Thursday, January 12, 2012

END OF NEW YORK TIMES (as even PRETENDING to be reporting actual NEWS)!!!!


>>> FROM MY FACEBOOK PAGE (if not yet deleted there):!/profile.php?id=1111771878 .

>>> PREFACE: This past fall, Lee Gosney (who is VERY WELL KNOWN in Wilmington, NC drug circles as the TOP GO BETWEEN BETWEEN PENTAGON PUBLISHING DRUG-SMUGGLING OPERATIONS AND DISTRICT ATTORNEYS BEN AND JOHN DAVID (while pretending to be a Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counselor, both of which he's certified for and DOES national speaking tours -- or did until he became terminally ill with inoperable cancer).

I am in possession of emails from Lee, whom I knew well during the time (1992 - 2010 when in January of 2010, Patrick Stansbury, owner of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. fired me in a series of email exchange because he knew I knew too much and was likely going to "rat" on him -- also cheating me out of $38,000.00, although I WAS eventually able to get 10% ONLY of that nearly a year ago).

These emails include Lee Gosney's ADMITTING he performed this function -- as well as that Republican Congressman John Linder of Georgia was involved to the MAX. I am ETERNALLY GRATEFUL to Lee for his admission of these activities -- and in fact believe Lee is heroic for, even though almost on his deathbed -- I believe he is still alive -- he came clean and MIGHT have produced the link that will bring down the entire Republican Party as we know it today: THE ULTIMATE TRAITORS TO THE US CONSTITUTION.

>>> This information about Patrick Stansbury's DRUG OPERATION was also confirmed by Geraldine (Gerry) Flynn and her husband Joel Miller who were also in sales at PPI. They live (or lived) on Raleigh Way (St? Rd?) in Bethlehem, GA. Also by TOP salesman Michael Massicott who lives in his father-in-law's home in North Atlanta inside the Perimeter. It was Gerry Flynn who told me MANY times that I HAD NO IDEA HOW HUGE THIS OPERATION WAS AND THAT I WAS MARKED TO BE KILLED.

To find more about my fights with Pentagon Publishing, dig in the index of this blog from 1/1/10 - today. To see more about my difficulties with Mexican top drug lords -- including many who worked with Carlos Slim (I mistakenly call him the former PRI Party President of Mexico many places back then) during my Mexican adventure, visits beginning February 2010, and then after my move there about June 1, 2010 until my return to the US mid-December 2010.
* * *

>>> NOW, What I posted on FACEBOOK and its source on Please know that any odd formatting and font/character deformation is due to hacking of this computer that is going on NOW. As I posted this in, many letters are competely deformed, but MIGHT, in the postinig process, be corrected by Blogger:

Scott Kenan

Well, if anyone has wondered if the United States of America has a FREE PRESS (no, A-holes, I do NOT mean you don't have to BUY it!!!), this shows what has accelerated since Carlos Slim -- the wealthiest man in the world (a Mexican, he controls about 85% of landline and cell phone service there) bought a large chunk of The NYTimes AND ALSO BOUGHT HUGE AMOUNTS OF THEIR DEBT. Now he controls their content to promote Republican¬s.

Mr. Slim is reputed to control one of the largest illegal drug operations in Mexico. When I lived in Mexico for six months hiding from violent agents of the GA Republican Congressma¬n John Linder illegal drug operation that uses US Air Force planes to bring drugs into Maxwell AFB.

Some years ago, the son of the general in charge of the Air War College then shipped the drugs to my former boss, Mr. Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing¬, Inc. in Snellville¬, GA. I worked LEGITIMATE¬LY selling ad space in yearbooks and alumni magazines for all the US Service Academies, War Colleges, and Maritime Academies -- what Patrick hid the illegal running of this operation behind. In the 1990s, we had lunch each Friday at BLUE RIBBON GRILL in Tucker, GA, where I saw thick envelopes of cash pass between Patrick and Cong. Linder.

Index to subjects is below link to my Tennessee Williams memoir: .

>>> New York Times Public Editor Asks Readers To Weigh In On Whether Or Not Reporters Should Attempt Some Sort Of 'Reporting' [UPDATE] See: .

In a game-changing move that could have a far-reaching impact on the way journalism is practiced in America, New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane is asking Times readers if they'd like the paper's reporters to, you know, do some "reporting" or something. Because why not, right? I’m looking for reader input on whether and when New York Times news reporters should challenge “facts” that are asserted by newsmak . . .

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