nappy hair" -- a TOTAL TURN-OFF even to Liberals who have NOT examined many of their societal prejudices.

Drew had already talked about this on Erin Burnett's show (and she TOTALLY LOVING IT), and with the TINIEST PRETENSE of the claim that it was important to look at the healthy people who WANT Obamacare -- but find it unacceptable, too expensive, or otherwise a disappointment -- and how this could BECOME A HUGE REAL PROBLEM, and he disclosed that they went searching for dissatisfied people.

But there were a LOT OF PROBLEMS:

1. No sense of how easy/difficult it was to find these people -- or their proportions to HAPPY PEOPLE, which Drew would have HAD TO KNOW!!!

2. Erin Burnett had just before this RUN WITH DREW'S INFO -- making it sound like "PROVEN!!!: Obamacare is HATED BY NORMAL PEOPLE in HUGE PROPORTIONS", when they REFUSED TO DISCLOSE PROPORTIONS he discovered when finding the dissatisfied people

3. While discussing HOW these three compared Obamacare options to their current or expected, or otherwise found elsewhere insurance, the WEIGHT of things like "areas of coverage", DEDUCTIBLES, ratings of these other insurance companies to see if they are RIP-OFFS or REAL INSURANCE THAT PAYS when necessary WITHOUT HAVING TO FILE A LAW SUIT was touched on in a way to LOOK VALID, but any time anyone GOT MORE SPECIFIC in trying to get HONEST ANSWERS about these variables, CNN hosts or the Republican Shills either DISTRACTED them from the questions or VOMITED TALKING POINTS FULL OF LIES!!!

>>> ADDED LATER: Item #5 ALSO describes much of the earlier CROSSFIRE segment in which the LIBERALS totally ANNIHILATED the Conservatives -- Newt-the-Smart STAYED OUT IT ALMOST ENTIRELY!!! But the Libs were respectful throughout -- and never gloated (although I COULD see them suppressing the belly laughs they wanted to give as they beat back EVERY REPUBLICAN LIE most handily!!!

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4. Pretty quickly, Mr. Nappy Hair (MNH), accused CNN of DELIBERATELY ACTING LIKE FOX NEWS, although he referred to it as the "F-Network" -- and boy did THAT get a RISE out of some, HA!!!

5. Miss Cooper-Vanderbilt-the-GiggleBot, was COMPLETELY INCENSED, and broke in to express his OUTRAGE -- in a subdued but in an I'M THE MOST SERIOUS NEWSMAN IN THE WORLD, facial/voice, which would cause any THINKING PERSON to laugh, because Anderson is the GIGGLE QUEEN of CNN -- and sometimes IS the "Ridiculist", even having shown his hairless, tiny titties RIGHT ON CNN T-V!!!

And don't forget, right after Anderson Cooper came out GAY -- EIGHT YEARS AFTER EVERYONE KNEW THAT -- his boyfriend was photographed in Central Park sucking someone ELSE's DICK (and YES, that was a news item at least on HuffPost)!!!

Actually, Anderson looks BETTER here than I remember from TV (so I MIGHT re-instate my DEMAND that he have sex with me as compensation for HIS FAMILY having me THROWN OUT OF THEIR GRAND CENTRAL STATION last December, when someone did NOT LIKE that in talking with a fellow shopper in the Christmas Market, I'd told a mild anti-Republican Party JOKE, which the person I was TALKING TO enjoyed!!!

The Security Guards told me I was BANNED FOR LIFE from Grand Central Station because it was PRIVATE PROPERTY and they do NOT allow that kind of talk there!!!
Ironically, I was disgorged onto VANDERBILT AVENUE -- HA!!!

 READ MORE about all that HERE!!!: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/03/my-immanent-return-to-uranus.html .


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>>> ALSO IMPORTANT TO KNOW, is that in other photos, it is CLEAR that Miss Anderson SHAVES HER PITS LIKE A GURL (or someone who likes "Pedophilia Sans Children", as I've heard it called). Who wants to stick their nose into a MAN'S REDOLENT PIT to get high on pheromones that are wicked to the WORLD by a fabulous nest of MAN-HAIRS???
Now call me a sexist, but I DO support women shaving their pits (but not mandatorily)!!! That said, anyone who does NOT LIKE the scent of a reasonably clean (or not!!!), MAN'S ARMPIT -- should stick with making love to WOMEN, no???

This might/could be GOD'S WAY of telling you if you are gay or straight!!!

>>> ADDED LATER (in response to a Reader) : Yes, a woman who "can't stand the scent of a man" is IN FACT a "Lesbian-by-God"

And might like to drive a "Chassis by Fisher" , remember THAT???

Here is an illustration of what men's pits ARE FOR (licking is good too)!!! Notice that the man on the right is CONFIDENT of the strength of his pheromones -- despite being nearly hairless, NATURALLY!!!
6. BACK TO MY POINT!!!: So the FACT IS that REAL OBAMACARE PROBLEMS must be addressed!!! And MNH also recognized that and apologized for the "F-Network" mention, and got a tad "tangled in his shorts" as he KNEW he was the only person of REASON involved in the discussion -- and he probably also realized he'd been put there to SUBCONSCIOUSLY "excite" White People of ALL STRIPES' PREJUDICE AGAINST HIS NAPPY HAIR, so that he would COME OFF as a WEAKER arguer FOR NO LOGICAL REASON.

7. At one point, Drew Griffin INSISTED he be allowed to join the panel to defend himself -- a smart thing, but he explained himself MORE by EMPHASIZING HOW OBAMACARE HAS TO FALL -- and NOT ONCE reiterating that CNN had searched-out NEGATIVE OPINIONS (without indicating their proportion to POSITIVE OPINIONS they had encountered in that search).

If Drew Griffin had hoped to appear HONEST, he would have set the REAL CONTEXT. Instead, he stood STONE COLD SOLID and expressionless -- just like the BEST SHILLS of the Republican Party.

8. The whole lot of them were clearly FLUMMOXED by what had happened -- and I HOPE some of the NAZIs on CNN (a QUICKLY diminishing number, now mostly limited to Drew, Anderson, Erin, and Wolf Blitzer -- Wolf a MILD ONE, who only ONCE has asked anyone a half-probing question in the YEARS I've been watching him).


1. MOST of their hosts and reporters are now ASKING PROBING QUESTIONS of politicians, and MORE IMPORTANTLY, doing their best to FORCE THEM TO ANSWER questions -- rather than just spew TALKING POINTS or blather on about DISTRACTING OTHER THINGS -- both PROVEN NAZI TACTICS.

2. I was BEYOND IMPRESSED -- all the way to "charmed" -- by the WELL DONE earlier CROSS-FIRE segment, in which everyone DID GET THEIR SAY, and Newt-the-SMART (always professional and slippery), stayed OUT OF IT, nearly TOTALLY!!!

The Republican second guest -- a first-term Congressman from Virginny, and also a doctor, were adequately challenged, as were the LIBERALS as well.

In the "Cease-Fire" ending, it was a PERFECT "Lion lies down with the Lamb" ending, which ALL seemed happy with.

As an ANTI-DOTE to earlier images, this is the top result of image-googling "beautiful women having fun"
I'm still hankerin' for a hot MAN PIT, though . . .


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