Thursday, July 16, 2015

RP: Hoping for a COMEDY BREAK, I Find Ms. Christine Hitchens Has KINDLY Obliged!!!

PRINTED from here

Hi Christine!!!

I am going to take your latest, sent to me today, and intersperse my comments within it, just to keep subjects together:

Well, I'm sorry this man is bothering you. The lord works in mysterious ways, it never ceases to amaze me how cunning the Lord can be, so this man will certainly have to answer to it if he has wronged you. Don't you think?

First of all, “the lord” being so cunning, I’m SURE he is misunderstood by both me and you, at least sometimes, so I don’t pretend to know what he’s always up to – or what he means by all actions. Secondly, NO, Colin Hamilton will not have to ANSWER (to “God”, anyway) – God is all of EVERYTHING, so if anything, Colin will only have to answer for his LAME attacks on me. He’s just not that skilled, which is a pity. God likes EFECTIVE ("sic", I have FINALLY decided), Criminals and EFFECTIVE Progressive Cultural-Growers, and SPITS the rest out, as Jesus has PROMISED in the Bible.

I forgot to mention that when we were at St. Regis for the festival one night we met some of our gay friends for drinks at the round bar they have, and your name came up. It seems you are more popular now that you have vanished.

OF COURSE this is true!!! My blog is FILLED with humor, primarily, and even those “ridiculed” by me are so EXPERTLY (and correctly), ridiculed, that after a little TIME, even THEY can laugh about it!!!

One of the men worked for some internet company and he said that he worked with goggle on your account or blog or something like that and somehow was able to shut it down.

Well, someone or some org DID shut down TWO of my email addresses in the last year. It says something about us (read YOU, who hang out with such criminals): the COMPANY we keep, no??? And besides, you wrote that he worked for “goggle”, which is an old WELDING (and DEEP SEA), technology!!!

I couldn't follow all of it but, is it true that you post pornography on your site?

Rather than TRUST ME, you should VERIFY (like my – now deceased -- PERSONAL friend, Ronald Reagan liked to say), and scan through my nearly 3,000 blog posts to find out. That said, “Pornography is in the MIND of the Beholder”, but I’ve kept ALL male danglies flaccid, so they are scientific. If YOU find that prurient, I suggest you seek the help of a psychologist.

I hope that's not true Scott, I really do because I don't think the Lord would be able to forgive anyone that. I don't care what the church says about forgiveness some things ought to be punished with a lifetime in hell.

My DEAR woman, since 85% of adult men (in USA, anyway), deliberately view pornography at least occasionally, I’m wonderin if you are just a MAN HATER!!! And in case you didn’t know, MOST of those (including the great majority of straight guys), watch the giant (o muy poquito) penises – cocks are just hot to EVERYBODY, even those who would rather penetrate one or another part of a woman. See:

But I know this from relieving pressure of straight guys who appreciate the skill of someone who HAS the same equipment (knowing how it works), and can handle it without FEMALE COMPLICATIONS, but more like a friendly handshake.

I can't stand those disgusting, perverted creeps that find sinful pleasure in degrading themselves and others. They are ruining the world, and I'd like to be there when they stand before Christ and try to explain themselves.

Porno Watchers??? I’d be more worried about child molesters (and I won’t mention any names). Well Christ is a COSCIOUSNESS that “Jesus” (actually, Yeshua-bar-Joseph), is said to have taken on. The mark of the “Anointed One” – anointed with sacred oil by the father to indicate he is to receive the entire inheritance, as was Jewish custom, then.

Crisco, a fryin’ oil of dubious viscosity (and prime sexual lubricant of Edge People of earlier decades), has the same root!!!

Anyway, I learned all these things in college level Bible and other courses. As my FAVE minister used to say, “I believe EVERYTHING Jesus ever said – but almost NOTHING of what people say about him.”

Sorry, I'm not accusing you, I'm just saying that if you even think you know any of those types of people, you should run in the other direction. Keep your soul and thoughts pure. Do God's work and he will reward you. Cross him and you will endure his wrath. Isn't that what you believe too?

What is “pure”??? I perish thoughts like yours just expressed.

I believe that's what you had said or at least alluded to. We need people like that. We need more decent honest, God fearing people. 

Frankly, although I never have been nor will be violent, I LOVE to fantasize about what happens to those who FEAR God. THAT is an EFFECTIVE prayer – and God then gives you something to be feared. You must know this from experience – or you could not POSSIBLY fear God.

My kind call that sort of god “Lucifer”.

Bless you.
With grace.

Well THAT was a nice sentiment – Thanks!!!




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