Wednesday, March 18, 2015

RP: In an Inebriated Moment Last Night, I Let My Remaining Guard Down – and Called Mike and Jane.

RE-PRINTED from here


Some cute white puppy with a stiff upturned tail, has strayed from home, and having reached the promontory of my front porch, is crying out to the whole of Vallarta for his mama or his people friends – and it is breaking my heart.

He’s been there for 90 minutes so far, and he’s healthy. I’d love to at least comfort him and I’ll soon give him food and water, but I don’t want him to form an attachment to me when his place needs to be found. He did just climb further up the hill and is now in a density of people who should take care of him.


A day or two ago, I actually got an email from “Ace McD”, in which he claimed to finally be back in Puerto Vallarta – which last he’d told me would happen in mid-January, and no word since. And he said he’d used the money I fronted him to buy a new keyboard for this computer which has no “E” key (but works by sticking my finger into the hole – an awkward event, or external keyboard), but it had not been packed right, so got damaged during his return and he’s looking again, but is available if I need his computer repair services.

I politely replied that I’d keep him in mind if I need him, but in conversation with Testo, yesterday, he asked what I’d do if I run into Ace on the street, and I replied my impulse would be to spit on him, but I would not – and he’s built like a brick shit-house, so I wouldn’t tangle physically!!!

And as I thought of it, Ace is a black guy, so EASY to spot in this town where they are as common as hens’ teeth -- and me too visible, due to my height. And I have no fear of walking around Puerto Vallarta anymore at all. In fact the ONLY heat I still get is the corruption to my computer and lessening problems with my connection to the internet outside my home – which could be the action of just a few criminals – and nothing more, now.

The resistance to me is just a SHADOW OF ITS FORMER SELF. I am now fighting only a SHADOW.

Well, my mother’s mood has been improving, too, so I decided to DROP any demands of my family, and if it isn’t too late for Mike to get a decent-priced flight, I would be happy to meet him in New Orleans, if he still wants to.

True, I’d had a fair amount of tequila and the neighbors were burning underbrush again – which seemed to have included weed -- so when I called Mike and Jane about 9:30 their time last night, I had a little fun leaving both voice-mails, being slurry with my words – which might have made them think I wasn’t serious, so I need to post this quickly.

You see, I’ve really gotten it all out of my system, now only finding ever more exotic connections within my life. And there are TONS of internet postings of hidden crimes as bad as what I’ve reported – and NO reports of those people being harassed to Kingdom Come – except those who spilled classified secrets, which I have NEVER had access to. I’ve only carefully observed my family and friends to get MY information.

THEY will have to answer why I have had so much mortal opposition – and I contend it is because I had either been born into or stepped into so many piles of crap that I had no idea were that when I stepped.

All I’m doing is cleaning off the residue.

So there is no reason I cannot return to American society, and they can just claim I am an ECCENTRIC if they like – like they did Tennessee Williams’s brother Dakin. Of course they were CORRECT about Dakin being very eccentric. His manner did not lend him credibility.

So I must watch out for that silly pit-fall.

Anyway, the puppy has quit crying – and so have I.


Jane, Mike, Mom, me, Dad, and Maggie -- on Dad's 90th birthday, 2008. Julie took the picture.


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