Saturday, February 24, 2018

RP: HELL!!! Chris Milliken (The Cherokee), Just Called ME (11:01 PM) -- from SOREHEAD CITY, NC -- He Was Trying to KILL Someone (but the guy KICKED-IN Chris's FACE, Instead)!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

Chris Milliken looks like THIS (except for his unfortunate FACE -- and his FABULOUSLY HAIRY chest and PITS)!!!

My Old Buddy Evan Fish ALSO had "PITS TO DIE FOR"!!!

Evan Fish in a WISTFUL mood.

After his MURDER by Wilmington Police Officers about September 5, 2011, Evan's Evangelical Christian Church (which he HATED), made him into a CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT.

Miss Christopher Allmond (Republican -- on right, above), was FAMOUS for Pole Dancin' BUTT-2-BUTT with his US Army Buddies -- and promised to KILL ME for being a FAGGOT -- LOL!!!

Anyway, Chris MILLIKAN called me after no word from him since he was KICKED OUT of Gold Walker's 205 South 4th Street, Apartment 2 -- a week or so ago. And of course he ACTUALLY called from MOOREHEAD CITY, North Carolina:

How did Agnes Moorehead KNOW that Chris Milliken's NOSE had been KICKED IN (or similar), but has FINALLY stopped BLEEDING???

We actually had a LONG phone call -- and I told him I CANNOT pick him up tonight (claiming I'm DRUNK -- only 1/3 true). And I told him since he BEGGED the guy not to kill HIM -- and he's left Chris's motel room (with a door-lock, I presume), to SLEEP IT OFF.

I agreed that Chris may call me tomorrow. I HOPE my phone battery doesn't go DEAD -- MErCY!!! 

My meeting Ethel Merman, Virgil Thomson, David Hockney, and Meryl Streep in 1981:

That time Meryl had to ACKNOWLEDGE that GOOSE-GAY Obama was a BETTER ACTRESS THAN SHE!!!

But Lady GAGA was NOT so KIND!!!


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