Thursday, January 29, 2015

RP: At the Risk of "Too much; Too Fast", I Announce that the SO-CALLED "Last Judgement" Has ALREADY been COMPLETED!!!

RE-PRINTED from here


Tim Shaw

Sorry -- Jesus won't allow me to excuse those who persecute him.


On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Timothy Shaw <> wrote:

Hey Scott,
Hope you are well. I do have a favor to ask of you. Is it possible tom remove my email address from your list? I try to utilize my work email address for work purposes.
Thank you in advance for you attention to this and may God bless you.

On Jan 29, 2015, at 1:28 PM, Scott Kenan  wrote:

* * *

1. Wailing, Gnashing of Teeth:

Scott Kenan shared a link.
Just now ·

"Tell me why you are worthy of this life you have been given, Representative?" - Aaron Gardner,
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2. Collapse of Lucifer's "Christian Hatred Machines":

Scott Kenan shared a link.
1 hr ·

A small-town editor fired for his anti-gay commentary has launched a private news venture and is asking for $100,000. Guess how much he's received?
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  • Scott Kenan I'll break the tension. With almost no time left in his campaign, he's gotten only a little over $4,000 US!!!
    1 hr · Like


Affectionate dogs, Rome 2nd Century AD ... Antinous would have known of the ancient Asia Minor myth of the "haralez" ... the kindly spirits who take the form of dogs to lick the wounds of warriors on battlefields and guard them and guide them to safety. Even today, Armenians speak of the "perpetual lickers" who restore life to the dead. More at the Antinous the Gay God Blog:

Antinous teria sabido da antiga Ásia Menor mito do " haralez " ... os espíritos amados que tomam a forma de cães a lamber as feridas de guerreiros em campos de batalha e guardá-los e orientá-los para a segurança. Ainda hoje, os armênios falam dos " lambe perpétuas " que restaurar a vida aos mortos.

Antínoo se habría enterado del antiguo mito de Asia Menor del " haralez " ... los espíritus queridos que toman la forma de perros para lamer las heridas de los guerreros en campos de batalla y guardan ellos y guiarlos a la seguridad. Incluso hoy en día , los armenios hablan de los " lame perpetuos " que restauran la vida a los muertos .
Affectionate dogs, Rome 2nd Century AD ... Antinous would have known of the ancient Asia Minor myth of the "haralez" ... the kindly spirits who take the form of...
See More
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Scott Kenan shared a link.
2 hrs ·

Texas, where you may need to shoot someone at any moment...
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5. I get CLEAR with an asshole who pretends to be Progressive -- and is editor or publisher of a periodical based in Eastern North Carolina!!!

Some great Will Rogers wisdom from a long time ago. Interesting that it still applies today, eh?
Some great Will Rogers wisdom from a long time ago. Interesting that it still applies today, eh?
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  • Beth Powell likes this.
  • Kevin-Michael Wolfer We need a few more of him today. There are so fewwho knows who they are?
    1 hr · Like
  • Scott Kenan We who love and serve God know. If YOU don't know, then God must have judged you "Wanting"Sorry, I told you in my blog many times that the so-called "Last Judgement" would be over by now. You will get your assignment of what you must do, soon enough -- so pay attention (but not to me).
    1 hr · Like

The Pretribulation Rapture

 . . . is also a BOOK!!!

But if YOU DO feel like you are "rapturizin' whilest you simultaneously suffer non-sense from those passing as they go the other way claiming love of Jesus (or others)", then YOU TOO, -- unlike them, who were judged "Wanting", are God-Certified PARTY PEOPLE!!!

Like in this painting of Betty (Price) Kenan and "ants-in-pants" Frank Hawkins Kenan!!!

''Tis a pity -- but if you've understood my blogyou are having a party now.



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