Friday, December 19, 2014

RP: Tomorrow Is National PRAY FOR THE CHRISTIAN COMPOSURE of the Lost Souls in Puerto Vallarta Writers Group Day -- LOL!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Even the BEACHES are different, here in Mexico!!! 

An example of how Mexicans view Americans and their bitches:


But are not NEARLY as smart as Europeans -- most of whom believe Christianity has done more HARM than good and the great majority no longer believe in "God" -- or the people from ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD THAT WAS ONCE A CHRISTIAN NATION).

Led by "Christians", the USA is now a third world country of ignorant pigs and pretend-straight COCK-SUCKERS, like Republican politicians and Christian ministers keep getting CAUGHT AT -- LOL!!!

Biggest crock of shit ever, but BEST news is that of Christian Churches tallied, CATHOLICS are LEAST likely to believe this crap -- LOL!!!

Well, Mary birthed several more children, so at least she wasn't fool enough to STAY A VIRGIN!!!

So if YOU pray to a "Virgin Mary" -- you are a FOOL. Pray to the PREVIOUSLY-A-VIRGIN Mary. That's right, she is NOT a Virgin, but was once.

Is this so different from your own mother and sisters -- and do THEY not deserve your love and RESPECTtoo???

A full 65 percent of American adults believe in the four of primary elements of the Christmas story -- the virgin birth, an angel announcing the birth of Jesus to...
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There is NONE of this spiritual claptrappery of mystical things AT ALL in the first of the written Gospels, Mark -- and nearly none in the next one written, MatthewJohn was written more than a hundred years after Jesus died, so it reflects the MOST of the myth that had grown around poor old Jesus, a WORTHY Hebrew Prophet.


1. Late last night, I realized I CANNOT post a collection of the photos of male members of jerks who have harassed me, not because it would be illegal, but because those "Moby Dicks" would grace the image section of every Google search of anyone I have mentioned in this blog -- and that would be unfair and cruel (although GREAT mischievous fun -- so I might change my mind if I get pissed off enough).

Just now, I have image-googled another Writers Group memberGinger Tindall, whose name appears only once or twice in this blog, to see how LESS hit she is compared to Leader Colin HamiltonCheck it out -- images from this blog are FEW and farther down

FUNNIEST was to see this pic of Ted Druch (another member, living elsewhere now -- and former LIVE-IN disciple of Dr. Timothy Leary for TWO YEARS!!!), in a bed with five cats (according to the blog this came from, but I'm not certain that is correct -- Ted Druch having done LSD nearly constantly for two years, might see things differently than you or I):

AND this posting ALSO details TWO OTHER former members of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group in 2010, when I was first in it, who are SELF-VERIFIED narco-traffickers.

Captain Doug

The first of those is Captain Doug Danielson, who had taken over leading the group the last month or so I was in it in 2010, from Don Gallery. It was not until I was WAY away from him in Wilmington, North Carolina, that I BOLDLY confronted him by direct email about all the evidence I had found that he takes drugs to the USA hidden in boats he captains home for lazy owners.

That man could get MAD AS HELL -- but he never once tried to deny it, and seems now to have disappeared off the face of the earth.


The other, might not ever have actually joined the group, but often attended. Jim Wilsonalso intimately connected to the owners of the Boutique Theatre, bragged many times that he was the largest importer of bales of pot to Oregon -- and later he stole from me, after getting very friendly, even having me sleep in his house briefly when I was homeless!!!


Too funny -- Fox News stories are REALLY getting surreal, now:

A bombshell Vatican report released Monday that gives a green light to the social activism of left-wing U.S. nuns is the latest example of how the more liberal papacy...
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This is likely TRUE, but you should read all the lies in this Fox report for the HUMOR.

3. So now in this "Holiday Season", let's close with something PEACEFUL, and hope that the members of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group have fun tomorrowAVOIDING DEALING WITH WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE GROUP!!!

And NO, I am not particularly interested in "re-joining" them, any more. They are PRIMARILY God-Hating Christians, and MANY are into International Arms Smuggling and/or NARCO-TRAFFICKING.

No wonder they can't write (with a few exceptions)!!!


Scott Kenan shared AJC's photo.
9 hrs ·
And as I recall, they also supply nurseries on the East side of Atlanta -- at least -- with the healthiest herb plants.

Just outside Conyers, Ga., is a 2,300-acre island of calm. The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, now celebrating 70 years in Rockdale County, is a tranquil retreat where a small group of Cistercian monks have dedicated themselves to lives of contemplation. In keeping with the philosophy of the Trappist order, the monks observe vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. They live apart from the world. But the world doesn’t want to live apart from the monks. The monastery has become one of the most popular attractions in Rockdale County.

Video: Celebrating 70 years
Photos: Scenes from the monastery
Just outside Conyers, Ga., is a 2,300-acre island of calm. The Monastery of the Holy Spirit, now celebrating 70 years in Rockdale County, is a tranquil retreat ...
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