Thursday, January 28, 2016

RP: A Note Before Bed . . .

RE-PRINTED from here

It occurred to me that Sheriff McMahon might respond . . . well, I lost that train of thought, but it ended by mentioning how HIGH the ceilings are in his jail.

So here's an ALTERNATE thought, my comments the Facebook page of a Canadian living in Puerto Vallarta who is an atheist, kosher best-Bagel-baker, and has a feisty mother named Brigid who BRISTLES if in error one calls her "Birdy" rather than "Bridy".

I first met him in Costa Real Estate's office near the PV pier, back in 2010, before the pier looked like this:

Well Peter has changed HIS look a few times, too:

Scott Kenan Peter Hardy: Are ya smokin' (REDACTED) -- like me at the moment??? 

I can't help remembering your various looks -- and I salute you for yer balls in having them, beginning with the first that I found. Meanwhile, I'm knocking the socks off some idiots in the local Political Bowl:
LikeReply137 minsEdited
Scott Kenan Here's the earliest:

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply38 mins
Scott Kenan Here's a couple of others:

Scott Kenan's photo.
LikeReply38 mins


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