Sunday, July 16, 2017

RP: I HATE Treating My Mother the Way She Deserves -- She's Done EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, since 1978, to Medicate Me, Jail, or Commit Me Because Roman Catholicism and Her Beloved NAZISM Say I Am NOT HUMAN -- Just Like the JEWS!!! And She KILLED Her Brother Because of His Sexuality, and His Daughter Marrying a JEW!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

And Today, she was FORCED to see that the Kennedy Family -- ALSO with strong ties to Catholicism and NAZISM -- hide all their HOMOSEXUALS just like she wanted me hidden away.

The ONLY crime she ever admitted to, she did NOT see as a crime, and that was working with Father Bob Kus, then at St. Mark's Catholic here in Wilmington, through the parish's official Duplicate Bridge Club to smuggle the wealth of White People out of South Africa after the fall of Apartheid in major Art pieces -- because the Pope thought ending Apartheid was UNFAIR to White People -- and Mom so BELIEVED THAT, she assumed EVERYONE -- including ME -- agreed.

I have also claimed that Robert J. Kus has been heavily involved in Narco-Trafficking and Prostitution in Wilmington -- that NOT because Mom ever said anything, but because my roommate of several months, Philip Rosario, a "dishwasher" at Betsy's Crepes downtown, told me story after story of how he was a GIANT Narco-Trafficker and had had MANY Whore Houses here over the last 30 years -- and got his orders from Father Bob Kus.

His detailed knowledge was TOO GOOD, and much of it VERIFIABLE -- and although he did NOT tell me WHAT he had on D.A. Ben David, he told me Ben could NEVER TOUCH HIM, EVER, and Ben was the D.A. for at least ten years while Phil continued his MEGA-CRIMES. 

Phil Mercurio -- who got head-strong and allowed me to SEE bulk drugs and his smoking CRACK and handling HUGE rolls of hundred dollar bills IN MY APARTMENT -- so I threw HIM OUT, like I later threw out Haston Lavern Caulder II. 

NOW, Phil seems to have disappeared from town -- about half a year ago.

Phil Mercurio set up this shrine to Catholic Drug Culture in his room in my house, and when I questioned him on his so-important Catholic Beliefs, he had NO IDEA what the Season of Lent is about -- something I bet JEWS could tell you!!!

Well, I will AVOID exposing my mother's UNDYING HATE in the Name of Jesus and the Roman Catholic Church from now on (and in MY experience, practicing Catholics are more loving and REJECTING of this backbone of Catholicism than is the average Protestant, so I'm NOT against Catholics, per se -- or the decent Protestants).

With the ABSURD situation of Donald Trump and Mike Pence in their positions, the Republican Politicians KISSING THEIR BUTTS (but so many privately RIDICULING them) -- and so many Democrats as BAD as the Republicans, if less Racistthe Clintons being the perfect example of the WORST of the Democratic Party, I feel like we are ALL in a Lenten Season, but WHEN will the end be in sight -- except as the tiny flickering of Light, Love, and Understanding that feels like it could BLOW OUT from the next Sean Hannity or Newt Gingrich fart.

Well, it looks like someone, Old-Timey and European, has shown up and joined the chorus.

Christians act as if Jesus wasn't even JEWISH -- which he CELEBRATED at the Passover (Last) Supper, and to the moment that he DIED!!!

My mother, included.


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