Tuesday, December 29, 2015

RP: The Son of Valerie Davis Takes Scott Kenan to TASK!!!

RE-PRINTED from herehttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-son-of-valerie-davis-takes-scott.html

Probably a good illustration of what Ja'Quis Davis (I'm curious where he got such a creative first name -- I've never come across it before)thinks I meant -- as you shall see . . .

Family of Valerie DavisChristmas Eve 2015

  • Conversation started Monday
  • Ja'Quis Davis
    12/28, 9:01pm
    Ja'Quis Davis

    Good evening Mr.Scott, I don't know who you are but I'm asking you to stop messaging & making comments towards my mother. You speak of "fake Christians" but you sir are one. A real Christian would not tell someone to "Blow something out their Christian ASS". You are being very disrespectful. So I'm asking you to please leave her alone.
  • Today
  • Scott Kenan
    Scott Kenan

    Hi Ja'Quis -- and thanks for writing. I commend your choice of music theory and playing!!! As you might know from high school history classes, whether you grew up in Florida or North Carolina, like your Mom, my Kenan family has had a lot to do with your state. Kenans clear-cut the virgin pine forests of NC with three Kenan households having more than 300 black slaves, and became the world's largest suppliers of naval stores (turpentine, tar, and pitch), BEFORE the American revolution, and founded UNC Chapel Hill -- inventing the world's first Public University -- why my last name is all over UNC.

    My own great-grandfather, Murphy Kenan, was not super-rich like most Kenans, and saved up for several years to buy a married slave pair, and then immediately freed them. This was shortly before the War, and he was one of the first in his county to enlist for the Confederacy. History is complicated -- especially in the South.
    In Florida, from the year 1900 on, William Rand Kenan, Jr. ran all of Henry Flagler's enterprises -- except Standard Oil, which J.D. Rockefeller ran for Flagler, and also for the Kenans, once Flagler died and left more Standard Oil stock to his last wife, Mary Lily Kenan, than anyone else on earth owned -- then or since. Although the Kenan Charitable Trusts have been the largest private support of University Education in the world for about 103 years now, my wealthy relatives ALSO give their PERSONAL money, now, to the narco-trafficking and White Supremacist Episcopal Church -- with plans to begin a Christian Race War for White Supremacy soon, beginning, like the Kenan Family with Christian Churches here in Wilmington. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_insurrection_of_1898
    I am working to force my wealthy relatives to account for their racist past and present.
    I also raised a lot of money for FAMU, which I noticed mentioned on your Facebook Page.
    There is so much I could tell you, but I've written it all in my blog: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx or http://scottkenan.blogspot.com.
    In any case, your Mom is an adult so she can defend herself. It's a cute old fashioned idea that the men-folks have to stand up for the women-folks -- TRUE often in physical fights, women being smaller and not as strong, but we are all created equal in the MIND, so adults all must defend themselves in the world of ideas.
    The other thing is that your Mom posts (re-posts, actually, in her laziness), HUGE volumes - and it is very much the OPPOSITE of what my friends who are true Christians post. For instance, would President Obama, Martin Luther King, or Ben Carson sit around eating themselves fat as pigs and praying for Jesus to fix everything??? Of course not -- they got politically involved (some through Christian Churches, some like Malcolm X, through Islam) -- but they GOT OUT AND FOUGHT for rights of us all.
    I am not a Christian (defined as someone who believes that Jesus was the literal son of God), although I grew up Roman Catholic and once wanted to be a Jesuit priest (Pope Francis is a Jesuit priest), but soured on all of that. If the Bible were completely TRUE, there would be only ONE Christian denomination, but instead, Christians fight over what it means all the time!!! Catholics, Anglican/Episcopal, and the Orthodox Churches believe in transubstantiation, while all the other Protestant Churches see communion as symbolic, and accuse the first group of being CANNIBALS -- LOL!!!
    My favorite minister (I've worshiped in other Churches, too), loved to say that "Jesus came to point the way, and for 2,000 years, we've been studying his fingernail". Also, that he believed "EVERYTHING Jesus said, but almost NOTHING said about Jesus". AND that "God loves the Atheists best -- because they never fell for any of the bull shit."
    Jesus was a great prophet, but his message is lost on most Christians, and I'm not one of them, anyway.
    Last night I unfriended your Mom -- I don't feel unfriendly toward her, but her constant re-posting takes up too much of my Facebook Feed. While I have a lot of Conservative Christian friends, they don't post like they have diarrhea, and when they post, their friends write a lot of comments and they have adult discussions. Your Mom gets almost NO comments so I figure no one really pays her much attention, and she's just a bully, throwing her weight around.
    My own mother, a DEVOUT Christian who raised us with swastikas on the dinner plates and daily beatings, was JUST LIKE YOUR MOM (including her fat)!!!
    Anyway, I'd already stopped Valerie Davis's posts from showing in my feed so that I didn't keep wasting my time with someone with a closed mind. I did NOT block her, but if you tell her to block ME, that will remove all my comments from her threads and it will look like no one has challenged her to think and love -- the way Jesus did while he walked the Earth.

    I wish you all the BEST!!!


>>> ADDED LATER: I can't add this into the above where appropriate, because AGAIN, today, HACKERS are interfering with the formatting in my blog (also see in some missing words just above).

Ben Carson isn't fighting for anyone's rights -- he was a BRILLIANT neurosurgeon, who calls his campaign rallies "Book Tours", to sell his books. That way, he doesn't have to pay income tax on political contributions as business income -- but gets to DEDUCT all his expenses on a BUSINESS TOUR.

He's even smarter at gaming the system than Donald Trump, no???

Ja'Quis Davis -- Big Guy; Big Blow!!!



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