Friday, June 13, 2014

RP: Shep SMITH??? Of FOX NEWS???

RE-PRINTED from here

Shepard Smith

Fox News' Shep Smith bucked his network's conservative ideology by...
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How Fox News Shoved Shepard Smith Back Into The Closet

"Why hasn’t Shepard Smith come out yet? The affable Fox News anchor has a longtime boyfriend, ranks among Fox’s most senior talent, and lives in New York City. It could be, of course, that he’s just a very private person, or—as the Times argued in October—that public attitudes have changed and nobody cares if a famous figure is gay."

Shepard Smith’s Office Romance: A 26-Year-Old Fox Staffer

Twenty-six year old boyfriend is in plaid. I'd say Shep is LUCKY!!!

But at least Barack Obama has THIS (when in Chicago)!!!



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