Tuesday, January 14, 2014

ANOTHER Re-Print: “Never, EVER, Support a Person’s Delusions – That is the most CRUEL Thing You Could Possibly DO!!!” – Tennessee Williams to me, 1981.

Originally published on my NEW BLOG, here: 

Messers Kennedy, Vidal, and Williams shooting skeet in Palm Beach, Florida – which by rights should be named KENAN CITY, due to William R. Kenan, Jr. having been the HEAD of all Henry Flagler’s Florida Development Projects, both BEFORE Flagler’s death and after, when his sister inherited Flagler’s ENTIRE ESTATE in 1913, causing the NEW YORK TIMES to declare Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler to be the wealthiest woman in the world.

And they only knew about HALF of it.

Few people know that Henry Flagler controlled more Standard Oil stock (since he actually founded it), than John D. Rockefeller, who ran it for him. And although it has been widely reported in the press and in books, few know that Rockefeller always credited Flagler as being ten times as smart as HE was (as well as FAR MORE a visionary), and Flagler in turn credited William R. Kenan, Jr. as being a FAR BETTER BUSINESSMAN than HE was.

William R. Kenan, Jr., whose name heads the Charitable Trust most helpful to Universities, now, has NEVER gotten his due. Please pardon ME if I like to CROW A LITTLE about the accomplishments of my distant Kenan relatives!!!

Whilest still young (and even later, says Scotty -- not me), WRK, Jr. was muy caliente, no???


In late fall of 1981, not long after I began working for Tennessee Williams, he got the idea to bring his (lobotomized) sister Rose to Key West and have her live in the incongruous New England Cottage he had bought years ago, “Rose’s House”, but that had never worked out. What had changed and offered him this optimism, was that Helen (McDonald) Chuba, a complicated “female bull dog” type living on very LIMITED INCOME from minor railroads-patents trusts shared by her family, would occupy the house with Rose. I had met Tom through Helen (who loved to dance in discos with the hottest gay men – while she was hepped up on her diet pills – Helen being about 55 years old, obese and about five feet tall and always wearing spike heels).

So one afternoon while Tom and I were walking from the pool into his house, he was rhapsodizing about how it looked like it would all work out – and planning the party he would throw to welcome Rose to town, whom he would invite, etc. – when he stopped and guffawed, explaining that Rose always thought she was the Queen of England, and he hoped none of his guests would be weirded out. I then proposed that since I owned some recordings of Coronation Anthems, that we play them for her, and Tennessee cut me off in anger, saying exactly what is in my title today.

And he was EXACTLY RIGHT and I have LIVED MY LIFE as much as possible, speaking and acting that way – especially the last four years –AND I BEGAN BY PURGING MYSELF OF MY OWN DELUSIONS (like that even though I was brought up in a picture-perfect Catholic Family, something was amiss).

This brings us to today’s topic, but FIRST, a few points to clarify the Recent Past:

1.      In the matter of my first trial in Wilmington over David Nash’s charge of Cyber-Stalking, Emily Zvejnieck KNEW John Mann was going to testify for Mr. Nash – but MOST unprofessionally did not tell me that until after we were seated in Court and John walked in a minute or so late. EARLIER, Emily told me she was sure John would be there (me still assuming to support ME). And to clarify John Mann’s career path, he had told me he had been successfully prosecuted a few years before for SECURITIES FRAUD, but being a white wall-streeter, he had only lost his license – but no jail time. He said he worked doing the same for special clients UNDER THE RADAR.

2.      Most people know that the semi-social-media site, MyLife (John’s ONLY Internet presence that I ever found), cannot be accessed without getting COMPUTER CORRUPTION – unless you have a “key”. It has ALWAYS been a site for narco-trafficking – and John Mann (and his pics of Wilmington Politicians attending all those gay, DRUGGY parties), moved out of town about a month after my trial.

3.      Also, like in Georgia in 1990, I was assigned the Public Defender at the END of the Alpha-Order, cases being called before the bench Alpha by defending attorneys’ last names. This GUARANTEED that my cases would be called LAST, after the courtroom had been cleared of everyone not part of it, that being WHY I waited in the refrigerator for EIGHT HOURS before trial.

4.      And quite frankly, Judge Todd’s turning to us before declaring the verdict and sentence to honor Emily’s shakily-delivered Constitutional arguments (NO ONE in New Hanover County Courts ever paid much attention to the Constitution, so she was nervous about this ballsy matter), might have been a little too “cute”, and with the judge being REPUBLICAN and having a family, NO TELLING what might have been used to extort a verdict out of him – I have learned that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE in BOTH God’s and “the Devil’s” world.

THAT is why I call for an investigation into this judge – even though I felt THEN that he was uncorrupted.


Cantor Janet Leuchter

1.      OUT of the Blogosphere, I have recently dealt with TWO people – and although only in email or Facebook messages, some might have “gotten wind of this”, somehow – and I think they are BOTH illustrative. The first was when my old roommate from 1974 in both Cape May, NJ and Manhattan, Janet Leuchter threw a FEMALE BS BOMB at me, finally responding to my many emails, Facebook messages, and messages left at the Brooklyn Synagogue or Temple where she is Cantor. Both Janet and her Dad, Ben Zion Leuchter (from German and Hebrew means “Son of Zion who spreads Light”), have, although inadvertently, helped me sort out my life.

But Janet, when she finally DID write, addressed me as “My Dearest Scott” – total BS language alerting ANYONE to what is to follow – and said she was SO HORRIFIED by the language I have used to describe my mother (whom Janet KNOWS was first identified with my Dad as America’s TOP NAZIS in 1990 by key Jewish Business Leaders in Atlanta), illustrating that ANIMAL WOMEN don’t give a RAT’S ASS about either REALITY or THEIR OWN SELF INTERESTS if they think their OWN little nesting grounds might get even RUFFLED.

And as I’ve said MANY times, there is NOTHING SADDER than JEWS GONE BAD.

2.      God Bless “Falconer de St. Just” for all his practical help – and all his attempts to get me to jump into the arms of my “enemies”!!! This has ALL added SPICE to my life and I AM NOT HARMED. Now, late considering how long ago I posted his real name (more than two weeks ago, repeated a few days ago) – and the fact that he claims to be an AVID reader of blog and my emails, which ALSO contained this), he emailed me to take off not only his real name, but all references to “Falconer”, the latter, he’s been comfortable with my using on blog for over a year.

Not only does he claim that only his name, should it remain, might cause his Identity to be THIEVED and for people to SUE HIM or CHARGE HIM WITH CRIMES (for what AYE write, which could NOT be his crime), but his grammar has GONE BAD – he even being so lethargic that he did NOT close his two parentheses, something I often forget to do -- but HE DOES NOT.

I suspect some minor Depression from an unknown cause – despite his Testosterone injections to WARD OFF his otherwise chronic Depression. He does NOT appear suicidal (if he DID, I would IMMEDIATELY call New York City authorities to at least go to his apartment to evaluate him), and he has said he will not feel up to talking by phone for a few days. THIS is a first in our two-years+ relationship, and since he has no other known friends, I CERTAINLY take my responsibility in this SERIOUSLY.

But you see, his concerns are ENTIRELY DELUSIONAL, so until he and I speak with him about all this by phone, I CANNOT SUPPORT HIS DELUSION.

That said, Falconer DID forward me an email from an anonymous person (that he got about two years ago and I posted it verbatim on my old blog, http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx ), that claimed the writer represented a HUGE ORGANIZATION that would SUE, CHARGE, or otherwise HARASS anyone who gave ME material support. Now, the writer perfectly mimicked the writing style and philosophy of my former employer Patrick Stansbury of www.pentagon-usa.com (an associate of my parents – legally-provably, Dad), AND both Geraldine “Gerry” Flynn and her husband Joel Miller – continuing employees of Patrick’s – told me in early 2010 that I had NO IDEA how big the organization Patrick runs actually IS – and that they were BOUND AND DETERMINED TO KILL ME.

You see, I DO understand Falconer’s STRESS, so am being PATIENT for now . . .


JUST FOUND!!! The Colombian Cartel Leader who lives on W. Mountain Street in Stone Mountain, Georgia, a few hundred feet east of the Post Office on the other side -- in what was a BLUE HOUSE in 2010.

Picture by ME on my iPhone, then.


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