Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Training in the Art of Heterosexuality

Azalea Belles, mon Amor!!!


1. This morning, two Wilmington Police officers approached me on separate occasions to ask about the threats from "Spaghetti Joey" and Jerry (Robbie Trahan had been in attendance too, but only guilty by association), I reported in this blog yesterday (this is only slightly slower than the usual response to a call on the 911 system -- at least if you identify yourself as "Scott Kenan." In fairness, I must say I have not tried that in 6 weeks). I told them both that almost immediately after the incidents happened, three different homeless people who are powerful in the homeless community talked to Jerry and "Spaghetti Joey" and assured me I would never have a problem with either of them again.

As I told the officers: I am NOT interested in complicating anyone's legal life further (if they have caused me no real harm and no one else that I know of). I NEVER took it personally. Now, if they would just come visit me so we could kiss and make up. (JOKE, guys -- OK???)

>>> NOT A JOKE: One of the two (excepting Robbie who has pissed off all his real friends and must now drink with only the bottom of the barrel -- "Murdock" and Jerry) Jerry, failed to appear in Court today for a hearing and a bench warrant for his arrest was issued. "Spaghetti Joey" is actually all right -- he's just spent so much time in the bayous wrestling alligators and dodging water moccasins that he's awkward wooing a wooman.

2. Robbie Trahan is feeling dejected because I refused to end our conversation at lunchtime today, with anything other than that he's not emotionally old enough to be called an adolescent. This whole TOWN needs to stop enabling Robbie to kill himself in slow motion with alcohol. He's amusing, but now too sick to go on like this for much longer. He needs to be forced to face himself in the mirror and decide what HE is going to do -- NOT what you or I think would be best. We all have RIGHTS -- including Robbie.

3. Today's blog title has nothing to do with the posting except for the pictures, top AND bottom (I think).

4. Late yesterday afternoon, I heard James Sharpe tell another Mercy House resident that "Mercy House has become so obnoxious, I think I'll move over to The Good Shepherd." He continued: "I have a lot of connections there."

Well, if James Sharpe moves to his preferred place-of-connection, The Good/Evil Shepherd, the Worlds in Wilmington might FINALLY be completely separated. (See the Bible about the so-called End Times).


6. Oh yeah: City Elections today. Will be interesting to see if THAT means anything . . .

7. Below: MORE training in Heterosexuality. (I hope it all works out.)

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