Tuesday, August 26, 2014

RP: After the Ferguson, Missouri Grammar Festival . . .

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/08/after-ferguson-missouri-grammar-festival.html

OK, I don't know how to categorize much of the grammar exhibited there, but really, nothing seems to change -- and right now I'm talkin' GRAMMAR.

Too many black folks profess that good grammar is a "white thing" -- and the proportion of blacks like this does not seem to change. So much of the black Christian experience devolves from folkways and customs in Africa, which are colorful and meaningful to them, especially -- just like most of Catholic, especially, and Christian beliefs and practices come down from old Pagan traditionsVirgin BirthResurrection, etc. And for the "Tighty-Whitiest" of them all, you can't beat Episcopalian.

While I'm glad everyone gets comfort from these things having NOTHING to do with Jesus, we need to acknowledge that BOTH sides of this black/white divide have to do with older traditions than Jesus's (who until the day he died -- or was resurrected -- if you happen to believe that, claimed you had to be JEWISH, you had to convert, first, to JUDAISM to follow him) -- and in fact BOTH go back to more primitive human expressions and superstitions -- colorful and rather beautiful as they are.

Of course even Liberal White Folks see all this (whether in church or displayed on the streets), as "Shuckin' and Jivin'" -- although Liberals don't like to admit it.

And I don't just beat up on black folks for shedding (or shredding), English grammar. Just like ignorant whites (who seem to actually be growing in numbers), who RAIL against "Intellectual Elitism" (valuing education), they SELF-CONDEMN to low-paying jobs, where communications skills are not as important. And praying to Jesus is not going to get them a better job if they are too stupid to fix what they COULD easily fix.

Just because someone has "done you wrong", does NOT mean YOU don't have to fix it -- FAIR OR NOT!!! No justice served to the offending party, financial award, or even frame-able Certificate-of-Merit changes that.

Al SharptonPresident Obama's POINT MAN now on RACE RELATIONS, began his FBI Informant career after being caught setting up a huge cocaine dealhttp://www.infowars.com/al-sharpton-coke-dealing-fbi-informant/.

Today, they say he has found the WEIGHT-LOSS BENEFITS of switching to crack. Too bad Martin Luther King III hasn't found that:

Here you see Sharpton showing off his svelteness to the rotund King.

Throughout the oughts (2000 - 2009), the BIG SCANDAL in Atlanta was how the three King siblings FOUGHT over the rights to their father's writings (even now they hardly speak to each other) -- eventually being SO GREEDY that they tied more of them up in copyrights so that they could PROFIT more than anyone had previously from a similar type public person's words. 

All the Atlanta papers shamed them repeatedly, but the King children were ONLY interested in profiteering off their father's work.

But being so understanding of the black experience in America (and far more critical of whites), I felt I needed to write about some of the hypocrisies I know about in the black community, too.


In the late 1980s or very early 1990s, older black residents in Stone Mountain, Georgia where I lived, petitioned City Council to name an unnamed park in town for Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, James Venable. Venable, whose family had owned Stone Mountain and quarried it for granite, had been responsible for the resurrection of the Klan in the Twentieth Century. Venable had been mayor of the City, and owned a grocery store. Besides the annual torch-lit Klan parades through town (that only ended about 1994 -- so before the Olympic Torch run came through the town TWICE), during the Great Depression, every Friday, he loaded up his pick-up truck and delivered free food to the African American section of town.

These people remembered him for the REAL GOOD he had done (despite his demagoguery -- and even violence).

But Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and a couple of others, rode into town on satellite trucks and PUT A STOP TO THAT!!!

I still don't know what to make of it all -- except politicians are POLITICIANS, and few of them can be trusted.

And of course there is THIS problem, too:



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