Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Slamming Criminals Where It Counts!!! (and these are not Republicans -- for once)

My apologies to those conscientious jurists who would take offense at the graphic on my earlier posting today -- unless, of course, it applies to you.


1. I was served "anti-stalking" papers by Cheryl Padezanin, wife of George Padezanin (both of 106 South 8th Street, ILM 08204) #11CV02734 in New Hanover County Court, NC. Claim is that I made "slanderous comments about (undeciferable) plaintiff and her husband of engaging in illegal activity." Well, that sure isn't specific -- and once again, I invite all whom I libel to charge me with a REAL crime. THE JUDGE DID NOT ACCEPT HER CLAIM, saying she did not b ack it up with evidence that was sufficient (might have caused her to admit the truth, I suppose. LOL!!!). So it is NOT in effect, nevertheless, we have a court hearing on 7/8/11 9:30 AM Room 302. I sure hope I remember to go!!!

2. I filed assault charges against some neighbors today, while in the courthouse. The magistrate did not allow me to have a copy and would not allow me to take the forms home to fill out (I had mentioned I could do that and copy them before turning them in. She got very huffy and said she might not let me file at all when I said the magistrate at the county jail had said I could do ALL OR THAT when I almost filed charges against someone else a couple of months ago. I still don't know why copies and take-it-home-and-fill-it-out are allowed by the jail-house magistrate but not the court house one. She even complained that I was distracting her from her lunch. I would have fired her if I'd have had the power -- maybe jailed her, if she misrepresented the law about copies or filling out paperwork at home.

3. A Wilmington Policeman in the Court House who overheard me telling a friend I ran into that I had just talked to the DEA about Ben & Jon David and delivered the evidence against them for narcotrafficking, and at the DEA's advice, spoke to detectives in the Sheriff's office and delivered evidence of Rackeeteering -- both investigations already taking a life of their own and interconnected, approached me, said he was not qualitfied to diagnose, but by law was allowed to declair I am schizoprenic, which he also said I deffinitely was and he probably would have to take me to treatment. I was beyond horrified as he also knew I was talking to DEA and Sheriff and it was too late to stop me. I explained that the jail shrink as well as psychologist and Norrth Carolina Solutions had all examined me and none found me to need drugs or talk therapy. This visibly angered him and he reached out as if to actually take me into custody. I lightened the mood by saying I was a published writer and I use words metaphorically -- like poetry -- while he uses them like provable fact. I apologized for upsetting him and we agreed we are cool with each other. Nevertheless, I turned after getting 20 feet away (and having lots of witnesses) and told him I will ROCK his world, infact I already had -- he just had not yet gotten the memo.

4. I gave several in the Sheriff's office rock-solid evidence of Racketeering by many (including the District Attourney Ben David), and made sure the Sheriff and DEA were together on the same page. Many of us will be partying tonight!!!!!!!!

5. Robbie Trahan was drinking, but given all the pressure around me, it is no surprise. I chanced on paramedics about to take him to the hospital and gave them all the info they needed to connect him with those who care and his background. He was clearly in abdominal pain, but I think less than last time. He was freaked by my coming on the scene, so I'll call him at the hospital later. I'm reserving judgement on him for now.

6. District Attourney Ben David's maybe/maybe not male lover, known as Lee off A.A. who is often drunk, first could not meet my eyes, but later tried to engage me in sale of cigarettes to him. If Robbie is stupid enough to hang with .Lee, that is not my problem, but i told Lee to take a Flying Fuck and NEVER speak to me again!!! Ditto Benjamin David.

7. And now I hope to go home and not be killed. I did get photos of my small wound and swelling bruise for evidence. The Magistrate and other officers were shocked that Wilmington Police did NOT offer to take pictures of my wound on scene -- ESPECIALLY since I had specifically asked them too. Also, they were supposed to have given me a case number, but even though they thought it serious enough for FOUR cop cars to arrive on scene the first time, they laughed at the idea of a case number of photographing evidence.

8.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That's me, getting the last laugh . . .

Scott D. Kenan

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