Friday, January 22, 2016

RP: On "The Morning After":

RE-PRINTED from here

>>> THIS JUST IN @ 11:30 AMDewayne just called, and I told him that we need to set up an appointment for him to pick up his things. He replied, "WHAT??? What did I do???" I told him I refuse to argue about it, and he might want to call me back to make that appointment after he lines up a car of a friend to make it easier, but he had ALREADY HUNG UP ON ME.


WHOA!!! This posting got more hits in the first 12 hours -- TWICE AS MANY -- as any other posting, ever

And for THE RECORD, any Law Enforcement (or interested party), should know that overnight I realized that the institution where Fernando Merino did all his banking, PROBABLY began with an "Av . . ." and was NOT "Vector Investment Funds", a rather FISHY organization, which I found by googling.

Well, I went to bed at about midnight, and slept soundly until about 6:00 AM. I had turned the light on in the bedroom Dewain Joseph Hall had used, and turned his heat back from 75 to 60 -- and I had noticed the only marijuana pipe that I am aware of being in this apartment, was completely empty in front of the small TV that I had allowed Dewain to use until I needed it as an additional monitor to get back to serious writing.

When I awoke, it appeared that the light -- shining through the two transom windows from that room into my living room -- appeared to be out, so after lying there thinking about the best way to deal with his having slipped into that bed late at night, I got up to see about dealing with him -- but he was NOT there.

However, the pipe was GONE -- LOL!!!

I know I didn't use it, having nothing to smoke, and I left it there. But I've now checked every place that I have ever put it "out of sight", and can't find it, so I suppose he might have snuck in just to get it.

NOTHING else appears to be missing.

So, in the hope he reads this blog, or someone reports its content to him, he can call me through the weekend to make an appointment to pack up his things and take them out. If we don't set that up, then I will give all his new clothing to charity -- probably Sister Mary Isaac Koenig's Tileson Charities -- and he can get them from here if he hurries up. These things are virtually brand new.

And I SHOULD have taken Sister's advice of several months ago, and asked Father Bob Kus if he knows of a Latino (or other), who needs a decent -- and CLOSE -- place to live. If the Catholics over there are not too angry with my attacks on the Institutional Catholic Church (and the Theology), I'll probably try to do that after Dewain's exit is complete.

But the FUNNIEST THING is that at 10:31 AM, I got a call from Philip Rosario, not from his phone, but from (910) 833-7883, which googling I see is Betsy's Crepes, asking if I was OK. 

NEWS TRAVELS FAST -- especially since only two minutes before that I had first posted the beginnings of this posting -- and the conversation continued:

Me: "What do you mean, is there some reason I don't know of that I should NOT be OK???"

"No, I just meant do you need anything from Logan (meaning marijuana -- all I ever have gotten from Logan)???" Now Phil had told me that Dewain would be re-addicted to Heroin in a jiffy, that I would have to kick him out, and then Phil would like to move back -- which I had back then made clear would NEVER happen -- and I really had been convinced that Dewain wanted to straighten out his life.

So I told Phil that I had quit smoking the stuff, and I never wanted to hear from him again -- then hung up. 

So the bottom line with Dewain is that he found SOMEWHERE to stay warm and sleep last night -- that he prefers to being in my house. So CLEARLY he HAS moved out -- if his things have not yet been dealt with.

And Philip Rosario -- to call me after all that has gone down -- MUST still believe that he CONTROLS District Attorney Ben David, as he claimed many times.

FRANKLY, I seriously DOUBT IT -- but the PROOF will be in how aggressively Ben David in association with other Law Enforcement, cleans ALL this crap out.

And that includes many elected and wanna-be Politicians, and Ministers of "Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ".

Ben's a diminutive man (as is Sheriff Ed McMahon), but I BET he rises to the occasion -- right SOON -- LOL!!! 

Once a PresbyterianALWAYS a Presbyterian / Once a TrumpALWAYS a Trump!!!
"Woody Guthrie’s two-year tenancy in one of Fred Trump’s buildings and his relationship with the real estate mogul of New York’s outer boroughs produced some of Guthrie’s most bitter writings, which I discovered on a recent trip to the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa. 

These writings have never before been published; they should be, for they clearly pit America’s national balladeer against the racist foundations of the Trump real estate empire."

"I suppose Old Man Trump knows just how much Racial Hate he stirred up."

Scott Kenan shared Sandra Beckham's post.
3 hrs

Sandra Beckham's photo.
Sandra Beckham
19 hrs
“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” 
― Thích Nhất Hạnh, Stepping into Freedom: Rules of Monastic Practice for Novices


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