Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Night Ramblin' . . .

And Tom & Betty Kenan of North Carolina WITH THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH have funded it, largely!!!
Let's leave the Republican Party and THE RICH KENANS -- who ALSO brought us all JIM CROW LAWS (with DEMOCRATS, not Republicans), via William R. Kenan, SENIOR AND FIRST PRESBYTERIAN, WILMINGTON, NC (Bill Kenan had been the ONLY Confederate Soldier credited with penetrating Washington, DC and taking a clean shot at President Lincoln -- killing his adjutant that was standing next to him due to "shooter's error"): .

Although the Washington papers TEASED Abraham Lincoln the whole time he was in the White House about his LOVE OF CROSS-DRESSING when Mary Todd Lincoln was out of town (VERY frequently) -- as well as for having sexual relations with many of his Army Guard.


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1. I spent the afternoon at Mismaloya Beach today, and spoke with a LOT of vacationing Gringos who found me most amusing -- until I found a RARE FIND, a black Gringo family from Maryland (includes one 30-year-old son).

PERFECTLY REASONABLE PEOPLE -- and loving that I worked for Tennessee Williams, and they were all Progressive Thinkers. They DUG that I most-miss all my black folks in Georgia and North Carolina, but the couple who were near my 62 years of age, BLANCHED when I told them how Mom had Dad's HOMOSEXUAL LOVER SHOT.

Except the SON, they BLANCHED and looked down -- disapproving of the SHAME THAT DARE NOT SAY ITS NAME. I extricated myself quickly -- although I REALLY WANTED to read that older couple the RIOT ACT!!!:

There is NO HATRED or BIGOTRY greater than that of BLACK CHRISTIANS -- they even beat MOST "Christian Republicans". If it were NOT President Obama's TOTAL FEAR OF BLACK CHRISTIAN HATRED, he could easily come out gay and STOP PROTECTING THE CIA/NSA NARCO-TRAFFICKING.

I blame this NOT happening on the BLACK CHRISTIAN CHURCHES who are REALLY, therefore, who now hold this country hostage. Without fearing THEM, Barack Obama could BE HIMSELF and HEAL THIS COUNTRY!!!

I'm not entirely certain I'm so very "pleasant" right now -- so I'm ending this. My intention is to remain MORE POSITIVE.

Tomorrow IS another day, no???


The FIRST THING I LEARNED when incarcerated FIVE TIMES ON FALSE CHARGES (now all dropped ONLY because I left the State for a YEAR -- THANK YOU NARCO-TRAFFICKING BEN DAVID!!!) in New Hanover County Detention Center by Sheriff Ed McMahon (who's DICK is said to almost DRAG THE GROUND) -- and who STILL has NO RECORD OF MY BEING IN HIS JAIL -- is that prison officials EVERYWHERE will NEVER put all black guys in a "community cell".
They ALWAYS add at least one person of any other race. If they DON'T, black guys start to IMMEDIATELY give and take of each other via the back man-door.
I don't know if the Black Race is OVERSEXED -- or just ENJOY IT too much, but I NEVER had a black guy turn me down for sex in Wilmington, NC!!!
DID have to give a few a "rain checks" due to them having to see a WOMAN too soon to have time to act, and- - - "recoverize -- PROPERLY".

(The near-elderly, I mean -- SOME of them.)

I'm guessing this is YOUR type -- I personally prefer the more "naturalized" body, and generally speaking, more a TOUCH OF FUNK!!!

("Take me, ZULU WARRIORS!!!" -- that's what AYE always say . . . )


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