Tuesday, March 17, 2015

RP: My Prediction: Gen. Colin Powell Will REFORM the Republican Party and Be Elected Our Next President – Republican!!!

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/03/my-prediction-gen-colin-powell-will.html

Yes, I was up early this morning, and caught a Col. Wilkinson, who had been Gen. Powell’s Chief of Staff when he was Secretary of State, speaking on CNN about how he is working in Congress to explain what was wrong with that letter to Iran signed by 47 Senators, and where to go from here.

Gen. Powell has been getting TONS of favorable press, lately, and one of my first thoughts seeing Col. Wilkinson, was that he must know Col. Dottie Newman, Powell’s Chief Protocol Officer while Sect. of State, quite well. Naturally, I got rather excited. I’m ready to sign up for his campaign!!!

The most recent poll shows Hillary Clinton not losing too much popularity over these emails – and her handling of that. I really don’t think she could win the general election, but she’s too addicted to the race to back down – and clearly very powerful. She, like Dick Cheney of Republicans, is the one most feared of Democrats, so no others really run. This mess will put Democrats at a big disadvantage – but only if the Republicans have a viable candidate – and I only see Gen. Powell as capable of filling that role.

Actually, I don’t think anyone will have to work too hard to reform the Republicans – they’ve been looking for an actual leader for decades. And they are waking up to the hate and lies of previous Republicans (and Democrats as well).

I told Mom this morning, that it would be totally cool if Dottie Newman got into campaigning for the General – Dottie had told me how she, Gen. Powell, and his wife Alma sat around their kitchen table many times discussing if a run in 2008 would be safe, eventually deciding not. And when we have a President Powell, I will figure out how to get invited to the White House on my OWN steam, rather than as an attachment to Tennessee Williams.

I believe that my “citizen action” of pushing the Justice Department to investigate the corruption in Wilmington, North Carolina – coupled with all the findings and evidence I have stored to support my claims – might do it.

Well, my glory is not the point. A healthy United States of America IS the point – and better relations with our Latin neighbors, especially Mexico.

So all that said, I now enter a two-week period of relative calm (I hope).


Click image to ENLARGE.

Please note that Kiki Smith in upper right is the DAUGHTER of Tennessee Williams's life-long friend, Jane Smith.

Jane Smith




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