Friday, November 21, 2014

RP: Starting with Some GOOD NEWS!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

This is actually a TRUE STORY of the result of Christianized Utah (or leaving Mormons to their own devices)!!!

>>> BREAKING!!!: Three weeks ago, I cleaned off my email list any (about 12), who had in the past half year, BLOCKED MY EMAILS, and this week has only had one more blocking -- until TODAY

THIS blog posting was blocked to 26 people -- MANY of them ones who know Sen. Feinstein or have business with her committees -- LOL!!!

HELLO?!?!? Does she not PROTECT the NSA from criticism???

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1. No surprise here -- the GOOD NEWS is the humor in it:

The "reform" measure makes room for industry-funded experts on the EPA's advisory board
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2. Mexico, while calm in Puerto Vallarta, at least, continues to be ROCKED by political scandal. So far, it appears that Presidente Pena Nieto's soap-opera-star wife, Angelica Rivera (whose closest friend is Ricky Martin, a homosexual -- as her husband may well be also -- unless he was forced into sex with all those guys whilest serving as the Governor of the state of Mexico, claims "I am an Independent Woman" as her defense, yet IMMEDIATELY agreed to sell part of the Pena Nietos' $7,000,000.00 USD residence (financed by the Chinese company that got the bid to build high-speed railway in Mexico -- but THAT contract was cancelled within three DAYS of this discovery).

The Pena Nieto Family, two years ago -- PICTURE PERFECT!!!

Enrique Pena Nieto is claimed by many Mexicans to have been put into power by the CIA and Exxon-Mobil (controlled by my wealthy Kenan relatives), so how is HE supposed to know anything about Mexico if he's just a PUPPET of Exxon-Mobil???

Well, the good news for Mexico, is that when the Constitutional Reforms passed, opening up Mexico's oil resources to outside investment, Enrique PUNKED the United States and went first to Canada, looking for major investors -- and even STATED that he would not negotiate with LARGE US companies, but was open to smaller ones.

And yesterday, Pena Nieto was said to know NOTHING of widespread drug and government corruption such as that which led to all the students disappearing. Can he be that STUPID???
I doubt it. I bet Exxon-Mobil and the CIA are now working with Mrs. Pena Nieto to DESTROY Enrique's presidency -- and she's the PERFECT CANDIDATE, having to know of all Enrique's man-on-man sexual adventures, and the bitch wants REVENGE!!!

>>> CORRECTION!!! Angelica married Enrique in 2010, so did not endure these things all those years. She must have a different reason -- could it be money???

TOLD you, Angelica is a SOAP OPERA star!!!

And now look -- a volcano is today reported to have erupted -- the SAME ONE I have CLIMBED (not totally), and could see from my apartment window as it smoked and sometimes glowed red all night with lava flows.

These are the twin volcanoes, one active, one usually ice-covered at top, that I had the view of from my apartment in Colima in 2010!!!

The Colima volcano, bordering the state of Jalisco, in western Mexico has erupted, sending a column of ash about 3 miles (5 kilometers) into the air.

Remember: Even during the Mexican presidential election two summers ago, the MOST popular google search with Pena Nieto's name was "Pena Nieto gay" -- which remained in top spot for nearly a year -- but the CIA has covered it up so well in the US for Obama, that that search for HIM remains relatively low.

Michelle Obama is in nearly the exact same situation with HER husband, but it is playing out more slowly and more secretively in the USA.

For more on Senator Barack Obama being seen by my former friend Jamie Lee Sutherland, exec of Wells Fargo,  in his private Chicago club, Man's Country baths, it's all over this blog.

For more on the CIA seizing Man's Country bathhouse's computers and membership rolls for a PURGING of records of Obama's and Rahm Emanuel's LIFETIME memberships, you can google that info up EASILY here in Mexico, but if not so in the USA, maybe this link to ONE story that was published on it will work in the USA:

3. Colin sent out the weekly email reminder/invite to this Saturday's meeting of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, without mentioning a thing I wrote about, but including an invitation to ALL, actually, to a cocktail party for us at Act II Stages this Sunday night. There will be several live performers, and even a NEW COCKTAIL named for one of them. Colin had to speculate on one thing, though: (I suspect "passed hordervers" are pasta "hors d'oeuvre" -  but who knows?)

Encore Piano Bar at Act II Stages is NOT actually a "Wrinkle Room" (traditional term for a gay bar frequented only by older people), as this might suggest -- just "gay friendly", so I guess Frank Meyer won't be able to attend!!! Charles Quigley is a conservative Christian with a younger Mexican wife also, but at least has more of a sense of humor -- while he mis-conjugates the verb "to see".

This all sounds quite GRAND and WELCOME, but surprising in that only three days notice for such a shindig has been given -- perhaps someone has been a bit forgetful. I know that I will go -- if not kicked out of the group in the meantime -- LOL!!!


Re-reading Colin's email, this is a party that is completely open to ALL, celebrating the Second Season of Act Two's Red Room, where we meet. Previously, Colin told us that Danny Mininni wanted to have a party for our group and our friends, only, but something must have corrupted the communications somewhere along the way. It will be interesting to see which of our members actually attend.

4. I keep feeling like I give Robin-the-Writer short shrift, so let me tell you a few other things about him -- first mentioning that NC Stanley may or may not agree with me on many things -- but he ALWAYS UNDERSTANDS MY POINTS, and has an unfailing sense of humor. Perhaps it is that we share "North Carolina DNA".

Robin  is actually the ONLY member of our group who has expressed empathy to me -- specifically loudly denouncing that any one of us would have ever shaken the donation box in ANYONE's face -- and some comments by private email as well. 

I understand that my story is so large that nearly NO ONE is able to believe it (or mentally active enough to wrap their mind around it), but HUMAN BEINGS recognize when a person has been through a LOT of suffering, trials and tribulations, etc., and they express some empathy for the suffering -- even when they disagree politically, religiously, etc., but our group is mostly WHITE CHRISTIANS and those who had Christian upbringing, even if they now reject it.

They are nearly ALL still spreading the hatred of American Conservative Christianity -- even though many are quite Liberal (Liberals being the biggest hypocrites in the world, as I have blogged many times).

5. And speaking of TOTAL HYPOCRITES, Diane Feinstein, who has adamantly labeled Edward Snowden a TRAITOR and sought to keep NSA and CIA working UNDER COVER, has now changed her tune about SOME government secrecy.

News hounds will recall (and frankly this is not easy to find on the internet now, but I remember it well), the FIRST laws on Congressional Members and insider trading came about because of Ms. Feinstein's using her privileged knowledge to buy up VISA futures when the now Kenan-Sinatra-owned Bank of America (called BankAmerica, then), sold off their FIRST EVER national credit card, BankAmericard, renamed VISA.

I'm not certain when that was, but see that between 2003 and 2005, her net worth grew from $26 million to an estimated $99 million, but that did NOT stop her GREED!!!

"Feinstein was criticized in 2009 when she introduced a bill directing $25 billion to the FDIC the day after the agency awarded her husband's company a contract to sell foreclosed properties at compensation rates higher than the industry norms.[23]" For more

6. Here is Sen. Feinstein's LATEST (a considerable reinvention), with my comment from Facebook:

The SECOND American Revolution is beginning actually on Mexican Revolution Day??? I'd bet my BOTTOM DOLLAR on it!!!

WASHINGTON -- Before White House chief of staff Denis McDonough came to brief Senate Democrats on Thursday afternoon, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) had a little pep talk with his flock. Every Tuesday, during the weekly caucus lunches, he...
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Me, as Ichabod Crane, a BIBLICAL character!!!


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