Monday, March 16, 2015

RP: Of BOTH My Parents – and the Current Situation

RE-PRINTED from here

My parents, Bill and Ruth Anne Kenan in 2005.

Believe it or not, I woke up from a nap yesterday, with an intense interest in calling my mother – but no clear purpose to do so, so after a mug of coffee, I called. It was an entirely friendly call, with Mom first saying she had just gotten in from buying a new tablecloth, which totally cracked me up – I mean it is HARD to keep a good woman down, and by that I mean my 92-year-old Mom is as resilient as me.

And I don’t mean it in a condemning way – since no one in my family has offered an alternative to my interpretation of events, I can’t really judge for certain. And our conversation was mostly me making certain Mom understood my position after my siblings refused to respond to my offer. In any case, it did go well.

And also, yesterday, at Costco, I saw for the first time Sinatra Edition of Jack Daniels – I would have thought of him as drinking scotch or Martinis, but in any case, I was not going to pay about $75.00 USD for Jack (which I actually don’t like, although I love Jim Beam). Frank Sinatra and his family are more and more in this blog – and it is SO MYSTERIOUS that the hackers left the music I listen to the most, yet erased Frank’s tunes. And John Lahr wrote amazing books about BOTH Tennessee Williams and Frank Sinatra.

Another odd occurrence, recently, is that my cats, who had taken a two-month break from jumping on my bed AT ALL, have moved into my bed – about four days ago – and resumed cuddling and grooming each other, which they had also stopped doing. (And someone has even removed from the cliff, the Christmas tree with all its lights and ornaments that I shoved out my window through the 6” gap in the burglar bars – PRAISE JESUS!!!)

When in doubt, think of Dad, is what goes through mind, so I want to re-tell some things that my family seems to ignore completely.

Me and Dad, probably in 1952.

I don’t know if it was before or after his service in the Navy in WWII (probably before), but Dad liked to brag (and all his comments like this were given when I was in early grade school – and almost never later), about being head of the gift department of the largest department store in San Francisco (which should tell you SOMETHING, right there), and he dealt with William Randolph Hearst’s buyer, selling him at least alabaster bowls for Marian Davies.

Dad’s nickname (verified), at New Hanover County High School had been “Middle Leg”, due to the enormity of his endowment. He liked having fun with it – how my first cousin Graham Harlee Kenan is actually my half-brother. Dad was BI, not straight or gay.

And I won’t tell again the story of how Dad’s male lover was shot in Cincinnati and to avoid being blamed for a “lover’s quarrel”, Dad converted to Roman Catholicism and married my mother – the police report filed as “Russian Roulette Suicide”.

And remember, when my parents lived in West Chester, Pennsylvania the second time (about 1975 – 1980), Dad twice called me for recommendations on Philadelphia gay bars, I sending him to the “247”, a leather and western bar where there were few “sissies”.

And without giving a lot of details, the percentage of Kenan males who are gay or mostly so, is very high. Of the larger actors, I think it is safe to say that Frank Hawkins Kenan and William Rand Kenan, SR. were straight, but William Rand Kenan, JR. (who endowed the largest Kenan Charitable Trust), Owen Hill Kenan, MD, and Thomas S. Kenan III were/are gay.

I needn’t again write what I think of the Kenan males in my immediate family.

Betty (Price) Kenan and her husband, Frank Hawkins Kenan – at least they knew how to have FUN, no???

The other thing I might mention – moving on – is that yesterday, I included to my list of 500 email recipients, an email I had received from someone purporting to know Jamie Lee Sutherland’s secret email address and identity – and many other things as well, and my response, which essentially was that I am NOT Law Enforcement, and have no interest in investigating Jamie. I report what I know of facts and my interpretation of them – since NO Law Enforcement has protected me from ANYTHING.

Now it is true that this information should be of interest to legal authorities – and it will be to my attorney when I counter-sue, but this is not in the IMMEDIATE future, as I am taking a break from worrying about all that until the end of this month – due to the Tennessee Williams Festival in New Orleans,

And the guy (I assume it was a male), seemed to have made up both his user-name and a new domain – JUST TO SEND ME THIS INFO!!! I attach my real name to all I write, and do not trust people who refuse to do so. I do understand that some are afraid of consequences, but this whole thing was TOO FISHY for me.

Anyway, if you have info related to crimes, please contact the appropriate Legal Authorities.

And this leaves me with the thought that it would be a good idea for me to contact the Justice Department, USA, regarding the DEPLORABLE condition of policing and courts in the Wilmington, North Carolina area – just to introduce them to what I think might need a BIGGER investigation than Ferguson, Missouri.

I’ll do that next and send it by secured server.


Tennessee Williams and me with both feathered and not-feathered friends, 1982.

Me and Frank, December 2012


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