Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pure White Hate (people, greed, and powder)

"Police departments around the country are relaxing age and fitness standards, forgiving minor criminal convictions and easing other requirements to relieve shortages in their ranks and find officers who are wiser, more worldly and cooler-headed in a crisis. At 56, Laurence Egerton, is a rookie with the police department in Wilmington, N.C" See more here: .

Read to bottom to understand!!!

>>> Larry Edgerton's resume from here from Linked-In. The PERFECT resume for the DRUG-CONNNECTED!!!:

Laurence C. Egerton's Overview (From here: )
  • Police Officer I at Wilmington NC Police Department
  • Homeowner at Century 21
  • VP/partner at Meineke of Stamford, Inc.
  • Eastern Regional Manager at Meineke Corporate
  • Field Counselor,Sales Manager,Support Services Manager at 7-Eleven Stores
  • Route Manager and Salesman at Star Uniform Company
  • Economic Development and Education Coordinator at The Urban League
  • Automotive Mechanic at various
  • 2004 - Connecticut State Emissions Certification & Testing State of CT
  • New Jersey Real Estate License Bergen Community College
  • William Paterson University of New Jersey
  • Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • Ramapo College of New Jersey
  • General Equivalency Diploma Passaic Community College
2 people have recommended Laurence C.
81 connections

Laurence C. Egerton's Summary

Big Business, small business experience.
3 years of social work and in 5th year of law enforcement career.


Franchising, customer liaison, business financing and projections.

* * *


Interesting -- mostly because THAT was my first thought, but not the detective part -- he's retired and having met him, I'd guess that seeing the writing on the wall, he's grabbed whatever he was underground compensated and LEFT DODGE. He is NOT a stupid person.

Actually, very few of them are, except the street-people foot soldiers (like James Lester, usually referred to in the blog as James "Whitehead" (for hair color) "Licker" (for Lester). In his position as city cyber-detective, Larry Egerton had NO CHOICE but to do whatever he could to oppose me, but I would bet my bottom dollar (which, I guess would actually be yours -- LOL!!!, not LOLLED in reduced-value-to-me) that I gained his respect and now that his pretence has collapsed with the turning in of his badge, he SEES THE WRITING ON THE WALL, and has pulled stakes and LEFT DODGE!!! (or at least dissociated himself).

I need to clarify in that last blog post that James Lester = James "Whitehead" "Licker". When I look at all the breakdowns in Google statistics, I am OVERWHELMED by the intelligence of WHICH blog posts are being hit -- ALL THE REAL MEATY ONES -- and after the few most recent, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT IS RECENT, and ALL to do with what is MOST DAMNING to Republicans, and THE THEFT OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' ESTATE (also), praise Jesus!!!

And speaking of Dear Ol' Jesus, there is an up-tick of people finding my site by googling "Beunos Dias Senor Jesus." How that leads to my blog is a complete mystery to me!!! I haven't blogged recently about how over my entire adult life, at several times people have walked up out of the blue just to tell me that I must always remember I AM NOT JESUS -- NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE WILL EVENTUALLY SAY ABOUT ME. LOL!!!

That is the single most ABSURD idea I have ever heard of. That said, I DO feel quite close to Yeshua-the-Jew -- as if he were my close-aged brother and we grew up close together. He's a TOTALLY cool guy, and I can tell you as an ABSOLUTE FACT that he's tried every manner of spiritual ear plugs to drown out those literally self-damning Christians who think he's their Savior. He TOLD them to save themselves and THEY REFUSE TO GROW UP!!!

He thinks his pal Muhammad did a better job of it (keeping the correct title of Prophet), but knowing almost NOTHING about Muslim scriptures and trusting almost NOTHING I read or hear about Muslims in America, I have no opinion on that. But I DO know that if you don't count how they clothe their women and keep them seeming to be an underclass, they are some of the nicest people I've ever met.

What on earth were we discussing -- oh! THE PERSON I AM UNCONSTITUTIONALLY CONSTRAINED BY JUDGE NOECKER TO NOT MENTION BY NAME IN THIS BLOG. He as at least two Masters degrees and is COMPLETELY OBSESSED with inheriting a land trust. You see, his forebears, the Sneedens, owned the three now-most luxuriously developed barrier islands here: Figure 8 (you can't get on without going through a gate -- and it's were Tommy, his step-mother Betty, her daughter Betty, Sterling (Jr. or "Squirty", I'm not sure which --maybe BOTH -- imagine having a mother whom all the Society Dames address as "Squirty"!!! -- especially if no one tells you definitively which orifice or valve it was that suffered the runaway squirts!!!), and another Kenan all have VERY serious homes -- and its a very long island).

Also Wrightsville Beach Island (named for the Wrights who apparently had the sense to buy it for super cheap from the Sneedens (but then Wright is this numbskull's middle name -- I think I can say that since he doesn't use it -- so no telling). Southerner are ALL incestuous by nature, ESPECIALLY the Kenans. LOL!!! And one other island, but they sold early and for about as much as the "Indians" sold Manhattan.

They DO own a large track near Leland on the other side of the river. Until about 12 years ago, Leland was nothing more than a swampy crossroads, now it's ENORMOUS -- all big-box McMansions and McMansion-ettes (but better built since EVERYTHING is higher quality here than in the North, in my experience). He's salivating and a few years ago, UNSUCCESSFULLY SUED his quite competent mother who controls the land trust for control, claiming she's incompetent. This alienated his ENTIRE family, because of his UNBRIDLED GREED and his continuing inability to keep a professional job.

I've heard MANY rumors that his family is setting it all up so that he gets NOTHING when his Mom dies. That's why he's so desperate and works for the lying Ben David who promises him things he'll never deliver, but this jerk is too blinded by his GREED and his FEAR OF HAVING TO MAKE MONEY ON HIS OWN.

Sad, but true. I actually SALUTE Ben David for punking such a stupid chump. He's deserved EVERY BIT OF IT. I'm just glad that Cindy Beatty FINALLY wised up and left him. Cindy really DOES have a sweet nature.

But James Lester is the STUPIDEST OF THE STUPID. He acts like his wife is something worth associating with, and even those only a hair smarter agree that she's the ugliest, fat, ignorant, unpleasant PIG they ever met. Well, we all get our just desserts, I guess . . .


>>> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 8:26 PM, a Reader wrote:


They've already scored once. . .


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