Saturday, May 7, 2011

Roar Like a Lion; Bite like an Iguana

FIVE MINUTES AFTER SENDING THIS EMAIL, IT DISAPPEARED FROM MY SENT FOLDER AND IS NOT IN MY TRASH OR ANYWHERE ELSE THAT ICAN FIND ON MY COMPUTER. (When I went to post the update below, I found the missing email -- in my 'outbox', but already haven gotten several receipts, I did not resend it.)

UPDATE 7:49 PM: Cindy stopped by with a police officer, and they took the path by the garbage receptacle on the south side of the building so she could get some of her things. I explained that the landlord wants all out by dark on Tuesday, and the officer said Cindy is bringing a pick-up truck to get all, but that deadline would be fine.

THEN, one of the gay boys in the mulberry colored house next door, came out, and treating Cindy just like a Queen, toted what she had salvaged down the block for her and returned. It was the shorter guy with the little pot belly, the one I'd thought had been having all kinds of trysts during the day when his lover is at work -- so many hot guys stopped by the house. But maybe he's selling something (other than sex) -- who knows??? They certainly are always Quick!!! LOL.

>>> I'd wondered why those boys had been so cool to me. Now I know!!!

Hi Emily,

I am sitting here in a state of shock. I think we need to demand a Federal Investigation into the Wilmington Police Department and perhaps even the District Attorney. 

It is bad enough that I had made the error of inviting PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG (of the local landowning Sneeden family), and Cindy Beatty, his girlfriend and former radio personality, to stay in my house until they got returned their belongings from a landlord who had allegedly locked them out of their new apartment, that they were getting free in exchange for PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG's land-planning work, his job experience (not that he had one), having been in town planning in Oak Island and other local jurisdictions, usually for less than a year at each job, due to his vindictive, braggadocio mouth about a land-trust he is going to inherit as soon as his mother dies, which he seems to pray for. He unsuccessful sued his mother to take the trust out of her control, claiming she was incompetent. Now his family won’t speak to him.

Cindy sells her prescription drugs to get cash, so is in pain three weeks of the month when she runs out. Her friend Cathy 910-251-1335 confirms that Cindy behaves this way. Both of them convinced me they were really seeking jobs, so I allowed them to stay a little longer, but PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG kept moving the date forward of his ‘third interview’ with a marketing company repping DirecTV (now, like Fox News, my nemesis – both owned by Rupert Murdock), keeps moving forward, the latest being this coming Monday 4/9/11. Don’t believe it.

After I got fed up with them, and, because they had not paid me ONE CENT toward ANY household expenses – although they DID use their Food Stamp debit cards to buy some food that they shared with me – although less than I was buying CASH – and even used the EBT cards illegally to buy me some cigarettes and a 6-pack of beer at a small store near Covil and Market Street, once, I decided to demand they move.

I did that night before last, and told them to leave in the morning, despite the fact that they had already told me that having spent more than one night here (and because they had brought some clothes with them), they had a legal right to live here without paying rent! They claimed they were going to call the police on ME, and speak AGAIN to the D.A.!!!

In fact, a few days ago knowing things were coming to a head, I called the Wilmington Police to ask how to handle this, and was told to call the Sheriff. The Sheriff’s office told me it was a civil matter, and gave me the number for the Clerk of Superior Court. There, I was told I’d have to pay quite a lot of money to file papers and have a later hearing because they had stayed more than one night and had a change of clothes with them, and by that had established right of residence. I asked if mothers-in-law had used this trick to force their way into being supported by their children and spouses when they wanted to get vindictive. The woman on the phone then appeared flummoxed.

But as fate would have it, yesterday, when I had to call the cops when a giant man, hand raised with a heavy hammer began yelling and pounding on the door to the other apartment in this duplex shotgun building, the officer who showed up said that I could simply demand they leave (and laughed at what the Clerk of Courts had said), and he also said to speak with PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG's probation office (which I did) to give them a heads up. I texted them and left messages on Cindy’s friend Cathy’s answering machine, telling them what hours they could come pack their things. They did not come, text, or call during any of those hours yesterday or today, so I packed their things and put them out. The landlord came by a little while ago, and said the mess has to be out of the backyard by Tuesday, so I let them know that as well.

This same officer agreed with me that a lot of law enforcement in Wilmington does in fact (or appearance) protect narco-trafficking, primarily, but that the tide has turned, and the balance is now swinging back toward Justice. I SURE HOPE SO!!!

While packing, I found in their things – right out in the open – the following items:

1.       My book’s business card on which I’d written John Mann’s address. I last had seen it on my desk less than a week ago.
2.       A piece of paper listing all manner of things that my adversaries falsely accuse me of doing, with adjectives like “purposely false”, “annoying”, “harassing”, and “embarrassing” modifying unspecified (always unspecified – my adversaries believe if they can hit emotional adjectives without specifics, they can successfully prosecute or commit me) “statements” about them(PERSON JUDGE NOECKER GAG-ORDERED ME NOT TO MENTION IN MY BLOG and Cindy!!!), my former gonzo boss, and David Nash (whom I’ve actually been saying might not be guilty AT ALL of all the things John Mann told me!!!)
3.       A second piece of paper was with it with these words only: “Detective Robert Benton WPD, Computer Crimes Investigator 343-3674.” I presume area code 910.

Because they had said they were going to talk to the police AND THE D.A. about me AGAIN as they were leaving the house last time I saw them, I believe they have been WORKING UNDERCOVER for either the D.A. or the Wilmington Police Department!!! I DEMAND a Federal Investigation!!!!!

Please advise me Monday 4/9/11 if you can initiate this or if I will have to initiate it through my own contacts.

Many thanks!
Scott D. Kenan

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