Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The AUDACITY of a Distant Blood Relative

After reading this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/22/bank-of-america-warned-by_n_1107270.html , I posted this comment on HuffingtonPost.com:

Tommy Kenan (Thomas S. Kenan III): You quit playing with your boy-toy Christopher and mailing out charming DVDs of your aunts' Christmases here in Wilmington long enough to get this bank BACK ON TRACK!!!

I know it is owned primarily by your branch of the family's Charitable Trusts, but you have been playing long enough and need to get BUSINESSES in order!!! Your father, the late, great Frank Hawkins Kenan who just might have been the best thing to happen for Education, Business, and Liberty and Justice for ALL in North Carolina -- and probably far beyond -- must be rolling in his grave.

I told you before someone needs to fix Kenan Advantage Group: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/09/have-rich-kenans-gone-daft-or-are-they.html . You have not -- or not to MY knowledge. I've heard things have gotten worse . . .

Now, I don't know if Bank of America deserves all the bad press it gets or not, but whether it's Bank Reform or Better PR that's needed (probably both), SOMEONE needs to get on the stick!!!

Thank you,
DISTANT Cousin Scott

>>> SEE ALSO: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2011/09/kenan-family-in-north-carolina.html .


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